>Tfw Bungie responds to a short positive post yet fails to reply to the multitude of polite, well written multi-paragraph complaints, criticisms, and suggestions that specifically ask for a reply.
There's a time and place to answer questions. He literally made a thread saying to post your questions in for the twitch stream tomorrow. Is it so bad that he does normal stuff on the forums too?
I've yet to see any polite, well written posts about things needing fixed. Not to mention, even if they did reply to posts of that nature, what are they going to say. Deej and Cozmo can't exactly spill the news about the next updates.
That's interesting. Where are you seeing all these polite posts? All I see are "I'm quiting if" or "bungie is the worst because" posts. Who knew there were positive ones?
Go to feedback.
but the changes in TTK (at least the ones we know) does suggest that they read them.