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9/28/2015 9:39:17 PM
Somehow I don't think BurningAshMan, (the OP of the post you linked to), is an official Bungie representative. Notice the lack of people agreeing with him. Also, Nov last year I don't see any patch notes mentioning a nerf. A stealth nerf? Bungie makes it a point to over communicate every single little change. Take the recent exotic drop rate on the 3 of coins for example. Yet your telling me that a company who has been running FPS for probably as long as you have been playing them, ninja nerfed an entire subclass and the internet didn't explode? You saw the outrage when Gally got nerfed, yet somehow Bungie escaped the wrath of a full one third, (at least), of its' population. Don't see any youtube videos showing before and after's. No comparisons in how many bullets from an auto rifle one could take before and after, (auto's were the meta standard back then after all). Nothing. Nada. Is this the proof you have to offer? One guy's ranting, un-popular, forum post? Forgive my skepticism. Remember that one time that Titans got nerfed like 6 times? It happened.

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