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8/27/2015 10:38:24 PM
So my last tried to rope me into marriage and would poke holes in my condoms. So I told her to stop and just focus on the now, her response to that was a post on Facebook about us getting married soon. So I told her take it down because all the family that's on my Facebook contacted other family and were getting their salt on. After explaining what's up via phone call, a few minutes later her mom calls me and tries to rip me and my family a new one, kindly I ask to speak to the at the time girlfriend and so the mom says yes. I tell her "I'm breaking up with you. No there's none of that its not you its me crap, this was all you. You don't respect what I say, pull shit behind my back and cry to your mom about me asking you to take something down." After a few minutes of being verbally assaulted by her mother, I hung up and started a new life of being single.

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