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originally posted in: Bungie is TAKING our money away.
9/24/2015 5:42:37 AM
[quote]Comparing this game to COD in any way is completely ridiculous. Whether it be length of the campaign or how they operate when it comes to dlc. This is not COD. [/quote] No it isn't, it is a fantastic example of players paying for stuff in the game that others do not but everyone still getting what they pay for and whilst we are at it, at least people can still play those games even if they bought MW2, it is all still there. What is ridiculous though is your landlord comparison because what your landlord would not do is remove the roof of the house/flat if you didn't agree to a rent increase, he wouldn't do that would he? He wouldn't say, "Okay, well whilst you sit out the final month(s) of you tenancy I'm going to remove the roof unless you pay more now." So before you start chucking words like ridiculous about check you have not said anything that could be construed as that. [quote]But this is a different kind of game than what most people are used to.[/quote] This is an excuse for BungieVision not a reason,

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