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9/21/2015 8:40:36 PM

Planetary Material Exchange

Yes, sign me up!


No, go sell your goods elsewhere!


I don't care, my will is not my own.


If you're like me, you have a vast collection of Planetary materials— enough to be considered a hoarder. I would like to turn over a new leaf and become a Planetary material merchant! Earning reputation with the various factions at a reasonable rate. I generously offer 20 Planetary materials in exchange +25 reputation gain. [b]Here are a few questions I'd like feedback on:[/b] [quote] [i]Is 20 Planetary materials worth +25 reputation? Should it be less? Should Wormspore be worth more than Spinmetal, Relic Iron, Spirit Bloom and Helium Filaments? What else would you like to exchange your Planetary materials for? Should we receive a special emblem or shader for continued donations? If so, how much will we need to donate to receive these items? Maybe an achievement unlock would be more appropriate? Should we earn more reputation for Ammo Synthesis donations? If so, how much reputation should we earn?[/i] [/quote] [spoiler][b][i]Bonus question![/i][/b] [b]What planetary material do you have the most?[/b] [i]I personally have more Spinmetal than I know what to do with.[/i] [/spoiler] [b][i]Let me know your thoughts on this idea![/i][/b]

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