Except it is? Not trying to be a dick, but you should main something other than a Titan, and then give me an opinion..
I agree with him, but main a warlock. What now?
I have. I think hammers is my favorite. Not because its OP more then other offense supers but because i have more control with it. I can do more damage because its effective and accurate. Yet i can still die just as easy as a warlocks sunsinger if not faster. I think people belive its OP because its probably the highest targeted subclass. PvP is PVP. I think its almost impossible to have a perfwct balance for everything in pvp.
I use all three and I have to say that the titan hammer is super good but not op. Titans don't have a move like blade dance or gg that can get multiple kills in succession. If anything, the new warlock subclass is amazing for close quarters and the Hunter set up right can screw a while team up. Its not about nerfing its about adapting. I've killed solar titans just fine with my warlock. If I see a bunch of solar titans on the other team I'll run voidwalker since nova bomb is a insta kill on them. Hunters can knock them out of their super too. Its about time titans had the lime light. Hunters have had it for to long and I love my Hunter.