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8/27/2015 12:03:56 PM
Who wrote the Bible? Men. Who wrote every other religious text? Men. What evidence do you have that your religion is true and every single other religion is false? None. I think that an intelligent person can base opinions off of hard, factual evidence. If you can't, you are wasting my time because I don't have time for your "faith" bullshit. Along with that, the Bible makes SOOO many contradictory statements, and statements that people choose to ignore. Do you eat shrimp? Do you eat bacon/ham/pork? If you do, you're sinning. If God is so "forgiving" why do natural disasters occur? Why would he kill off an entire church of priests off the coast of Ireland with an earthquake, and not do shit to terrorist groups such as ISIS? Maybe us atheists don't NEED scientific evidence to make a valid argument, we can just use your Bible. If we do make a scientific argument that has been proven (cough cough evolution cough cough) you claim it to be false, and when we tell you that the Bible is an unoriginal book of fairy tales stolen from other religions and cultures (Ex: Noah's Ark and the story of Gilgamesh. A wise old man had a giant boat that fit 2 of every animal somewhere within the story, before a massive flood occurred.) you claim our statements to be false with no evidence to back you up. Here is another hassle to explain to you: The Big Bang. You say that God created The Big Bang, but do you have any evidence to support that? No, you just jump to conclusions. We do have enough evidence to validate the possibility of The Big Bang, just not enough to prove it, yet. Talk to me when you have a valid argument supported by truthful evidence.

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