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Edited by Azazel9876: 8/25/2015 3:11:42 AM
Alright, so first thing: black holes, event horizons, radiation and what it means. That's what this is about Black hole: formed when a mass' gravity becomes too much for the repulsive forces and the mass collapses into an infinitely dense [b]singularity[/b]. Event Horizon: The point of a black hole's reach that not even light can escape. AKA the black part Hawking Gamma Radiation: Γ, γ radiation emitted from the innermost part of a black hole. Past the event horizon. As you should be familiar, the maximum speed for any object must be the speed of light, 186k miles per second? in Imperial. This is the speed of a photon and creates a non-infinite value for the famous equation E = mc^2. E being energy, m being mass, and c being the speed of light constant. (Photons have no mass, and the Berkenstein Limit states the max amount of energy an object can have in a certain space) Hawking Radiation is Gamma rad that defies this law and travels faster than light, as seen by its ability to travel outwards. This means that Gamma radiation is either massless (in which we couldn't be irradiated, a known condition), or has infinite energy, which disagrees with the LAW of Thermodynamics - namely the first. Since Gamma radiation observably interacts with microscopic materials such as DNA, we can rule out the mass, and it obviously is traveling past light speed in a fight against a scientific law. How can this happen? Well, the law states: "[b][i]a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed."[/i][/b]. The fact is that all information is considered a thermodynamic Hawking radiation must be random information! This means, random information, any thing not bound in space or time...the exact conditions before the universe. A void devoid (ayyy lmao) of entropy (time) and dimension (space). This means that the universe before existence would be able to create an infinite amount of energy as long as it was random an infinite amount of times. [spoiler]I will peg on an extra: "But the universe is perfectly created for us!" paragraph or two. The universe is fuсking inhospitable as shite with black holes spewing out beams of pure energy, gamma ray bursts, and burning balls of fuсking hatred and bronies. Also, the universe could have been created an infinite amount of times before us, and how would we know the difference? There would be no evidence of past civilisations and all we would [b]EVER[/b] know is this reality[/spoiler]

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