no, it is entirely true. what part of "stop paying = stop watching" do you not understand.
Sorry scummy, you don't pay for memories. And OP was making a joke anyway. Everybody needs to lighten up some, damn.
i never said anyone paid for memories, dipshit. OP was just trying to be satirical but failed miserably, there is no joke[spoiler]go be a fûcktard in a different thread [/spoiler]
Man, you got a serious problem. Good luck with the ninja's!
lol still waiting for the fun
Sorry kid, the Weekly Heroic and Nightfall are completely different from what they were in Year 1, Nightfall is a random rotation of year 2 strikes. Heroic is the same.
wtf r u even talking about
I'm saying that the Weekly Heroic and Nightfall from Year 1 are no more.