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originally posted in: By popular crybaby demand
8/28/2015 8:52:04 AM
You did miss something: Look at the repartition sunsingers/warlock. It's compeltely unbalanced. That means that the other stats (like gfrenade kills and co) should be ponderated to more realistically reflect the population.that means Voidwalker are 'underrepresented in your stats, while sunsingers are overrepresented. Also: regarding super uses: - Defender super kills: HOW do they count that? A bubble doesn't it kills while bubble is active? - Sunsinger super kills: super is based on grenade/melee party: are 'super kills' kills with those while radiance is active? Do overall grenade kills and melee kills then excluse these, or are they counted twice? Regarding grenade use: - Defenders grenade: one grenade (suppressor) does not kill.Hence 'efficiency' of the grenades for defenders can not be measured just looking at grenade kills. Regarding Melee kills: gunslinger melee kills: not sure throwing knife is counted there or in the artifcat kills. Let's assume it's in melee kills: incendiary blade perk kills: I believe they are counted as 'artefact kills', hence real efficiency of throwing knife is underestimated) It's basically really hard to judge the sunsinger because its stats are 'distorted' by its super. that being said, if you ponderate the stats by a representativity index (i.e. divide by the percentage a subclass repsents in the total population, you get this (keeping in mind the limitations above: Subclass population: (class % of population divivded by subclass percentage), = representativity index 1. Sunsingers: 20.83% 2 Bladedancers: 17.44% 3 Striker: 17.07% 4 Gunslinger 16.76% 5 Defender 15.13% 6 Voidwalker 12.77% Melle kill ratio (Melee kills percentage divided representativity index): 1 sunsinger: 1.25 (but remember : boosted up by super depending on how super kills are counted) 2 Voidwalker 1.16 (see the influence of the uneven warlock population?) 3 Striker 1.05 4 Bladedancer 0.93 5 Defender: 0.90 6 Gunslinger 0.68 (but incendiary blade are maybe counted under artifacts.. so underrated) Grenade kill ratio (grenade kill percentage / representativity index) 1 Sunsinger: 1.25 2 voidwalker: 1.16 (again, smaller population means higher in the grenade efficiency ranking) 3 Bladedancer 1.12 4 Gunslinger 0.94 5 Striker 0.8 6 Defender 0.68 (but the suppressor grenade doesn't kill... so it should be artificially elevated' to compensate for that, which is not done here) Supers: 1 Bladedancer 1.25 2 Gunslinger 1.12 3 Striker 1.09 4 Voidwalker 0.99 5 Defender 0.83 (but see comment above, a bubble itself doesn't kill anyone) 6 sunsinger (but see comment above: how is this defined?) Conclusions: - stats are a b**** - from the clearly offensive supers, hunters do give the best kill chances but - too many unclarities to properly classify defender and sunsinger in there.

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