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9/10/2015 3:41:45 AM
Pulse rifles still do their part. It's the alternative to auto rifles if you don't prefer auto rifles, and they have a slight edge on range and stability. The messenger still does work in the crucible. I agree on fusion rifles though, they are god awful unless you are a fusion expert. It's like trying to be good with no land beyond. Other than that, the weapons feel very balanced. Even the hand cannons still do their part. This is the most balanced the weapons have been and I'm honestly happy with it right now. I'm not the best but I'm also not the worst. Now that it's balanced, I can find which weapon I am best at and become better with it

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  • Hand cannons have been ruined and firing from the hip has been destroyed also

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  • I don't have a Messenger, but rumor has it that its impact was left alone, but it got a rate of fire buff -- if that's true, it better be doin' work in the Crucible, since it's now unique in that it's fast-firing [i]and[/i] high-impact. The only one of its kind, I believe.

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  • I have a messenger but what about people who dont have it

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  • I think that we need to differ between PvP and PvE. Currently I like the PvP. With TTK perks a lot of things will change in the Crucible though, so whatever will truly be the meta yet has to be established. But I feel that AR are in a good place against shotguns finally. Anyhow, the issue is with PvE. Their PvE nerfs are probably the most ridiculous "rebalance" I have witnessed since playing videogames. Admittedly I never played an MMO longer than a few months because MMORPGS simply aren't my thing (just offline RPGs), but Bungie basically decided to absolutely nerf every perk that might have been good at some point. The problem I have with that, seems to be that Bungie fears that we wouldn't appreciate the new TTK weapons, if our old ones wouldn't have been neutered to this point. The nerf to Y1 perks, especially if we won't be able to ascend the weapons in Y2 anyhow (I am soooo close to leave the game behind because of that), was uncalled for. The nerf to Orb generation, which wasn't even documented in the patch notes, is another one of these ridiculous things. Add the 45% shotgun damage nerf against AI combatants, and I absolutely have no idea what Bungie was thinking.

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  • I am honestly okay with that, because vanilla destiny wasn't even a challenge once I got past a certain point. Some of the taken king stuff actually looks hard and fun and strategic. I like to feel justly rewarded for the work I've done, and up til now, the only challenge I have faced in pve is RNG.

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  • It wasn't challenging because Destiny relies on bullet slonges as a challenge. When you get gear that deals well with Bullet sponges (BH/FV/Gjallahorn/VoC for example), and you aren't underleveled anymore (Crota hard mode), of course bullet sponges won't be a challenge anymore. But you don't need anything of the stuff they nerfed (except Gjallahorn. But the nerf didn't exactly kill the weapon) to get at that point. You just need any random 365 Handcannon/Scout Rifle/Sniper/Shotty with good perks. The challenge of end game content has always been a bullet sponge mechanic, except for the VoG and Quodron. You mentioned the RnG... He will still challenge you don't worry. All of the gear that will make you stronger in terms of light levels and stats, will be locked behind the Rng. Stats (Int/disc/str) of Y1 armor got halved. So you will simply need to grind the eff out of the RNG to get back at the same stats you already had before 2.0 dropped. 2.0 marked the biggest grind and RNG challenge awaiting us, since the forever 29 times of Vanilla Destiny. You will have to regrind EVERYTHING, concerning your gear.

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  • There are just way too many nerfs in one patch. Its not the correct way to deal with situation. Nerfs shouldn't be made on large scale like this. They have to be gradual. Bungie basically is trying to make guns weaker and its not fun playing with weaker guns. Guns that can't hit shit at long range, and guns that basically run out of ammo. I already played with these guns when they were strong, why would it be more fun for me to play them in their weaker state?

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