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Edited by DirtDiver_17: 8/23/2015 7:48:12 PM

#Saveourexotics Repost Because Bungie Removed This

[b]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014[/b] by DeeJ “The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear:[u][i] [b]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.”[/b] [/i][/u] Confusion intensified. I rushed to update our blog with some more granular information. When coveted weapons are at stake, misinformation cannot stand (man), hence the hasty typing. Amidst the flurry of activity, to make the morning even better, I delivered this gem to the Internet: [/quote]Let’s talk about why this is the worst Tweet I have ever sent in my life: I am Tweeting at myself, like a crazy person The issue is not linked for maximum confusion The genuine article “is” should be “are” It looks like I’m telling the player they are wrong Let me get this straight. The player is never “wrong.” I believe that down to my bones. At Bungie, I represent to the developers what you say without prejudice. Lesson learned: Never Tweet when you’re in a hurry. Sorry about the confusion. What do you say, Internet. Still want to be friends? If so, join me in an exploration of our plans in greater detail. So... What lesson did u learn from TDB's mistakes? It looks like you didn't learn a thing except lets trash nearly every exotic because we hate our own creation of Gjallarhorn. Learn to separate the two and not penalize every player into leaving their exotics behind due to one OP weapon you made OP. NERF it and let's keep our treasures in this weapon loot based game.[/quote] Looks like we have been played! #saveourexotics Bump this thread into the stratosphere to make it clear. We don't want exotics staying behind. All exotics in Destiny throughout our 10 year journey [b][i]must[/i][/b] remain relevant! Edit #1 (at 3pm PST) great job on this in light of the weekly update. Let's show'em! Edit #2 (at 6pm PST) Glad to see the discussions beginning to flow in! "Yays" and "nays" are always a good thing! For those "bumping it" I salute you in your effort to make something happen! If you feel like forwarding this feel free to share the link on your social media outlet if it's Destiny centric or even gaming centric. Edit #3 (at 9pm PST) Alright guys last edit of the day for me, duty calls. I'll jump back into the discussion with you tomorrow! In the mean time you night owls keep making this the important issue it is! Also, Cozmo and Deej, if you're reading this isn't it time to chime in? At least a confirmation our petition has been noted and passed onward to the applicable decision makers? A reasoning behind the choice maybe? Anyhow, onward! Let's make this petition bump in the night! See you folks tomorrow! Edit #4 (at 9:45am PST) Great job night owls! I've made IGN aware of the growth in our petition and asked to help raise awareness. I'll be roaming the comment section periodically to continue to partake in the discussion. Let's keep this up! This isn't one persons goal but a community one! Edit #5 (3:30pm PST) We're knee deep in day 2 with some serious manpower on display. Almost 4,000 comments and near 700 likes?!? We're definitely making some waves. Some have pointed out that they've favorite'd (don't think that's a word) as well as signed and bumped. I think that's a good way to distinguish your contribution to the petition so let's try and get the "likes" to match the "bumps" shall we? If you're wondering about my request to IGN to raise awareness of what we've been up to here, they are yet to reply but we'll see what happens, it is barely day 2 of the march ;) If you're reading this after getting off of work and/or school please make your voice heard, we're heading into the 48th hour... Edit #6 (7pm PST) We're almost at hour 48 of this endeavor! You guys are putting some work into this, it's also great getting to speak to so many of you on the matter at hand. Keep the conversation alive! We're reaching new thresholds more often now so you're definitely getting the word out. Keep it clean, keep being excellent to each other (even when we disagree) and let's make this post a weekend job for the Bungie community team! Night owls it's almost your time again and this time I'll be joining you! I'll be continuing my conversations with you all throughout the evening and well into the night! Due to character limits I'm going to be a bit more cautious with my edits but keep an eye out for me down below! Edit #7 (8:30am PST) Head first into day 3!!! Once again the night owls keep the momentum going through a second night it was a good time staying up and talking with you troopers! I've reached out to IGN once again updating them on our new milestone of 5,000! We'll see what comes of it, keep those fingers crossed friends! I've also reached out to Kotaku, Game informer, and Games radar asking them to help spread awareness of what's going here. If anyone knows of any major publication that would be happy to help us push for a resolution please direct message me with the info or even better yet share it yourself ;) We're aiming for hour 72, we're taking this one day at a time being ever patient that Bungie [b][i]will[/i][/b] come through on this! Make no mistake, this petition is undeniable now, can no longer be sweeped away by a simple dismissal. Keep spreading the word, tell your friends who play and the friends list on your console of choice. "Sign, bump, and favorite this! It's for our exotics!" And same goes for you fellow guardian. Keep bumping! Keep signing! Keep giving this petition your favor! Let's bump shall we?!? Edit #8 (9pm PST) What a third day! We're well past 6,000 with our eyes now looking at 7,000!! The amount of effort put into this by every single one of you cannot be over expressed! In less than 3 days we've done something truly special here. These kind of things seldom get the results we want as quick as we would hope, as stated before this is a one day at a time affair. Tomorrow is our new obstacle, we keep this petition strong and we keep our request focused with resolute fervor! Do you see it? That's day 4, and with it the closing of the weekend. We land this sucker safe and sound on Monday and make a clear landing throughout next week. I know Bungie will reply, you all have given them no choice! Bump it well into the night! Deej, Cozmo, Bungie...Common!!! Edit #9 (10am PST) We've hit 7,000 ladies and gentlemen! If you know Bungie, I think you understand why they could appreciate the number :) I digress though, never a doubt in my mind though we would get this far, not because of anything I'm doing but because [i]you all[/i] have adopted this and made this yours! This is a community petition through and through! I know that in a lot of ways it's frustrating to come this far without recognition but I genuinely believe Bungie will address this, we aren't asking for something absurd but I'm sure it takes time to get something back to us. It isn't faith in Bungie as a company but faith in the fact that they have good common sense to know they must address this because their player based has clearly asked them to. Stay frosty because we're taking this into week 2, I know some of you have noted the post probably being hidden at one point or another but that's out of our control if true. Just stay calm and bump, sign, and favor it ;) tell your friends, spread the word repeat bumps are well and good but having more people aware about this in order to get their support is even better. We're crashing the stream and the weekly update this week so get ready. We're not anywhere near done.

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