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8/16/2015 12:22:26 PM
That's true. I'm just rather pessimistic on the matter. Seeing new noobs everyday makes it worse. No matter how much you guys voice out your concerns or threaten to walk away, there's always gonna be a new player to take your place and in the grand scheme of things, there could be more new players than quitters. If I had never played Destiny before and had to choose between vanilla Destiny and TTK, I'd choose TTK right away. It really has a much better system than vanilla. Most of us year 1 players are just raging over the planned obsolescence of our gear we grinded so long for and prayed so much to RNGesus for. So I fear that even with threats of quitting, TTK will still be attractive enough encourage new players to buy. And that's all that's important to them. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

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