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Edited by Wikkedplay: 10/14/2015 6:20:54 PM

Why do men treat women gamers bad? I legit want true honesty here (open up)

Hey there, I'm a gamer from Texas. I have a legit question I really want to know. After encountering so many rude remarks flirting, or even observing fellow female gamers yelled at/cat called...I really wanna know why a lot if you Lads don't like women? There would be times nothing would happen and yelling name calling and harassment would arise. Almost all of the times the lady gamer werent doing anything and the male would pick at her. Either being sexual or really aggressive. I noticed male gamers would get super mad when she would try to defend herself as if she had no right to defend herself. Then there are the few sweet guys that are super quiet guys. Only 1% percent out of 99 percent. Just tell me a simple sentence of what your attitude towards women is, in the gaming community. Is it Jealousy? Nervousness? No contact with women? Or you just don't like women gaming? Thanks.[spoiler]im watching he honest ok....[/spoiler]

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  • when I play with a girl I just stay quiet cause... *story time kiddies* Back when Facebook was becoming a thing, it got really popular for middle schoolers as well. So this girl I had a crush on added me and I thought it was the greatest thing ever! Lol, so we talked about stuff like our favorite shows, our favorite foods, plot points and spoilers, gossiping about teachers and other kids, and movies. Well, in short this girl wanted to be a movie star when she got older, but she didn't want to make it alone. That's when she told me that she liked me and I told her the same. So school was normal, she's be with her friends and I'd be with the 2 dudes I always hang out with (still friends after 7 years). But on fb things got kinky. We ended up doing this stupid thing where it was like: Her: *takes of clothes* Me: *stare in amazement* Type of thing, and it went on for a good couple of weeks until we both started to talk dirty. Like, we both said what we'd do to each other and how hard/wet we were... Not gonna say b/c of ninja justice. And so the end of the school year was a good 2 weeks away and all of a sudden I get called to the principal's office where he showed me 1 good hefty stack of papers. It was conversation between me and this girl but it was highly edited so that it made it seem like I was the only one talking dirty. I told him it wasn't true but he told me if I'm lying I will be sent to a court. I told him how we both talked like this and that she would initiate this talk and I ended it. He said prove it, and so I logged onto Facebook in his computer and walla... Our full conversation between this girl and I. So after that she was expelled and I got really scared to talk to girls. Like, anything I say or do could trigger something. I just stay quiet and compliment on what they do during games. PLOT POINT( heh): I was friends with this other girl, right? Like childhood friend who I happened to be friends with the girl I flirted with. When the 7th grade started she told me how the girl wanted to get me in trouble and sue my family for money to make it into the big films. Her parents had a lawyer ready.

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