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Edited by Enclose: 8/25/2015 5:44:32 AM
Op I hope you're ready to get #rekt by an atheist You claim gay marriage is a sin because Jesus and the bible state it Well dip shit that's in the Old Testament and it doesn't even say gay marriage it says "You may not act the opposite gender to seduce a person" paraphrasing of course That means a man wasn't allowed to seduce a straight man by dressing as a woman. It does not say a man can't seduce another man because they love eachother! You claim you can eat shrimp (sea food), wear gold, 2 different fabrics, and tattoo your body? Alas [b][i][u]that was in the Old Testament as well so if you don't follow those rules then the "gay" rule is null and void. You can't pick and choose what to follow[/u][/i][/b] the New Testament doesn't have all that stuff but I haven't read up on it in full yet. The constitution of the United States of America says "There will be separation of church and state" paraphrasing again of course That means the state is by no means allowed to use religion and beliefs tied to that as a basis for laws. Meaning gay marriage isn't illegal and if it you could argue in court and win in every single level including supreme. If it doesn't affect you then why do you care? If Stephen curry misses the next shot it doesn't affect you, if I don't buy the taken King it doesn't affect you, if a gay guy wants another guy explain how it affects you? Please do I wanna hear this. "Two males blah blah bullying" How about you take your beliefs and apply them to yourself instead of other and teach your kid to not be a piece of shit. Furthermore statistics clearly show that kids in families with homosexual parents tend to be more cared for and loved as opposed to those with heterosexual couples. Need I say more OP? Or have you had enough This is mostly for the gay hating Christians but if you want me to prove your God doesn't exist HAHAHAHAHA that's no problem either my friend.

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    You just proved the OPs point, good job m8 *slow claps

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  • The Old Testament actually says to kill gays.

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  • It says why I put And it also says if a woman is by a virgin and she gets married she should be burned alive :D

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  • Edited by Boba Fett VIII: 8/25/2015 3:55:32 PM
    Hm. You left out the whole biology part about the quite obvious natural order of things.

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  • Men have g spots in their ass holes Species out there besides us have homo sexual encounters as well What else do you want?

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  • Nicely put

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  • Tend to be more -blam!-ed up you mean

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  • First of all, you obviously missed the point of this thread. Secondly, if you understood the thread, you'd understand that you are proving it's claims to be correct. Lastly, you've proven the op correct because you are making arguments about the bible and yet you have absolutely no idea what it teaches.

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  • Nah man I claimed superiority and I proved it. You're just salty.

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  • It teaches many things my friend. If interpreted literally the Old Testament God is not as benevolent as you may wish to believe. Other than that the writing of the bible gives atheists merit to question. There are no original manuscripts for the bible only translations from some odd 125-150 years after the writing should have occurred. This leads some to believe that the bible is actually a compilation of oral stories from biblical times. With that knowledge it is easy to see why those who are not taught at an early age do not easily convert. Also, on the point of weather or not one person understands the bible; if you believe you understand all that it teaches you are a heretic. No man may understand the will of God and the bible is his will in word. Therefore you cannot truly understand the bible. You may attempt to see his will and carry forth to accomplish the task but do not claim to know the truth of God as one cannot know until they see God. Now winding to the reply of the person you threw ignorance upon. His point seemed to be (forgive me if I am wrong) that it is not logical to follow a religion that has in the past been lead by such terrible people as to commit such atrocities. There is wisdom in this. The bible over these past couple of millennium has been translated many different times. And in the olden days that was done under the command of those in charge. So aside from any imminent mistakes, who is to say that those exact leaders didnt change something's to their own design. Ima walk away. Think about what you have done.

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  • God is the same in the old and new testament. He judges evil, there's no issue. The oldest writings we have of the new testament are from 15 to 20 years after the fact and the gospels were no more than 60 years after. And we can't understand the full will of God, but we can understand the majority of it.

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  • Seems that you ignored a decent part of my reply. Shame, I'm not against you in any way. You can ASSUME to know Gods will in any amount. But you cannot. It's the translation and the oratory word transfer that corrupt the word of God. Evidence of ^ The messiah wasn't named Jesus. The letter j wasn't invented until about 500 years ago in the German language. It is thought that Constantine crafted the name we use today to more easily convert people from other religious groups. This simply shows how the bible had been changed in one instance, thereby allowing doubt to be a valid mindset. Hopping to a different point here If you research mythology you see a trend An amazing event happens (amazing but mundane) The story is told over and over until it morphs into something else entirely. Then when Hercules is believed to at one point have been invincible a religious groups forms around his morals and ideas. 60 years before ink hit paper is more than enough for man to have ruined the New Testament. The two testaments do not have different gods true but notice that God does a lot less destructive crap in the new?

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  • Ya but old and new have new rules written not by God but by people. Like you and me Suicide rating back when God was invented- approximately 76% I believe Kings and queens used God as a mean to add power (supernatural) to theirs. Why do you think most every sin would benefit a king or queen? It's not a coincidence. Also people are fascinated by the fact that we don't know where we go after death. Religion answers that. So it's a way to sugar coat bad things as well.

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  • #REKT

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