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originally posted in: What is your Character(s) Bio?
10/9/2015 4:03:56 PM
Name: PC Guardian Race: Idk I don't see race Class: See above Gender: I think it's wrong to label someone as "male" or "female" people should be able to decide their gender no matter what they were born like. Level: Levels are numbers and if my level is higher then someone else's then I'm oppressing them and I ain't with that bruh Light Level: See above Favorite Sub-class: I love every subclass the same because I'm all about equality... Except those Sunsinger Warlocks gonna go check their privilege acting like they're better then death. Favorite Weapon: Knowledge bruh I conform peoples views to my own with knowledge not my fists. Favorite Armor Piece: My UC Berkeley tank top bruh Favorite Faction:FWC they're the only faction that has a women in charge like what ip dead orbit what up New Monarchy is a women in power threatening to you like take your ideas back to 2016 when they arrested Hilary Clinton for trying to be the first female president. Yeah I know she leaked classified documents and lied about it doesn't matter bro we would've won this war centuries ago if they would've let Hilary become president. Most Hated Enemy: Anyone that says... [spoiler]That Caitlyn Jenner isn't a hero[/spoiler] Favorite Raid: The raid we did on those Sandy Hook elementary kids sure showed those little sexists and racists what's up. Spark of Light used?: of course not bruh I'm a day 1 PC Guardian Personality: Fratboy that never grew up Quick Bio: I'm here to check your privilege bruh.

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