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8/22/2015 2:02:30 PM
If you had booted him during the fighting, you'd have had my support. You got rid of deadweight, and were taking a stand. But to carry him to the end, and then kick him makes you no better than him. It was a vindictive move. Even when dead, a Guardian's ghost box still attracts fire and attention from enemies. So while he clearly lied about his ability level...and didn't contribute MUCH...he did contribute SOME. ..and if you were wiling to carry him through to the end, then you should have seen it thorugh to the end.

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  • It's simple really. Freeloaders have not earned the reward and should not be granted anything for their lack of contribution. While yes, the guy was booted, tantalizingly close to the end, it was justified to deliver a clear message and a lesson to be learned. Hard work=great reward. There should never be trophies for "taking part".

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  • ...and the OP allowed him to freeload the entire game. ..and there was no "clear message" delivered. There is a difference between setting boundaries...and taking retribution. A difference between not allowing one's self to be taken advantage of...and looking to punish or harm someone else. The OP was not setting a limit or protecting himself. He was looking to punish this guy. To do what he did had nothing to do with any sort of "message" other than to be vindictive and cruel to someone doing somethign he didn't like. If he wanted to make a statement, he either needed to boot the guy right away...or (as another poster suggest) send him a warning message that he either needed to participate, or he would get booted without any rewards. So it THEN becomes clear why he's getting booted at the end.

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  • I disagree. He wasted their time by claiming to be good then not helping. This made their activity take much longer. It's only fair to waste his time as well... let him sit and not be able to leech another team for awhile.

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  • [quote]It's only fair to waste his time as well... let him sit and not be able to leech another team for awhile.[/quote] Yes. If you're goal is to simply be vindictive...and "get even". If your goal was to make a clear statement that not carrying your weight is NOT boot him right away. or if its a matchmade activity, you leave that instant. But if you're goal is to hold someone else down in the mud, expect to get dirty yourself.

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  • Edited by Daishi: 8/22/2015 2:57:20 PM
    I think the most fair thing would have been to warn him. After the first round he wasn't helping, send a message saying we kick in actives from treasure room, if you don't help you don't get a reward Because being randomly kicked from an activity while mid activity doesn't really send a message. Maybe their buddy logged in and wanted to join. He doesn't know. Being kicked from treasure room sends much more of a message. However actually sending a message is best

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 8/22/2015 3:10:19 PM
    No. kicking from the treasure doesn't. All it says is that we don't want you to have any rewards...and there are DOZENS of reasons why people do that. For every story I hear on this forum about someone doing this to an AFK....I hear three from people claiming that it was done simply because they weren't liked....or the guy doing the booting didnt' think they played well "enough'. Hell, I had to listen to a guy prattle on about how he screwed a guy over in this fashion (booted him at the last minute in a raid boss fight from the guy's own team)...for that very reason. He didn't like the guy, and thought he sucked as a player. Booted the guy from his own team and then inviting his friends to come finish. ...and laughing about having done this to someone. Moments before he left me and another guy literally sitting in orbit while he ran off to do Trials with another team...after INVITING us to come play with him. When I went to see where he ran off to, I booted from the other party the second I dropped in. He of course ignored my messages as to WTF was going on..... But then to add insult to injury the son of a bitch had the balls to try to invite me a second time to do Trials with him. Needless to say I didn't bother to show up to get screwed over a second time. So no, denying people rewards doesn't send any sort of clear message. Booting someone right away does. Sending the sort of warning that someone isn't being helpful...and if htey don't stop THEN you will deny them any rewards DOES send a clear message. But I guarentee you that the guy in the OP story is spinning this so that he is the victim in the re-telling.

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  • ...wat? No. Just no. Being bait isn't contributing if you spend the whole time afk.

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  • It isnt contributing....**much**. But every enemy firing at his CORPSE is an enemy not firing at the two active players. Now...for me...that level of contribution is not enough. I would have KICKED him the moment I realized that this was all he was going to do. Had the OP done something like this, he would have had my whole-hearted support. But to carry the guy all the way to the end and then kick him was a dick move. By carrying the guy through the fighting, you are basically telling him that you have NO problem with what he was doing....and to kick him at the rewards was just cruel...and pointless beyond just feelign that you "got the better" of the guy. Because I guarentee you---that if this kid is online---he's telling a different version of the story: Picked Up from LFG, completed the Prison only to get kicked at the rewards room. He's now the victim who got used. Whereas, if you kick him in the middle of the are sending a CLEAR message to the guy that he is NOT being helpful...and he can't claim that someone took advantage of him.

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  • There's nothing to claim if at the end his play time matches everyone else but his kill count is 0. OP is fine as is and that kid was an idiot.

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  • Disagree. He was not looking to prevent himself from being taken advantage of. He was looking to punish someone else. There is a subtle...but very important....difference between the two.

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  • So in his stupid "I'm just gonna stand here and do nothing" punishment rage you think he deserved the chest? Where is the logic in that. For all it was worth the kid might as well have left on his own. You don't do anything you don't deserve anything. So if anything shame on that kid for thinking he was pulling the wool over someone's eyes and hopefully he learns that just cause someone doesn't want to join your clan doesn't mean you have the right to some virtual vow of silence. Be a team player or leave but don't get mad when you're served.

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  • X2.

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