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9/22/2015 3:16:14 PM

What have I missed, haven't played since TDB

So I haven't played since the dark below I have house of wolves installed and plan on buying the taken King for Xbox one I had a lot going on and couldn't play since February and my xbox one took a dump on me it's being sent back and fixed but when I get it back i do intend to start playing again I still have a 32 hunter 32 warlock and almost every exotic from year one so anybody that's willing to help do not sugarcoat or talk down about what I missed but I need to play catch up any help is needed YouTube is not that helpful and I do not feel like digging through all the forums. So please any tips or suggestions for the main things I should focus on when I start playing again. Obviously I will do the story missions first as that most likely is my best chance to level up quickly but once that is finished I know I need to know where to start. Strikes? What gear should I update and what exotics from year 1 are useless to me now please I'm open to any suggestions. Even if it is not related to me leveling up just things I missed in general that I should look up or know about
#Destiny #CatchUp

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