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originally posted in:Seventh Conflux
Edited by Fashion Lizard: 9/10/2015 5:08:06 PM

Bungie Community Humpday Supdate! (September 2nd, 2015)

[url=]Guess who’s back[/url]. Before we start, I’d like to extend a big, personal [url=]thank you[/url] to [url=]OMARRCHR[/url] for covering for me while I was on my [url=]Trans-American[/url] journey. For his best El Burninator impression, click [url=]here[/url]! Anyways, I’m back, and we’re rolling. This is getting to be the “For Real” deal. Let’s see what’s up, starring our favorite sinister-named reverse-typed contributor! [u][b]What’s Going On?[/u][/b] relliK42 here, reporting to you live from #Destiny should be an easy guess. The Court of Oryx live stream information can be found [url=]here[/url]. Prepare for The Taken King! In #Community, Burn decides to discuss the [url=]Code of Conduct[/url] and rules present on You all should also be good users and hop over to #Gaming to recommend [url=]this user[/url] some games for his Xbox One! Finally, #Offtopic is getting some cultural experience by experimenting with [url=]new languages[/url]. Buona? Bien. That wraps this week's list of hot topics. Tune in next week to view more chatter from! Mail sack: relliK42 here. My friends told me I could be anything, so I became a mailman. [b]brando224[/b] asks: "Why does my cat sit In the bathtub?" Your cat is keeping it clean...and planning an attack while you bathe tonight. [b]II Smiggles II[/b] asks: Where does a snake's tail start? Near the end of the snake around where it's sexual organs would be. [b]Silent Echo113[/b] "Is shiska a pegboy?" [url=]My crystal ball showcases an instance of one user believing he was not a pegboy[/url]....but that user would be completely wrong. [b]Progo[/b] asks: "What's the first childhood cartoon that pops into your mind upon being asked what you watched as a child?" Ed Edd N' Eddy! [b]Bapao[/b] asks: "Was halo reach really better then halo 3?" I enjoyed both games! It all comes down to preference. Halo 3 may have been better suited for competitive play, and Reach may have been better suited for recreational play and custom games. I liked both stories equally as well, but we all knew what was going to happen to [url=]Reach[/url]. [b]Im Here to Help[/b] asks: "What's the best hangover cure?" You shouldn't drink excessively in the first place because a cure doesn't exist. Science, your move. Create a hangover consumer product! [b]Foudre Fondue[/b] How do I Yolk thos nuts? ⛳️ [url=]Deez Nutz?[/url] That's all for this week's mail sack! It will be up again near the weekend. Prepare your questions, and be enlightened by unfathomable wisdom. [b][u]Game Night Recap![/u][/b] Trying a new, more straight-to-the-point format for this portion. Give me all of your feedbacks. Community Carnage: Did the Carnage have an awesome week filled with awesome Game Nights? Yes. [url=]Crucible Carnage - Iron Banner - (8/28/15)[/url] [url=]Community Carnage - Halo: Wars - (8/30/15)[/url] Looking for some more Carnage? Join the [url=]group[/url]! For Carnage Apply Within: FCAW has always hosted some spectacular Game Nights. This week was no different. [url=]M1A1 - Friday August 28th[/url] Like to shoot aliens? [url=]FCAW[/url] is the group for you! [b][u]Game Nights![/u][/b] Our future always promises nothing but absolute, and all out, carnage. Let's see how much we'll be receiving this week. Community Carnage: [url=]CC[/url] only has one Game Night planned for this week, but it's sure to be a fun one. Check out their [url=]Schedule[/url] to host a Game Night of your own! [url=]Destiny Weekly Crucible #Carnage, Friday @6PM PDT![/url] For Carnage Apply Within: [url=]FCAW[/url] released their September [url=]Schedule[/url] today, and it is packed with some awesome Game Nights! Let's take a look at this week's! [url=]Myth Game Night - Friday September 4th[/url] [url=]Marathon Infinity Game Night - Tuesday September 8th[/url] [spoiler]Hey everyone! I will be tweaking this, and might even experiment with a different format next week. I'm planning to get quotes from attendees and do some other stuff in the future. Stay tuned! ~Mechetti[/spoiler] [u][B]PAX[/b][/u] I, Prometheus, write this with a heavy heart, for PAX week has come and gone. I had actually [url=]spent the week[/url] prior [url=]road tripping[/url] up the [url=]Pacific Coast Highway[/url] (an experience I recommend for everyone!), but when [url=]I saw those sky scrapers[/url], I knew I was at my once-a-year home! I had an awesome week [url=]prowling the exhibit hall[/url], grabbing [url=]some items[/url] from the [url=]vendors[/url] there, checking out [url=]some[/url] great [url=]cosplay[/url], and making a brief stop at [url=]Bungie HQ[/url] for a [url=]few quick pictures[/url]. [url=]Felicia Day actually had a signing[/url], and it was a pleasure getting to shake her hand. It was great to see friends again. [url=]Shacker[/url], True Underdog, Rollin, Chrisbobomb, Remorazz, Cortana, Bean, and so many, many, more. There was also some sweet stuff to see around the city! The [url=]view from the Space Needle[/url] at night was gorgeous, some developers ran a [url=]promo[/url] for the [url=]Mad Max video game[/url], where you could [url=]ride around[/url] in an [url=]inspired Uber car[/url], and the Experience Music Project Museum had [url=]an exhibit featuring the costumes[/url] from the Star Wars movies. Was all very cool! Definitely a trip I will make again and again. I think this next year I'll have to check out PAX South, as well. I'l nab you guys a picture of Recon while I'm in Texas! Ninja, out. Notice: I actually [url=]have a glass[/url] that Deej himself graced his lips upon during a lunch. I'll open the floor to purchasers starting at a bid of USD $50.00. It might still have some of his DNA on it. [spoiler]Thanks to Rotocaster and Snorgler for their amazing Cosplay work listed above. Your enthusiasm leaves us impressed, your skill leaves us jealous. Fight on.[/spoiler] [u][b]Wrap-Up![/u][/b] [url=]Dolphins are smarter than us[/url]. Act accordingly.
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