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8/10/2015 5:10:09 AM
when I play with a girl I just stay quiet cause... *story time kiddies* Back when Facebook was becoming a thing, it got really popular for middle schoolers as well. So this girl I had a crush on added me and I thought it was the greatest thing ever! Lol, so we talked about stuff like our favorite shows, our favorite foods, plot points and spoilers, gossiping about teachers and other kids, and movies. Well, in short this girl wanted to be a movie star when she got older, but she didn't want to make it alone. That's when she told me that she liked me and I told her the same. So school was normal, she's be with her friends and I'd be with the 2 dudes I always hang out with (still friends after 7 years). But on fb things got kinky. We ended up doing this stupid thing where it was like: Her: *takes of clothes* Me: *stare in amazement* Type of thing, and it went on for a good couple of weeks until we both started to talk dirty. Like, we both said what we'd do to each other and how hard/wet we were... Not gonna say b/c of ninja justice. And so the end of the school year was a good 2 weeks away and all of a sudden I get called to the principal's office where he showed me 1 good hefty stack of papers. It was conversation between me and this girl but it was highly edited so that it made it seem like I was the only one talking dirty. I told him it wasn't true but he told me if I'm lying I will be sent to a court. I told him how we both talked like this and that she would initiate this talk and I ended it. He said prove it, and so I logged onto Facebook in his computer and walla... Our full conversation between this girl and I. So after that she was expelled and I got really scared to talk to girls. Like, anything I say or do could trigger something. I just stay quiet and compliment on what they do during games. PLOT POINT( heh): I was friends with this other girl, right? Like childhood friend who I happened to be friends with the girl I flirted with. When the 7th grade started she told me how the girl wanted to get me in trouble and sue my family for money to make it into the big films. Her parents had a lawyer ready.

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  • holy shit that's -blam!-ed up

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  • Some girls on here try to do the same, it's disgusting. I'm glad she didn't get away with it & you had proof to back you up. May sound creepy but that's why I keep my pm's, I don't want puerile to try and twist it into something it's not. Have you spoken to her after this incident?

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  • Actually pretty good story and I believe it. I had a girl back in highschool who told me she liked me who I had a crush on and said if I wanted to go out with her (I was too shy to ask any girl out or really talk to them much) and I said sure. For the whole day she kinda flirted with me until the end of the school day and she told me she was just joking with me that she didn't really want to go out to begin with. Ever since then I've kinda always been distrustful of people, females mainly.

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  • Aw! That sucks bro! It also reminds me of my recent prom where I took some cute junior... And she slow danced with someone else. Like mid way through our slow dance she went over to some other junior (who also happened to be in my prom) and danced with him and rested her head on his chest... It broke me. It also made me question my sexuality. Besides that, pm me if you want to hear the full story... Maybe you'd learn a quick lesson of choosing a girl later on in life

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  • Im actually quite interested in that story, i had a girlfriend last year and a similar thing happened, perhaps we could trade stories... heh.

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  • Edited by Hellbent02: 8/10/2015 5:49:25 AM
    Lol I'm good. I'm 34 and already got a gf I been with for almost 3 years. That sucks though and I don't blame you for feeling that way. I'd probably have wanted to strangle her. I never dated or really had much more contact with females up to 24 when I got my first gf.

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  • 24?! Damn. Maybe I'll just take the time to think about this dating stuff lol. Heck, maybe in 3 years when I'm 24 I'll find someone too.

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  • It's always best to not rush it. I will say online dating though is great for guys who don't get out much and is too shy to walk up to someone and just start talking. Got many many dates that way and I'm a short, fat, balding bastard lol.

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  • Jesus Christ. What's sad is if a man did this, he wouldn't be taken seriously. But apparently women can do no wrong...

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  • Yeah... I got really lucky, especially since he talked to the girl's parents that we were young and we are just experimenting/figuring out ourselves and that if I had been older I would be in a cell... :(

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  • How old were you?

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  • 12, 6th grade

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  • 12 and already taken advantage of

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  • yeah... I also had a blunder in my prom recently. Went out with the most beautiful girl in my small school, a junior... Only to be left during slow dance. Pm me if you want the full message, maybe itd teach you something about girls. I don't want anyone else to suffer lmao :c

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