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originally posted in: Not Quitting Destiny. I like it more
8/19/2015 4:55:03 AM
Call bullshit on not being able to afford it, ppl afford the actual game at a cost in this country of $70-$100 (more than most other countries) a console in this country retails for approx $550 (and is usually bundled with 3 games at this price too, which could also be sold or traded), so its the equivelant of 6 or 7 full priced new games titles to upgrade to a new console, now, take into account that you can trade the old console and the old games in to make it even cheaper(or sell on ebay or like if u want to get more value out of it) as well as the 3 platinum type titles bundled with the new console. All of a sudden that price seems a lot more affordable. I dont even have a job atm and I can afford it. (so pretty sure most can) Do you honestly expect bungie to keep supporting the old formats for the whole 10 year goal? If not, when do you expect them to pull support? 2017? I'm sure there will be a way to port characters over to the new consoles from the old ones when they do, but be realistic, you cant think that the old gen consoles are going to be around another decade and still get new titles/content and support from companies like Bungie. The previous generations consoles had already far exceeded the lifespan of any other generation of games consoles when the current gen was released.most games these days last 1 year and a new one is released (TTK is just another example, but being mmo based it also builds on the previous title)

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