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Edited by Avery: 8/24/2015 12:47:55 AM

Booted a guy at Treasure Room, no regrets.

[b][u]Before anyone gets all salty and abuses me in the comments, have a good read.[/b][/u] So last night a friend and I were going to dive into a level 34 PoE, and as per usual we go LFG to get a third Guardian to help us. For anonymity's sake we're going to call this guy "SuperScrub". SuperScrub replied saying he was, and I quote; "Highly skilled, all exotics, maxed Gally." Naturally my friend invites him and we get on our way. The problems start here. He joins and he's a 33 Warlock. No problem, my friend is 33 and I'm 34, no issues here. Skill is key. When my friend and I are jumping around, blasting the heck out of Vex and this guy is just standing in a corner of the room, not doing anything. Of course, he dies. We both then get messages from this guy. Weird, right? It gets better. He's typed up some long ass message basically saying "Join my clan PLS IT'S SO GOOD." My friend is the founder of his clan, and I the admin of mine, so we kindly decline this and keep playing. Only he doesn't do anything. Every room, he just stands still, dies, pops his Fireborn, and dies again. The epitome of skill. Through much pain and suffering, my friend and I manage to get to the end, punch Gulrot in his ganky face and get praised by Variks. The dude of course is magically active now, as the sweet prospect of rewards is dangled in front of him. My friend and I sail down to the bottom and wait. The second he touches down, we both wave, and I kick him. I don't reward Leeches. TL;DR : SuperrScrub LFG leech got booted at Treasure Room for leeching. [spoiler]Edit 1: Front page of Trending ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Edit 2: 2nd highest on trending, 100+ replies! Edit 3: Stop looking through my match history, you pervs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Edit 4: Holy heck this blew up. Edit 5: Lots of Salty Sallies in this thread, some people can't read it seems :~) Edit 7: Made some words bold, too many people can't read. Final Edit: This blew up heaps. I've also never seen so many white knights defending a leech. Maybe you should all carry a bunch seeming as you love them so much! :~) Final final edit: 257 upvotes, 602 comments, Trending, etc. Thanks a bunch![/spoiler]

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  • I would be less of a douchebag and kicked him right away tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  • Sounds like you're dumb and lazy for not booting him in the first round. No ones fault but your own but I see how you would want a popular post to get comments on showing how bad ass you two are for two manning a 34 lawl! Poe was made for kinter sqeakers anyway

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  • But your match history is interesting!

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by KebintheGervil: 8/21/2015 9:18:52 AM
      Based upon your post, I would agree with you. I don't mind my friends jumping in at the last minute to get rewards when I've soloed the Nightfall as I've been invited into groups just as they were finishing raids. This though is not acceptable behaviour and I don't know anyone who would have allowed me as a friend do this, let alone a stranger. It sounds like you gave every opportunity to join and they didn't. Definitely their fault it ended this way.

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    • Good on you! I'd do the same. Report and boot. It's worse in strike playlists. I just wait around until they move.

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    • Good one So fed up with playing strikes to see someone spawn and just stand there I go back and he's not even attempting to play, leeching the game So I depart This is happening so often ffs what's wrong with people?

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    • Well, you sound like a weasel. That's my opinion anyway. If he sucked, then you should have been upfront with him like a man and just told him. You could have booted him earlier. Basically it's sounds like you stoopped to even a lower level then him. So call me what you , you're what I call a weasel.

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      48 Replies
      • Epic level burn by you and your bud, bruh. Me personally I would have kicked him earlier and saved myself the grief. My patience for AFKers and leechers is zero, I have to be rid of them quickly.

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      • I don't agree.. you had five rounds to msg him/her and let them know "work for it or you are out" and did nothing. You waited till the end and then waved before you kicked him/her out. That sounds to me like a planned action, im sure that you are the type of guys who teabag on round 5 at trials right? I understand its frustrating when a player is AFK or just not trying but you can kick him a lot sooner and replace him/her.

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        10 Replies
        • and what was the pay off??? i'd much rather have this kid know how great i am then to play him like that...i mean really it's a game your not doing anything that hard the kid finds someone like me and my clan ,bashes guys like you and finds out what fun it is to play with ppl who just likes to have fun....but if thats how you get your kicks more power to ya.

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        • Good shit. Eff him.

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        • I can totally respect that. He should've done his fist share of work.

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        • Lol that's why I rarely ever use LFG. True story one time I also used LFG for 34 PoE and we start the first round, one of the guys from LFG asks me "So who's the boss this week in trials of Osiris?" He was being serious, we tried getting past the 1st round 4 times, I was done. [spoiler]LFG should be called LFS: Looking For Scrubs[/spoiler]

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          • yall report people for not getting to shooting fast enough ? lmho i can understand Op though. but do understand this, some players are very young and mentally delicate be mindful of their feelings. if you have a little more wisdom, just guide them on how things should be

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            • More drama here than Coronation Street.

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              • Those like superscrub are the ones who want matchmaking for nightfalls and raids.

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                6 Replies
                • Did he say anything after you kicked him?

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                • Nice work. I would have done the same. No tryers, no point

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                • I partly agree.. yes there is nothing sweeter then revenge but I would have probably kicked him sooner just to get someone else. No salt man ;-)

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                • Yh pointless why make it harder should of kicked him from start or well after first round.

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                • Good on you! These people are the plaque of PvE activities.

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                • Well, I can totally understand why you did that. But then again you could've just explained to him earlier on and kicked him then. Instead you post about it and expect to get empathy? You are what's wrong with this community, I hope you feel good about yourself though, and I'm sure you justify what you did in some way, but I'd say you're still a bad guardian. KuShO

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                  • We need more stories like these

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                  • 1
                    Same thing happened to me, I always do 28 PoE. We had this guy, and on the 1st round he was playing. However, second round he just sits there and dies. Obviously he gets teleported to the airlock. On the airlock, he becomes active, but this other guy and I have seen him. We are both sunsingers, and earlier he used solar wind to push him into the fighting area. So I think he knows what I'm thinking. This guy comes down just after we've got our loot, and goes to get his, but we won't let him. We've already reported him. Then we use solar wind (Pushes enemies back, the ability can't be used because he is an ally) and keep preventing him from reaching the treasure. He lost a fair amount of K/D, and wasted his time.

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                  • All fine apart from the waving before you booted him part, kinda seems a bit pathetic and immature if you ask me.

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                  • Good one.

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