Anybody see the new Nerf Shadowshot? It's supposed to release around Christmas and looks awesome!
Nerf or nothing
These threads are so predictable. If this was 2014 I might have smiled.
Lol will it make me fall off the edge of the earth every time I want to shoot it?
B8-O-Meter ___ | | Masterb8 | | How many fish are you trying to catch? | | | | That's a lot of b8 | | | | Definitely b8 | | | | B8 | | | | Probably b8 | | | | might be b8 | | |█| Unlikely b8 |█| |█| Probably not b8 |█| |█| Not b8
HAHAHAHAHA [spoiler]noice beight [/spoiler]
Edited by ThePinkDucks: 9/25/2015 1:42:55 PMOh u Mother Fu cker I HAD TO READ THAT TWICE
Shut up.
Edited by Dyldo-_-Baggins: 10/7/2015 2:18:13 AM
Pls nerf Kranlicks Prome. 2op3me
Noice b8 m8 [spoiler]Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. I will reincarn8 this with a sp8 of underst8ed 8's, with a verbal est8 like Bill G8s’ and the w8 of Y8s. I won't pr8 but dict8 at a gr8 r8, sk8 through these str8's with a str8 g8. Nor will I ab8; I'll actu8 my mental sl8 and titil8 like a w8er with a pl8 of light-w8 parf8. I conjug8 words like fr8's on interst8 88, so complic8ed that you can't replic8 verb8im. In fact, just to rel8, you’d have to demodl8 them. As I escal8 the st8 of my ability to articul8, I desecr8 my overr8ed m8s, who I recrimin8 as regurgit8ing cheapsk8s who deserve to be incarcer8ed. I’m au f8, these skills are in8; my phrases self-replic8. They procre8 and propag8 faster than a scandal the likes of Waterg8, or the use of force in a police st8. Contrarily, my rhymes el8, like a cr8 of orn8 jewels, obl8 cabochons and gold-pl8 that dial8 your pupils and make you prostr8 or at least remuner8. If my riffs had ships like Sir Francis Drake, they’d circumnavig8.[/spoiler]
Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Took me awhile to get... Gosh dangit.
God damnit
Nope. Nerf logic: Little pistol shoots 100 feet, massive sniper shoots under 50 feet.
Just posted this in #destiny. Of you can reply I will take a pic of any butthurt 4 year olds.
HELLO YOU HAVE BEEN SPOTTED BY THE WILD BILBO WHAT DO YOU DO 1:run 2:hide 3:attack Thank you for choosing one :)
>expected Nerf Gun b8 >thread is actually Nerd Gun b8 >not disappointed
Should've posted this in #Destiny for more butthurt
*shadow hawk But the mistake is understandable as one would think that a sniper should be called something along the lines of a shadow shot. As long as you understand and make the correction, all will be forgiven.
I want one!
Nerf has revolvers, so that's some thing to be happy about.