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9/18/2015 4:31:24 AM
I see what you're saying, you actually prove a very valid argument, let me counter that with one just as viable. You're argument is, it is okay for bungie to take out content you already paid for to make you buy new DLC's to re-unlock that content. You have not said whether you are for or against this cause. But for the people who can't buy TTK for whatever reason... Do you see where they are coming from? Do you see in the slightest why they would be ticked of because they have to spend [i]another[/i] 40$ ontop of the 100 they already have? (Vanilla + 2 DLC's) Personally i dont think it should be allowed, just my own opinion. I understand that we agreed to the Eula and bungie has every right to do this. That being said, say one of my friends constantly disrespects his parents (of course there would be consequences but lets nevermind that) should he do it? No. Is he physically able to do it? Yes. TL:DR bungie has every right to do what they are doing, we agreed to the Eula and thats that. That being said, it is unfair to others that they have to spend yet another 40$ ontop of the 100$ they already spent just to reclaim their old content

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