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Edited by X DeHaan Solo X: 9/18/2015 10:07:43 AM

I Stopped Paying for Netflix and Now I Can't Watch Movies, RIPOFF!

So I've paid for Netflix for an entire year! I've invested so much time into Orange is the New Black and House of Cards, I even grinded every episode of Friends last month! Now, I log in today and all of it is gone! I can't even watch movies that I have been able to watch for a full year! I don't get it. I've been a loyal customer for a year, and just because I stopped paying, I get locked out of content. Well I wont be giving them my business anymore, scammers.[spoiler]Do you get it now?[/spoiler] EDIT 1: I seem to be getting a lot of similar replies, usually directed at claiming Destiny is not a "subscription" service and that we the players "own" the game. I'm sorry boys and girls, we do not own anything. We paid for a liscence to access Destiny's content; content which is subject to change or even be removed for those who don't update their liscence. This was all outlined in the EULA you blindly accepted a year ago. EDIT 2: "LIMITED USE LICENSE: Bungie grants you the non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, limited right and license to install and use one copy of this Program solely for your non-commercial use. All rights not specifically granted are reserved by Bungie. The Program is licensed, not sold, for your use. Your license confers no title or ownership in this Program, and should not be construed as a sale of any rights in this Program." EDIT 3: Jesus this is still going, this is fantastic. It looks like the verdict is roughly about 50/50 on people agreeing with me, or calling me some derivative of the word retard. To each their own I guess. I'd hope you guys get this worked up when Norton Antivirus tries to charge you for updates, and then removes features when you don't pay. Because, you know, you bought a disk, so you're clearly entitled.

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  • This is a retarded analogy

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    1 Reply
    • [quote][quote]Luke Smith here guys, just wanted to comment and say hope you all are enjoying all of our new enemies and patrols on this dlc, we have blue Knights , green looking Knights and we even brought back our plain Knights,so good hunting guardians and most importantly throw me tha money[/quote][/quote]

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    • Not even close to the same thing. It would be like Netflix telling you that they are offering a better service for an additional 5 dollars a month. They tell you ahead of time that you'll still be able to watch the old movies on there, but any new movies would be strictly for those who pay for the premium service. Then, when you load netflix, you find out that you can't watch ANY movie on netflix except Gigli unless you pay for the premium service....

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      3 Replies
      • ..."liscence"?

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      • to a certain extent I agree with you how ever when you pay for Netflix you are paying to watch for that amount of time when me and pretty much evry one els bought destiny vanilla destiny to be precise it came with night fall and weekly heroic unlike Netflix we paid for destiny to keep all the content we had we bought it not rented it so if you don't want to give pepeol the new shit that's fine but you can not take away things that have already been payed for and make you pay more to get them back that's were your Netflix analogy falls flat

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      • Best post I've ever seen

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      • I see what you're saying, you actually prove a very valid argument, let me counter that with one just as viable. You're argument is, it is okay for bungie to take out content you already paid for to make you buy new DLC's to re-unlock that content. You have not said whether you are for or against this cause. But for the people who can't buy TTK for whatever reason... Do you see where they are coming from? Do you see in the slightest why they would be ticked of because they have to spend [i]another[/i] 40$ ontop of the 100 they already have? (Vanilla + 2 DLC's) Personally i dont think it should be allowed, just my own opinion. I understand that we agreed to the Eula and bungie has every right to do this. That being said, say one of my friends constantly disrespects his parents (of course there would be consequences but lets nevermind that) should he do it? No. Is he physically able to do it? Yes. TL:DR bungie has every right to do what they are doing, we agreed to the Eula and thats that. That being said, it is unfair to others that they have to spend yet another 40$ ontop of the 100$ they already spent just to reclaim their old content

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by SeanSMEGHEAD: 9/18/2015 5:29:35 AM
          This is the most anti-consumer pseudo BS I've read. Thank God you only get posts like this on forums filled with fanatics. There are consumer laws and guidelines put in place that ensure a consumer should get what was advertised. I personally don't know if what Bungie has done is legal in all countries, by taking content out of its product. It may be in the 'terms' but it isn't necessarily right or moral imo.

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          • In that year did you pay for anything that you never received. Bungie charged for a season pass in year one that gave us hardly anything. People don't want anything for free, they just wanrt what they have paid for.

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            • Dumb analogy that doesn't connect to the issue in anyway

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              3 Replies
              • Edited by baar: 9/18/2015 4:03:18 AM
                Better analogy: I bought the first season of *show* on the disc, but the second season improves pretty much everything! WHY IS FOX NOT GIVING ME *show* SEASON 2 FOR FREE? I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THAT SEASON AND IT WASN'T WHAT I EXPECTED!

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                2 Replies
                • Sadly buying a game doesn't mean you own it means you just bought the ability to play it and accept any drastic changes the developer decides to make

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                • Edited by HoliestOfBeards: 9/17/2015 8:10:13 PM
                  Let's go back a year. When all of us bought Destiny, we didn't know wtf a nightfall was. We bought it cause it was online game, nice story missions, a raid, and multiplayer. THAT WAS WHY WE BOUGHT DESTINY. When we actually played the game and unlocked end game content we were like Whaaaaat wtf is a nightfall?!?!? The presence of that nightfall had NOTHING TO DO with you purchasing vanilla destiny. So everyone needs to stop acting like it's a core part of the game. It is END GAME content. You are no longer at the end of the game! You're stuck in the middle so enjoy it Edit: Btw OP, I'm not speaking directly to you. I'm just adding on to your post really.

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                  • The analogy is more like: I bought an upstart movie service that only had 5 films. Through them I own all 5 films and can watch them whenever etc. Now they have updated their inventory with new movies, and a new price. Now I no longer own the 5 films I initially bought, until I buy the 5 new movies they introduced. Also, am I one of the few people who read the EULA/terms of service? I mean sure, it's a lot of legal jargon, but sometimes they could add something...

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                    5 Replies
                    • Edited by Facty: 9/18/2015 5:13:35 AM
                      What is YOUR opinion on the subject. I don't want to hear the facts just let me hear your opinion. If you think it's fair then I politely will ask, "who hurt you?"

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                    • I think a much better analogy would be: I bought Microsoft office 1997. Now they want to sell me the "same stuff" with slightly updated features. They are just being greedy! But, now I can't open new files because my software is outdated. How could a company deny me the right to use new features that others paid for, when I refuse to pay for those same features?!!! Bungie did the same thing that most software developers do when updating their software. They provide support and backwards compatibility (I.e. aetheric light) to allow those of us that didn't purchase the DLC to continue playing the game. They didn't HAVE to. They were not REQUIRED to. Now, they did the same thing that software devs do when a system gets to old. They make a new/updated version (Destiny 2.0) and sell it. And when a game makes that big of a leap, they can't just throw in fully functional backwards compatibility like its no big deal. If bungie were to release an item equivalent to aetheric light with TTK, nothing would change. The year one OP weapons would remain OP. The year one OP armor would remain OP. All of the time they took to balance weapon classes, and armor perks would go to waste because everyone would stick to their old gear. TTK is an upgrade and as such costs money. Sure they moved some features around and made it harder to access older content, but no year 1 players lost content. You didn't get a "nightfall" strike at launch; you bought access to play a set number of strikes currently in the game. You can still play all of them, you didn't lose access to them.

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                    • Lololololol

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                    • You're answer is in this website: putlocker .is

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                    • Very clever

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                    • Awesome post. Really made me laugh! All these people complaining are kinda ridiculous. And you wrecking them with the edit containing the statement about the license from Bungie was just the icing on the cake!

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                    • This guy knows satire.

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                    • Also all the movies and shows netflix added should have been in the original release of Netflix.

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                    • For those of you who don't understand what it is you're doing when you purchase software

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                    • 1
                      Pshh. Plebs. I have something far superior!

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                    • This is a very, very poor analogy. If Bungie wants to make it subscription-based, hey, I'm all for it. I'll pay it. That said, locking content that was previously accessible so you have to buy yet another expansion is just bad business. You die-hard fanboys can gripe all you want in response to complaints, but it's not going to change a damn thing. Like someone further down the thread stated, "It's like saying you can't watch the season finale of House of Cards season 1 until you purchase season 2." I'd say that about covers it. I bought the TTK for my Xbox One, but didn't for my 360. There's a plethora of cut content. Bungie beating around the bush to access funds to keep game servers running isn't helping their cause one bit. I'll have to admit I'm enjoying the new DLC, but that said, finally getting my hands on Year One exotics that are now useless until they're possibly included in another expansion was also a bad approach. I've been around in the video game scene all the way back from the Atari 2600 days until now. All I see are companies using a veil of good PR to promote content lacking in effort and creativity, generally re-skinning old content (Call of Duty, I'm talking to you). This is very evident in the first two expansions of Destiny. Granted, TTK is a huge step above what was a "pay to play and fix our mistakes" beta, but it's still no excuse to lock access to Destiny's most fun and appealing content to players who aren't or haven't yet bought TTK. Try again.

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                      9 Replies
                      • [quote]So I've paid for Netflix for an entire year! I've invested so much time into Orange is the New Black and House of Cards, I even grinded every episode of Friends last month! Now, I log in today and all of it is gone! I can't even watch movies that I have been able to watch for a full year! I don't get it. I've been a loyal customer for a year, and just because I stopped paying, I get locked out of content. Well I wont be giving them my business anymore, scammers.[spoiler]Do you get it now?[/spoiler] EDIT 1: I seem to be getting a lot of similar replies, usually directed at claiming Destiny is not a "subscription" service and that we the players "own" the game. I'm sorry boys and girls, we do not own anything. We paid for a liscence to access Destiny's content; content which is subject to change or even be removed for those who don't update their liscence. This was all outlined in the EULA you blindly accepted a year ago. EDIT 2: "LIMITED USE LICENSE: Bungie grants you the non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, limited right and license to install and use one copy of this Program solely for your non-commercial use. All rights not specifically granted are reserved by Bungie. The Program is licensed, not sold, for your use. Your license confers no title or ownership in this Program, and should not be construed as a sale of any rights in this Program."[/quote]

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