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Edited by TurianPrimarch: 8/16/2015 5:53:50 AM
I always feel the need to post this kind of comment whenever I see people seeking lower prices or compensation for the money they spent on the game and DLCs. Let me be frank and tell you what the moderators aren't allowed to say. First of all, Bungie owes us very little to nothing at all. It was the job of every Bungie employee to produce Destiny. Destiny represents years of work for them. It didn't happen overnight. If anything, THEY need the compensation for the fruits of their labor. Get real guys, making games is their JOB. They need to get paid for it to make a living and the more money the game makes, the longer the developers will be able to keep their jobs. Sure, the game was practically a beta test, but if you've been playing it for so long then you must have enjoyed it more than you hated it. Whatever investment you think that you put into the game, remember that they've already invested years into this thing and your investment of time playing and having fun is negligible to the investment of their labor. About the DLCs, remember that Destiny's an online game. Every minute you play costs money to keep the servers (no matter how crappy they are) running. Bungie would have been bankrupt early on had they not been releasing DLCs. Honestly, the game would probably be loaded with more content if it were subscription-based but no one's gonna pay for that so DLCs are the way to go. Expensive? Maybe a little. But remember that they need to get paid for the work that they do. TTK priced too high? Nope. As you said, year 1 was beta. Year 2 is the real game. With all the changes that TTK will bring, it's practically Destiny 2. It's just that Bungie can't call it that since all the forums will burn in the rage of angry players if they give it that title. So if you think about it, Destiny 2 (TTK) is a cheaper game than its beta. If you took the time to write your post, then you must really like Destiny. I wanted to point all those things out so that you'll understand how a game like this works. Even after TTK, Destiny will remain the same. They will keep releasing some content to keep us paying and wanting for more. If you like games with richer content without paying for more, go get an offline game. But since you seem to like Destiny, I suggest that you just try to understand why Bungie operates the way it does. Otherwise, you'll always be looking for that compensation you want. This is just my take from an economic standpoint from their point-of-view. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would have different opinions, so I don't mind a friendly chat.

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