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10/5/2015 2:21:25 AM

It doesn't matter to me how long I spend getting items. It's not the gear I play for, it's the experience, I find a great group and have a blast playing the game. It doesn't feel like a grind anymore. It seems to men that there are treating this game like any other FPS. When in reality even Bungle didn't know what to make of the game. The biggest mistake I feel Bungie made was increasing the level with the first two "DLC". Instead they should have had us level sideways, given us more missions, more guns, and just put in the new leveling system in with TTK. Being able to ascend your gear was the worst idea, it gave players a sense of entitlement. It made them feel like the developers would bend to their will. And now that it's no longer available, people are up in arms about it. Games are meant to be played because toy enjoy playing them. If it becomes a chore, then you're not having fun anymore. I would reccomend playing something else , and come back it the mood strikes you.

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