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originally posted in: A New Home RP Reborn [open]
9/11/2015 11:26:29 PM
*Corra wakes up, bloody and bruised. She had landed in a hangar bay on a station of somekind. She gets up, and looks outside to see destroyed ships. Some probes get vaporized as she starts to look around. A door opens and 2 guards walk out. She hides and takes out her knife as the guards pass her. She jumps them, and ends them with ease, grabbing one of their assault rifles. She walks down the door, looking for a way to escape before she is knocked out. She wakes up, cuffed in a cell in a transport ship. It is flying away. She sees the station and realizes what it is. A huge railgun wad mounted onto it, which looks like it could destroy destroyers and still have not wasted any power. She sighs* (Closed)

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