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Edited by Is__Endless: 8/14/2015 3:11:17 PM
No no no. I didn't say I hated the fanbase as a whole. I said I hated the elitists. I hate one of the games (Halo 4). I do not hate Halo 2, Reach or ODST. I dislike Halo 2's campaign (as stated countless times). Also, don't put words in my mouth. I never once said "just another FPS". I said it's "just an FPS game". Completely different tone. You're trying to twist my words to your liking and it's not going to work.

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  • Edited by ch33zy burrito: 8/14/2015 3:27:03 PM
    I'm just rewriting your words. I don't really care about how you think I meant them. I didn't go through and quote every damn sentence so what I was pointing out was based off memory. The tone in your words implied bluntness as did the other things I put in my post which you completely skipped over.

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  • Edited by Is__Endless: 8/14/2015 4:15:34 PM
    I responded to the two major points you were attempting to make. You're trying to say that there was a franchise-wide hate implied it a comment that specifically targets Halo 4 itself. You were also attempting to support that very claim by misquoting me. You were trying to support your claim based on me saying that Halo is "just another FPS", which is something I never said. I said it's "just an FPS" and it's "only an FPS". The way you worded it added negative connotation that wasn't in what I said. In my thread that you seem to like bringing up and misconstruing, I clearly say; [quote][b]I do not hate Halo fans. I hate Halo fanboys.[/b] They're much different. These diehards think that they are the centre of gaming.[b] Halo was pivotal in FPS multiplayer. I'm not stupid, I know how important Halo's birth is to modern FPS releases.[/b][/quote] And [quote]Halo is only an FPS. A damn good FPS, but an FPS nonetheless. [b]Halo was definitely a top-tier series. Definitely. I'm not saying it wasn't.[/b][/quote] Your disregard for key points in both my thread and in this discussion just shows that you're only interested in things that make you look right. You seem to completely disregard the fact that my thread isn't a Halo franchise hate thread. You also like to twist words and statements to your liking. Well, let's be very clear, that will not work against me. I'm not an idiot. I know what I said, how I said it and what I was talking about. I hate 1 Halo game. Not 2. 1. Halo 4 is the only Halo game I hate. There are others I'm not particularly fond of, ODST and Reach (which aren't main series titles, by the way), but I don't hate them. I simply felt that both of them were unfinished. Halo 2's campaign didn't tickle my fancy. Let's be real, though. Halo's campaigns are not what people played Halo for. Halo's multiplayer is what gets it such high praise, and rightly so. At the time, nothing quite like Halo existed. We're all aware of that. Nobody is discrediting the Halo franchise here (despite what you seem to think). I can be a Halo fan and not be an elitist about it. In fact, I am a Halo fan and I'm not elitist about it. I'm also a The Last of Us fan and I'm not elitist about it. Both games have earned their spots at the top in my opinion. I simply feel that Halo 4 was a huge letdown. That is a personal opinion that I am more than welcome to have a share. If you're just going to misquote me again or completely disregard this very detailed post, do not respond. I don't need to see another "which is what I'm trying to say"-like line from you. I know what you're trying to say, you're just wrong in this case. I do not hate Halo as a franchise, just Halo 4 as a game, and the thread you're citing clearly states that. There's no implication of any kind in my first response to you. Also, another fun fact, my name was not EscapeTheArtist when I posted my rant about Halo elitists. It was Is__Endless or something like that. The only way you would have recognized the thread is if you actually searched for it in my activity or something. You couldn't have seen my name and been like "He's the guy who posted that Halo fanboy rant!" because I wasn't EscapeTheArtist back then.

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  • Edited by ch33zy burrito: 8/15/2015 6:30:56 AM
    Edit: Tbh I don't really feel the need to discuss this anymore as its all opinionated and will never achieve anything. This post was made before this edit though and I just wanted to show that I didn't stop replying without defending myself. If you feel the need to continue then so be it. [quote]I responded to the two major points you were attempting to make. You're trying to say that there was a franchise-wide hate implied it a comment that specifically targets Halo 4 itself. You were also attempting to support that very claim by misquoting me. [/quote] No no no no. Firstly, you did not respond to these points: [quote] It's not, it's supporting the implications. Right off the bat you hate 2 of the games and think the others are undone. [/quote] Along with: [quote] And generally when someone hates a player base, makes a post about it, and continues to do so they have problems with the game, myself included. Which is exactly why I commented on it.[/quote] These were the key points that I had been emphasizing since the beginning of this exchange. It may have been altered slightly from then but ultimately have remained the same. I keep repeating myself over and over and I'm not going to do it again as of this paragraph, not when I have your giant ass wall to reply to. I've shown you the key points right here so I expect you do your part and elaborate on whatever your stance on this is. If not, then you can just ignore them like you did previously. [quote] You were trying to support your claim based on me saying that Halo is "just another FPS", which is something I never said. I said it's "just an FPS" and it's "only an FPS". The way you worded it added negative connotation that wasn't in what I said. In my thread that you seem to like bringing up and misconstruing, I clearly say; [/quote] Secondly, I did support my claim. No matter which way you say write it a negative connotation is implied. Both are very bland descriptions and this goes for any game out there. [b][u]End of[/u][/b]. That seems the be the entirety of this argument really. Just imprecise explanations and your irrelevancies clashing head to head over and over again. Refer back to these 2 points (which were also skipped) [quote][b][u]I'm just rewriting your words. I don't really care about how you think I meant them. I didn't go through and quote every damn sentence so what I was pointing out was based off memory.[/u][/b] [/quote] [quote] Alright, I'm not going to tell you what you were trying to say. I've had idiots on here do the same thing to me before and it's doesn't really make any sense. But let me ask you this, do you really know who you are calling out? If you're only mad at the fans then surely you can think the game is too great right? Whenever I hate the fans of a game odds are I also hate the game. Cod, Minecraft, Destiny, all those games have huge flaws and are mindlessly loved by their community, however if I truly liked those games I wouldn't call those people out because I would understand where they're coming from. [/quote] The part that bothers me the most is that I went out of my way to put how I feel about games and their communities in the most logical way possible and for whatever reason you didn't even bring it up in your post. All you did was nitpick that I said "fans" instead of "elitists" and called it a day. Now that I think about it, you've been doing a lot of that lately in every post you make. It's always about something I "twisted" around (even though I didn't and explain why I wrote what I did yet you didn't bring it up) and never about what I have to say. I've even told you about [i]my own damn experiences[/i] with morons on this site who think they can tell me what I meant to write. It only happens every so often but this time it's gotten out of hand. [quote] I know what I said, how I said it and what I was talking about.[/quote] Yes but you do not know what it implies and the general direction things take when involving these matters thus rendering that little paragraph you wrote irrelevant. I've already stated this, go back and re-read what I quoted from my previous comments. You should see what I'm talking about. [quote]Not 2. 1. Halo 4 is the only Halo game I hate. [/quote] Hmm yet in your thread you seemed to have said you had no intentions of buying the next game and that [quote]The Bungie trilogy was good.[/quote] + [quote] Halo 1-3 were the only good Halo games, in my opinion. [/quote] You know what that implies? That you don't like 343's Halo or the current Halo. Of course this was all way back when and you could've changed your opinion on the matter but so long as this exchange continues we're discussing what you said that made it seem as if you don't like the current franchise. Who says they like Halo but then goes on to say the only the original trilogy were good? And before you start getting all nitpicky I'm only using this as an example to show why people made and continue to make implications over your post. Some of the people didn't even read the whole thing. [quote] There are others I'm not particularly fond of, ODST and Reach (which aren't main series titles, by the way)[/quote] Halo reach was certainly a main title. It seems you hold on to the idea that only the original trilogy was truly groundbreaking. While they certainly were Halo Reach was the most detailed Halo to date and in my opinion ODST had the best campaign and soundtrack. So I really have no idea as to why you would state otherwise. [quote] Let's be real, though. Halo's campaigns are not what people played Halo for. Halo's multiplayer is what gets it such high praise, and rightly so.[/quote] Ha! That's probably the most naive thing I've heard from you yet. Halos campaign revolutionized just as much as its multiplayer. The same goes for its theatre mode and forge mode and firefight, etc. I'd never expect such a comment from someone that seems to have loved Halo CE and 3 so greatly. (Although I do believe Halo 3's was lackluster). Halo CE revolutionizes everything, storytelling, graphics, love for characters, weapon sandbox, enemy AI and the list continues. Secretly adding the Forerunners [i]and then[/i] the Flood in the game was one of the greatest twists in video game history. Nobody expected such a thing as only the covenant were ever shown and it was done brilliantly. Do you honestly believe people currently play Halo for its multiplayer? It's just become a watered down cod/Crysis clone with Halo aesthetics and has no real significance at all. People want to know what happens to master chief and why he's being hunted down. People want to know what the Guardians really are. People want to know what new things will be in this game and most of all people want to know how it will resolve. TRUE fans kept playing Halo for its custom games and its community but they all relished its wonderful campaign. [quote] We're all aware of that. Nobody is discrediting the Halo franchise here (despite what you seem to think). [/quote] That's not what's implied (despite what you seem to think). [quote] If you're just going to misquote me again or completely disregard this very detailed post, do not respond.[/quote] That's not how it's going to work. You can stop replying about this anytime you want. Or even better we can talk about the good times this series has brought us however, I will reply to every post made whenever I get the time. It's my policy and I'm not about to go back on it. [quote] Also, another fun fact, my name was not EscapeTheArtist when I posted my rant about Halo elitists. It was Is__Endless or something like that. The only way you would have recognized the thread is if you actually searched for it in my activity or something. You couldn't have seen my name and been like "He's the guy who posted that Halo fanboy rant!" because I wasn't EscapeTheArtist back then.[/quote] Here's a fun fact for you. I saw your little thread because of Caboose himself. The shitstorm he stirred up caused it to be on the main wall for quite some time. Fast forward a few months and I have someone discussing the same things I witnessed in that post. (I also saw Caboose himself btw) So I then proceed to check thine player history and see the PSN pic and I also see that you have your viewing status off. And of course I find that good old thread in there. If you're going to try to be clever, at least do it right ;)

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