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9/30/2015 3:12:06 PM
The endgame content are the two raids. You wouldn't get access to ttk endgame.

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  • Btw Christmas noobs don't have a right to voice an opinion

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  • Nah. Just got my posts mixed up. I wish you were right about the Christmas noob thing tho. Just further supporting that you make specific assumptions when your completely ignorant on the topic. Sad to say I played the beta and all of year 1. I just never played tdb. So you can suck on a pair of salty balls. But I thought you muted me? You should use this time to do so now.

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  • Edited by Lytri: 9/30/2015 3:26:57 PM
    Please re-read the opening post. No one is asking for access to TTK endgame. People would like returned what they removed, it has nothing to do with [i]any[/i] content included in TTK DLC at all.

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  • So you would like a heroic, daily, nightfall, and weekly for vanilla, tdb, and house of wolves expansions separately. Cuz if you do it for one you must do it for all. After all, vanilla players deserve equal treatment too right? Even though they didn't buy an expansion for a year. Just sounds dumb to me. Keep up with the game or don't. Why reward players who don't continue to support their franchise?

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  • Did I ask for that? No, which is why I referred you to the opening post. What I would like is for them to restore (at least a selection of) the vanguard strike playlists and the heroic modifiers on the original story missions which they have removed. This is year one endgame content which is completely unrelated to TTK content and will not effect in anyway those with TTK and their experience. The nightfall is the one thing that makes sense to be locked out of since it's always at the level cap. The discontent towards the daily and weekly is due to the fact that they have always rotated previously, since they've never been permanently locked out I can understand why people have been taking issue with these. No one is asking for a separate set of them, and no, just because you do one you don't need all. A little goes a long way, and even Gamespot approached Bungie to ask why they weren't rotating anymore and whether this would be addressed. I know some have said why isn't there a 34 nightfall but no one is demanding a duplicate set as you suggest. Personally I think it would be sensible if they continued their old rotating formula, but that's just my opinion. Every player has already contributed to the franchise by buying the game and no one is obligated to buy an expansion. Key word is 'expansion'. It makes the game bigger, not smaller, you should not get cut off when you don't buy it. It's not about 'keeping up' as TTK is not a sequel, it should always have just been an extra.

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  • I still don't get it. Who would even play strikes when the drops are useless in year 1 content? It's stupid . Your arguing over nothing.

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  • Who would wanna play strikes that are level 20??? Anyone who owns the original game is at least at level 34 so why would anyone want to play anything at level 20 especially since for the whole first year none of those strikes were at level 20 they were all higher??? Dumbass

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  • For drops? Wouldn't it be easier to do a 20 strike than a 36? If the cloak drops at a 20 I'd much rather do those. You ignorant piece of shit

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  • No one playing year one strikes for the past year is doing it for drops, especially with so many options available to get year one loot, they are doing it for fun, many of the people who didn't but taken king but still play enjoyed burn modifiers and more than one difficulty, The fact that you can have no other difficulty other than 20 is ridiculous. It's even more ludicrous that you think that is the only reason people play, especially since year one gear was all nerfed to one base level.

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  • Are you mentally retarded? Or just dense as hell? Let me spell it out for your high school dropout IQ. IF I CAN DO A LEVEL 20 STRIKE AND GET YEAR 2 LOOT THEN IM GOING TO DO IT. I can run two level twenty strikes in the time I can run a 36! If the strike was redesigned for taken King then it's not a dumb question to ask if the drops are included for the same strike at level 20. I'm not talking about the strike playlist. From orbit you can only play dust palace at level 20. So thank you for reassuring everyone who read your stupid post, that you are indeed a RETARD. Good -blam!-ing day sir.

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  • What you said literally had nothing to do with what I'm talking about, you seem to be only talking about yourself, I am talking about everyone that did not buy the taking king, you're reading comprehension skills are at 6 grade level. Even the insult you make are childish nothing you do or say matters anymore your opinion is irrelevant, muted. By the way I don't know if you've noticed the other replies to your messages but everyone else thinks you're an idiot as well my comments don't even need to be said everyone else just did it for me.

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  • Edited by Lytri: 9/30/2015 4:36:59 PM
    You do realise it's not all about drops, right? Sometimes people play to actually enjoy what they're doing. A revolutionary concept, I know. Year one gear is not entirely useless for everyone, it still holds relevance to those that don't have TTK and is important in the crucible regardless of whether you have the DLC or not.

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  • No dude your an apologist lol. Arguing for the sake of arguing. Literally Your saying that these same strikes that everyone cried about for literally a full year, should be kept in game. In essence these bullet sponge, boring, and robotic strikes that everyone BlTCHED about are now being desired back in the game????? Dude shut UP!!!!! If you really want to play the game, then the story is wide -blam!-ing open for you. You can literally play the story till you die of idiocy. You can even still buy year one exotics from xur!!! Just because your weekly strikes (OF WHICH STILL EXIST IN THE PLAYLIST) have been altered because you want to play an old game. Best part is. You literally probably don't even play destiny regularly. So why the hell are you posting a forum for which you don't participate?? And if you do! Then buy taken King?! Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?! You hold the answer to your own problem but refuse to solve it.

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  • Just watch this. Reply when you realize how many brain cells this community just lost by merely being in the vicinity of your comment.

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  • I don't really care dude. There's two ways to look at the situation. 1) accepting that the game is something that brings you joy. And nothing else matters 2) plaguing yourself with bungies problems as a direct insult to yourself. So whatever.

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  • Edited by Cmdr Shadow43: 10/5/2015 2:39:09 AM
    No, I dislike Bungie just as much as you, but your malapropism (look it up, you likely don't know what it means) proves that you don't really know what you're talking about, and makes me sad that we can't have a purely intellectual debate, not a war of insults. P.S. You didn't do what I said and think about the brain cells you killed. I would do that before you comment again.

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  • That word: apologist. I am not sure you understand the definition of it, or are you perhaps using it ironically?

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