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8/20/2015 9:11:49 AM

A step forward

Destiny should have a 2v2 trials as well as 1v1. The 1v1 should still look like 3v3 in the lobby: three rounds, 1 guardian per team each round with 2 spectators (only in view of their current & active teammates camera) - so (mortal combat-ish) style King of the hill and if both opponents playing happen to die in one of those rounds it would be interesting to see a sudden death round at the end, with those of the 2 best Kds of each team (or a vote/random pick from each team for the tiebreaker) duking it out. Oooorrrrr.... Lone wolves style trials where it's flat out 1v1 - (not rumble style of 6 players) - to see who can achieve 3 winning rounds first. (typical trials spawns and no heavy rounds- or 4 total rounds & when the first player reaches 2 winning rounds) --- heavy ammo would be a problem. Bump and comment if you have any advice for this post, I have been thinking of this idea for a while and thought I would share since doubles is already in the game anyway.. I only feel this idea would expand on our crucible enjoyment a little more, specifically for those who enjoy a more suspenseful match

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