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10/4/2015 5:40:14 AM
Thanks, boss. Love the analogy. ^_^

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  • It's not, it's a fail. Read my response.

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  • Then I'll use it then. =P [b]I want Pizza, you want a Hamburger. Cool! My solution- I order Pizza, you get a Burger, we both enjoy our food. Simple. Your solution- YOU think Burgers taste better, so you think Pizza should be removed from the menu.[/b] What's your response now?

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  • Again, you don't have the game. Try the new perks. You may like them. There are some real cool perks in the game and I have not seen a dps falloff. Look at my grimoire, my hours played and also know I have been here since beta. I only say that because it's not an uninformed opinion. That said, I only said I believe what they did was good. It forced us to try the new game and the new game is fun. The new weapons are so very different from the old. It's too numerous to describe. Like many games as you get new and better gear as you progress. I don't see what they did as unusual, I actually see what you guys are asking for as unusual. It's not the norm in a game. To conclude, get the game, play it and then you will have an informed opinion. I'm sorry, but that is an honest response. You still have not tried the hamburger.

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  • I have the game. On the PS4. I already proved that when I showed you my profile. There, how's that for short and concise?

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  • I want to add this one more, to me , reasonable point. They seemed to have followed through on their promise to eliminate bullet sponge bosses. We no longer need a gally to blast these guys. I've done the all the raids and see this. I can take down the war priest in 3 attack runs. I can take down the ogre in a few minutes. We took out oryx in just 3 runs. It does compensate for the loss of gally, the only gun I used to miss.

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  • Your profile is linked to Xbox. Now I will take you seriously. Seriously, I like the new weapons, the new perks, and the new game. I'm still happy they forced me out of my comfort zone. It's been fun.

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  • My PSN Account isn't linked to my Xbox Profile, what are you smoking? And to be perfectly honest, I don't care about your comfort zone. I don't care about what YOU like. And at this point, with all the stupid beating around the bush and arguing to argument's sake you've been doing and just your general behavior? I could care even less about you. =/

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  • I have never once beaten around the bush. You ask. I answer why would you care about a stranger on a forum? Am I doing this wrong?

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  • I'm not lying guy! I hit authors profile I get that you are Xbox with 3 level 34s.

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  • Hey; I'm here to help! XD

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  • You didn't. At all. It's an uninformed answer and you claimed i don't know what an opinion is, when I had "I believe" in the sentence. He is only agreeing with you because you are on his side.

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  • I'm agreeing with him because he's making sense. And you're starting to sound less and less like an adult the longer you keep this up. For someone who commented JUST to say they disagree with me, you are really trying hard as if your life depends on it. Who are you trying to convince, me or you?

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  • Neither. And his point was wrong as was yours. You're just myopically focused on being right. You wanted weapon perks like chain lightening and armor, I pointed out the guns with them. You Blew it off. You wanted customizable armor. I pointed out armor is customizable. You blew it off. You're fanboy said I don't know what an opinion is when my lead paragraph contained I believe. You blew it off. He then made a very poor analogy, because it was actually an argument against him. I have tried both the new and old weapons and said I like new. You are both level 34, implying you have not tried, or given an honest effort to try, the new weapons. You are then insisting the new weapons are inferior without trying them. Do you not see that I have had a legitimate retort and you're argument is weak? If I manage to have an accurate retort you can't just respond "whatever you're wrong." You asked, I had legitimate answers.

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  • ...Get over yourself, dude. =/ I didn't ask you anything. You made some lame response to my post and then started acting all high and mighty. Since this started, you have done nothing but tell me that I'm wrong, consistently, JUST BECAUSE I have a differing opinion on the new weapons and armor. You have shown utter arrogance with your belief that the only possible way anyone would be disagreeing with you is because they just haven't played TTK. Meanwhile, I've told you, relentlessly, that despite having played TTK my opinions remains the same and you just haven't been able to wrap your mind around that, so you started being MORE disrespectful by labeling me as just some hater to justify continuing to say I'm wrong. You are the absolute worse kind of person, and if you actually are in some kind of position of power in real life? Then really, if I were your boss I would fire you. I feel sorry for anyone who has you for a supervisor. I am going to give you one last attempt to redeem yourself. Give whatever response you want. If it fails to change my opinion of you, then you can take my silence to mean I will no longer be speaking to you. You know what Mute does on here? Makes all the posts and comments of someone straight up vanish entirely. As if they just cease to exist. Its actually quite a lovely feature.

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