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8/24/2015 11:27:30 PM
I completely agree. When a Christian ask, "Why doesn't God exist?" The base of their answer is always " because he just doesn't" with more fluff around it than an AP World history book.

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  • I could easily explain every single idea for God that you have with science and disprove the "mystery" I have before, but it requires a long time and usually Christians just say "....BUT MA GAHD"

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  • Existence. Go.

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  • Existence as in how the universe started, our conception...? Need a little better of a line lol Existence in a temporal plane or our conscious state in a 4d dimension...?

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  • Yes, our existence, how did all matter come to be?

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  • Ahh, okies, Big Bang, yes? You're in for a long explanation with the last paragraph being the answer and the above ones being the train of thought and explanations. Lemee finish my sandwich rq

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  • Ok. I am prepared to read a wall of text. I am going to sleep now and I will check back at around 3:30pm Est tomorrow with my response.

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  • Edited by Azazel9876: 8/25/2015 3:11:42 AM
    Alright, so first thing: black holes, event horizons, radiation and what it means. That's what this is about Black hole: formed when a mass' gravity becomes too much for the repulsive forces and the mass collapses into an infinitely dense [b]singularity[/b]. Event Horizon: The point of a black hole's reach that not even light can escape. AKA the black part Hawking Gamma Radiation: Γ, γ radiation emitted from the innermost part of a black hole. Past the event horizon. As you should be familiar, the maximum speed for any object must be the speed of light, 186k miles per second? in Imperial. This is the speed of a photon and creates a non-infinite value for the famous equation E = mc^2. E being energy, m being mass, and c being the speed of light constant. (Photons have no mass, and the Berkenstein Limit states the max amount of energy an object can have in a certain space) Hawking Radiation is Gamma rad that defies this law and travels faster than light, as seen by its ability to travel outwards. This means that Gamma radiation is either massless (in which we couldn't be irradiated, a known condition), or has infinite energy, which disagrees with the LAW of Thermodynamics - namely the first. Since Gamma radiation observably interacts with microscopic materials such as DNA, we can rule out the mass, and it obviously is traveling past light speed in a fight against a scientific law. How can this happen? Well, the law states: "[b][i]a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed."[/i][/b]. The fact is that all information is considered a thermodynamic Hawking radiation must be random information! This means, random information, any thing not bound in space or time...the exact conditions before the universe. A void devoid (ayyy lmao) of entropy (time) and dimension (space). This means that the universe before existence would be able to create an infinite amount of energy as long as it was random an infinite amount of times. [spoiler]I will peg on an extra: "But the universe is perfectly created for us!" paragraph or two. The universe is fuсking inhospitable as shite with black holes spewing out beams of pure energy, gamma ray bursts, and burning balls of fuсking hatred and bronies. Also, the universe could have been created an infinite amount of times before us, and how would we know the difference? There would be no evidence of past civilisations and all we would [b]EVER[/b] know is this reality[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by AndrsL: 8/25/2015 8:03:00 PM
    Fair point but ultimately incorrect. There are only two possibilities to account for the cause of the universe: an impersonal cause and a personal cause. This is an antonymic pair that exhausts all possibilities. It is either one or the other. There is no third option. Let’s first look at the atheist option to explain the universe: an impersonal cause.  If the atheist were to say that the universe brought itself into existence, then that would be illogical since something that does not exist has no nature. With no nature, there are no attributes, and with no attributes, actions can’t be performed such as bringing itself into existence. So, that doesn’t work. If the atheist said that the universe has always existed, that doesn’t work either because that would mean the universe was infinitely old. If it is infinitely old, then why hasn’t it run out of useable energy by now as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state. Also, in order to get to the present in an infinitely old universe, an infinite amount of time would have to be crossed. But, it is impossible to cross an infinite amount of time to get to now. These problems would also mean that there could not be an infinite amount of past cycles of the universe where it expands and contracts forever. So, those explanations can’t work. If the atheist says that matter and/or energy have somehow eternally existed before the universe, just in different forms, then the same issue of crossing an infinite amount of time to get to now would negate that idea. But, this explanation would pose yet another problem. If the necessary conditions for the cause of the universe have always existed within the pre-existent matter and energy, then the effect of the universe being formed is a necessary result of that matter and energy, and the universe would have been formed an infinitely long time ago. But this can’t work since it would mean the universe would have already run out of useable energy by now (entropy problem again)--not to mention the perpetual problem of crossing an infinite amount of time to get to now.  So, that explanation doesn’t work either. Okay, so the universe, which is comprised of matter and energy, cannot be infinitely old in its present form or any other form. So, how did it and ultimately we get here? Atheism can’t help us here. So, let’s turn our attention to the other option: a personal cause. If there is a personal influence, which means a personal being that acted upon the universe, then we have an explanation for the cause of the universe. Let me explain. A rock doesn't suddenly change from being a rock into say an axe head unless acted upon by something else. For matter and energy to change and form something new, they must be acted upon from the outside. So we must ask what acted upon matter and energy and caused the universe to exist? Whatever caused the universe existed before the universe. Since the universe had a beginning in time and since matter and energy do not spontaneously change and arrange themselves into something new, then the best explanation for the cause of the universe is an action that was a decision. In other words, a decision to act at a specific time in the past is the best explanation of the existence of the universe. Of course, we Christians would say this decision was made by a personal being whom we call God. You see? The atheists have nothing to offer us with the important issue of explaining how we got here. Atheism can’t answer one of the most important philosophical questions pertaining to our own existence. It is deficient and lacking and at best can offer us only ignorance and guesses. Okay, finally, even though it isn’t necessary in this video, I’ll deal with one of the standard objections atheists have when this topic comes up. What brought God into existence? The answer is simple. Nothing brought him into existence. He has always existed. He is the uncaused cause. Think about it. You cannot have an infinite regression of causes. It’s like having an infinite line of dominos falling one after another. If you go back infinitely in time to try to find the first domino that started it all, you’d never find it because you’d have to cross an infinite amount of time to get to it which is impossible to do. This would also mean that there you can’t have an infinite regression of causes.  urthermore, this would mean there would never be a first cause. If there is no first cause, then there can’t be a second or a third and so on, and you wouldn’t have any of them falling at all. But since they are falling, there had to be a first cause--that itself was uncaused that started the whole thing moving at a specific time in the past. So, too, with the universe. It was caused to exist at a specific point in time. The uncaused cause is God, who decided to create the universe and who, as the Bible says in Psalm 90:2, “is from everlasting to everlasting.”

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  • Lmao, dude, I addressed the issue. I PROVED with observable science how energy can be formed from nothing (which you state was before the universe) and explain why it works with the laws of Thermodynamics and WHY the second law of Thermodynamics would have no effect. I do not require energy beforehand with this, I do not require time, nor a God, nor worry about entropy. My logic is observable science that CREATES an infinite amount of energy from nothing. This is from not "space", but from probability. It could turn into a universe, an apple, or even you with or without a little oxygen or nitrogen or methane bubble to breathe. You mention an uncaused cause. Yet also that you cannot have something that always existed. Yet use God and say he already has. See the contradiction here? Either stick with your own imposed rules, or don't try to use it! You can only either believe that an uncaused cause is possible and you STILL have to agree that entropy wouldn't kill the universe due to my Creation Principle, as we'll call it for argument's sake.

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  • Ok. Did you witness the creation of something from nothing with your own eyes.

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  • Yeah, I actually have seen live NASA broadcasts of telescopes pointed at black holes and firing this: Now have you ever physically witnessed God creating a mountain or tree with his physical hands?

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  • So they fired a phenomenon at a disc and matter emitted out of something that is made of matter

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  • From a black hole's centre where nothing is able to escape. That means the energy of the object is infinite. Read my original thing to understand what that means

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  • And this only occurs in a black hole, yes. And a black hole is an object that has such a great mass that it collapses on itself in a constant cycle neither gaining nor losing mass unless mass is to enter the black hole, yes.

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  • Mass Mass =/= energy Hawking Radiation is evidence for this and also those astro jets

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  • Then his does it achieve an infinite amount of energy if it is limited by the amount of mass given. Also explain the last terms in your own words. Wikipedia is always confusing

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  • The black hole itself doesn't attain infinite energy, but rather the shite flying out of it, bruh. It's like...ludicrous speed from the centre of a tear in space and time Astro jets = Death star but fires out of two directions. Comes from centre of black hole and fuks shite up Hawking Radiation = radiation that travels faster than light Reason it does this is because the information is considered random (meaning you can't download porn off it, sadly) and isn't bound by the little tidbit that you can't create an infinite amount of energy from nothing

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  • But am I correct in assuming that the Black hole is a necessary part of the process.

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  • Kinda not really-ish It's the massive gravity well that allows us to observe these infinite energy things It's like a rainbow. Water isn't needed to see a rainbow (could use a prism), but it helps immensely

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  • Then it is the faster than light beam that creates infinite energy. Of not, in your simplest way explain what does.

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  • Nah, that's true That was just proof discovered and thought through to break the First Law and ultimately leads me to believe a supported reason as to why the universe came to be

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  • So if it is the faster than light beam that can only be brought to speed by the force of a black hole slinging it out of its inescapable gravity ( which I am fine with because of the objects faster than light speed) the there must have been a black hole in existence to speed up the object and even if a black hole is not require to speed up the object, the faster than light object must have first been in existence in order create an infinite amount of energy. I have no problem with your concept but it could not have been a factor in the creation of the universe.

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  • No, the black hole itself cannot sling the object out past the event horizon with any know velocity or method. The gravity well cannot accelerate an object past light speed. These beams gain energy constantly and on a ludicrous scale to constantly accelerate faster than time itself. The only thing required is Gamma Radiation and a gravity well, and neither are physical objects. The concept is to prove that energy can be created from nothing and that physics is stranger than fiction. That everything in our universe is insane and life can be randomly spawned by chance accident all at once, not at all, and sometimes but not always forever

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  • But it cannot be created from nothing without something. Gamma radiation and a gravity well,although as you claim are not physical objects, are required to create the infinite energy.

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  • Gamma radiation doesn't come from anything...well, it doesn't HAVE to. Gamma radiation is really just random fluctuations in Nothingness but CAN be created by something. Kinda the principle behind: "[i]All rectangles are squares, but not all squares are rectangles[/i]" Gravity wells aren't a needed thing. Gravity wells are just the food dye that you put in a glass of water so you can see the currents underneath. (I'm kinda impressed with myself lmao that was a perfect explanation). It's what makes this Hawking Radiation phenomenon visible. All you need is Gamma rad (which, I would say, is just [i]barely[/i] a thing of electromagnetism) which is everywhere...and all points in time, if it breaks lightspeed...

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