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Edited by II Stargazer x: 8/21/2015 9:04:27 AM

Is Destiny really worth it now after the latest news?







Since the latest news update , will you still buy into the taken king? yes: please explain why (personally think it is a big mistake now) NO: good choice but please elaborate (if the latest news isn't good enough) maybe: if Bungie change a few things (if not everything) personally tilted towards NO since this news, stick with maybe since Bungie can always change there minds. Also I think Bungie should give us a list of Year 1 Exotic's being upgraded for Year 2 please hit like for an answer or the list, thank you Stargazer signing off Edit: am I the only one on maybe (lol, should have said nothing)?

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  • no way. never really was. just hoping...not anymore D:

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  • I like that Destiny is evolving but I hate that my fave weapons get Nerfed to shit all the time. I used Shadow Price forever 'cause I never found Suros. ARs got the big Nerf then what do you know RNGesus drops me the Regime, but it's useless. Now I'm in love with my Multi-Tool but it's like the inevitable death of my dog. The tears and heartache are just an update away.

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    2 Replies
    • I am not buying any more DLC from Bungie. I call my Destiny career off. I already have enough things to worry in my life like work stress etc.. I have no intension of constnatly putting myself in further stress about a company who doesn't care about their users at all. All they want is Us paying money and agree on every grind mechanics they put in front of us. Sorry but i am not going to face that.

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      • So basically all of us whether we agree with the move or not have been playing a BETA, so all our beta gear if we don't. Fight will be useless in the taken king. Legendaries can be replaced but our hard earned unique exotics are gonna be sub par And on a final note no Deej I won't use my fatebringer in pvp no one does. Thank you for taking the time to read this

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      • bump!

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      • I picked no, this will elaborate:

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      • #dooowhatchawannadooo Gaming is a form of entertainment. Do whatever makes you happy.

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      • I don't think $40 is going to break anybody's bank, especially not a gamer's seeing as they're already predisposed to spend frivilously on their hobby. I think the reluctance to get on board with Taken King is rooted much deeper than the price tag. It has to do with doubt. This is the first thing Bungie has actually asked you to buy since you preordered Destiny and its expansion pass back in 2013. The truth is, as a whole, the delivery of Destiny was met with... disappointment I suppose. The months following release were just one blunder after another until now finally with House of Wolves they have a fully functional and somewhat enjoyable game running -- a game you paid for in 2013 came to fruition in mid May 2015. Now they're already trying to sell you a new game again and the question is, looking at how Destiny has performed up to this point, do you have confidence in purchasing TTK or is it too likely that it'll be another 9 months until you're saying they finally sucessfully landed TTK? It's not the $40, perhaps it's game itself you're gambling with.

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        • For the moment, i'm still leaning more towards maybe. I would want to see more information regarding the whole DLC rather than make a final decision when all the information is not out yet. The changes to exotics doesn't sound too bad, especially with the exotic blueprint system, and its nice to see the tokens replaced with just one type accepted by all the vendors. The new collection system also sounds promising as well, along with doubled vault space. I would like to see a list of exotics some people are claiming to be left behind (with obvious exception to Gjallarhorn for now), as well as some more information on how infusion and the new armor system works. But again, they have more stuff to talk about, so i'll wait and see how the rest of it goes before making a final decision on it.

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        • I'm giving them $40 for nerfing thorn.

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        • Infusion looks like a joke. They showed us in the steam that all of the legendary weapons in the tower are level 280, including the armsday weapons. They also showed us that the new year 2 exotics are 280. Looks like infusion won't even work until the next expansion. Way to go Bungie! [b]Why couldn't we just infuse ANY legendary or exotic weapons regardless of level and have it increment the new weapon accordingly?[/b]

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by kgnast: 8/22/2015 10:00:14 PM
            Interesting marketing perspective though: their message to all newcomers, our playerbase has left, you now have the entire dreadnought all to yourselves. Here's an xp buff to instantly get you to lvl 25 so you can play the TTK content, None of the lvl 34 guardians w maxed grimoire that set all the legends are around anymore. Lol.

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          • Edited by SunlightHeart: 8/22/2015 9:48:18 PM
            Yes. I feel that Bungie is making the best decisions they can make based on the directions they want to evolve destiny. Bungie has realized that, like babies with a binky, we will never let our old toys go. Therefore, they've chosen to slowly ween us off of them so hopefully give us better gear. They have realized that some items were way too good and seek to adjust PR leave behind what is not conducive to the new environment while giving you an option to keep some of the old, but at high cost to you. Bungie was likely forced to release an unfinished game to show a return on Activision's investment so I don't harbor any hate for the state of DLC in this game, honestly, every form of entertainment pisses money away faster than Destiny. Went on a date last week and spent 75 bucks. I promptly ended that fling. Overall I like the changes in the game and seeing as how I haven't pumped 600 hours into Destiny I still get plenty of enjoyment from it. I feel that my 80 bucks thus far has been worth it and 40 dollars ain't much to support a game I legitimately enjoy playing.

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          • I'm really looking forward to all of the new features. I bet I'll have a blast getting and using the new gear, and I'll have the vault space to store it all.

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          • Im gonna get TTK because i believe it will be more balanced as a whole. Beloved AR's will be restored (Rejoice) and there wont be end game content boundaries like fatebringer or the gally. All the new content (to me) is completely worth it.

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          • Edited by kgnast: 8/22/2015 9:30:26 PM
            I did. Just yesterday. My thoughts: my son and I have been gaming together since he was about 4/5 years old. NFS, MLB, Halo was our thing. Enter Destiny. We enjoy it, and as he's now in highschool, it gives us a common bond as he's growing up and leaving the proverbial nest. Whatever is in TTK, we'll enjoy because its fun time we get to do, together. Now, I think that just about 100% of the stuff they showed this week was a global update that they are using to bolster TTK sales. I think in reality, it doesn't matter if you buy TTK or not, you'll get the expanded vault, the quest lines, level progression changes, etc.? These changes are global base changes, and having nothing to do w TTK. Me? I don't know if Im going to break my ass grinding RNG for 50 pieces of some gun so by next August when I can finally assemble it, I'll get 30 days usage before it too gets shafted into obsolescence. I will be going for that No Time To Explain weap. Yep, exotic version of strangers rifle? Super bueno.

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          • I equate this debate to that of a strip club. Most guys are like strip club idea is great (strip club equals destiny). But then some guys are like, nah its not for me, especially when it's $40 to get in the door and $20 to $40 dollar private dances ( that's DLC by the way). But when these guys just happen to experience the stripper joint first hand, they are like... This is AWESOME!! Just sayin... By the way I'm good with TTK so far, could be better, but seems nearly worth it.

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          • I say no because they banned LostSols ahead of the weekly update. #FreeSols

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            6 Replies
            • I'm concerned about two things: 1- the new exotic upgrade path. This feels just like dark below when newer higher damage exotics were not dropping in VoG and then if we wanted a new higher tier exotic we had to go to a special kiosk at the tower (Xur) and have acquired the old exotic and then pay a large amount of currency to get that new version that was unleveled ...... Sound familiar to anyone. Sounds just like the new TTK exotic kiosk. And Bungie apologized for that mess and said player time and investment was important...... 2- the new legendary marks I watched the stream 4 times and it was very vague how we can get these new marks. Do we acquire them in ALL the same ways as currently. The weekly update and stream only said legendary marks come from the weekly heroic strike, the daily story mission, the daily PvP match, and breaking down legendary gear They did NOT mention getting legendary marks from public events, the strike playlist, and any crucible match As we currently get crucible and vanguard marks for those activities That concerns me.

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              • Edited by Octopus: 8/21/2015 2:34:40 PM
                i would go as far as saying that you need to be a total retard if you open your wallet to the taken walletking sent by bungievisions temple of darkness^^ but if you have no problem for paying the small prize of only $40 for a beta 2.0 then you surely fine^^ btw, my vote is no...obviously^^

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                • I do what I want with my damn money!

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                  • Tired of their promises not being true

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                  • Might just wait a year, it'll be $10-20 then and I won't be subjected to another 1,000 hours grinding :P

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                  • I'm on maybe... I just want to know more details. Bungie/Activision are fvcking snakes

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                  • Every weapon they showed us was junk. Here's what's gonna happen - this expansion is gonna be like every expansion before it. It will have a ton of new weapons, but they will all be shit compared to Vault of Glass and Iron Banner weapons. Sadly, those are left behind so we will all be stuck with garbage weapons (probably until the end of year 2 when they decide to allow infusion of year 1 weapons). Here's a fact - The best weapons in the game (and arguably the only good weapons) come from one of 3 places: Vault of Glass, Iron Banner, and Trials of Osiris Flawless Lighthouse. If they are going to force us to abandon our year 1 weapons then they need to make it possible for us to reacquire year 2 versions of the Raid, Iron Banner, and Trials of Osiris weapons. This could be done with including a new harder version of the raids which drop year 2 versions of the weapons or by having an "end game activities legendary" blueprints kiosk in the tower. Of course it could also be accomplished by simply allowing infusion on year 1 weapons with new year 2 weapons.

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                  • I like the changes thus far...however two key areas not fully addressed yet. 1. The actual amount of new content available. 2 . What will future matchmaking look like for all events/modes. The answer to those will drive a purchase or not.

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