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9/15/2015 3:12:43 AM

King's Fall Raid: Finding The A Team on Xbox One

Guardians, I am looking to start a raid team before the new raid comes out on friday. Requirements: Be level 40 on all your characters by friday and hopefully have your new subclasses done. Complete the campaign so you can access the raid on friday. Have a mic! Communication is key for any raid, especially a new one! The raid comes out at 5am EST. We will go to the tower at 5:01am to find Xur. We will start the raid at 5:05am. (So you need to get a good nights sleep and get some breakfast before we begin.) I know this is a tough time trying to learn the new subclasses and determine if your strength is going to be the new sunbreaker, and nightstalker, or if you're going to stick with the old bubble and bladedancer. My warlock friends, we are probably going to stick with the ol' fireborn sunsinger. I will be running the new strikes, nightfall, and 'shaq's crucible challenge' to hopefully grab as many new exotics as I can and encourage you to do the same. Lastly, try to keep a positive attitude through the raid. It will be difficult, no doubt about it. There are bound to be plenty of wipes and people falling off cliffs accidentally. It's no big deal. We've all been there. Just try your best in the group and we won't ask for anything more. Now let's go wear Oryx's ass as a hat.

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