originally posted in:Destiny Riddlers
[quote]I'll skip the formalities this time. Have at it!
Who/What am I?
I am seen but thrice; or perhaps only twice. Either way, it is enough. When I appear, death follows close behind, swooping in on tarnished wings. But I do not determine my fate; he chooses when I shall appear. Or perhaps it is not him, but the other. The first a teacher, the second a student; the first kindling, the second a roaring fire. Who will have the final say? I shall determine. For if there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?
[b]Hint 1[/b]: One. A motion, rapid as a lightning bolt. Two. Cracks and cuts, rings and echoes, one falling. Three. Rage, channeled through the sword. Four. Now you are in control[/quote]
Gorgon,Crota or Alak Hul?
[quote]None[/quote] Damn it. Clever riddle though. Anyone find out what it is?
[quote]Nope[/quote] Wow. Your really good at your job then. IS IT ORYX?