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8/7/2015 1:05:12 AM
You don't always have the opportunity to watch sports, go to the movies etc. but if you have money to give someone playing a video game then you most likely have money to buy and play the game yourself. Yea people pay for entertainment but you DON'T have to pay to watch people play games. If a streamer was entertaining enough to where you could only watch them if you pay then sure, but you don't have to pay so giving them money purely because you enjoy watching them play games is beyond me.

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  • [quote]You don't always have the opportunity to watch sports, go to the movies etc. but if you have money to give someone playing a video game then you most likely have money to buy and play the game yourself. Yea people pay for entertainment but you DON'T have to pay to watch people play games. If a streamer was entertaining enough to where you could only watch them if you pay then sure, but you don't have to pay so giving them money purely because you enjoy watching them play games is beyond me.[/quote] You're missing the point a bit. If a steamer had to be entertaining enough that you have to pay to watch, by your logic, the super bowl ( which is often one of, if not the highest rated tv events of the year ) is actually not entertaining because it's free to watch. There's tons of free programming, does that mean it's not enjoyable because it's free? If I have the money to spend watching a team play baseball, shouldn't I also have the money to buy a ball and glove and go play myself by that logic? No one is forcing you to pay, watch or even enjoy it. That doesn't mean other people don't feel that way though. You're totally free to feel that way. Just like they're free to support something they find entertaining. You do also realize that without the monetary support, most of them could not stream as much, if at all right? Just like pro athletes would have a difficult time training/playing if they were working in office 40-60 hours a week. We pay athletes to entertain us, why can't those who enjoy it pay streamers to entertain us?

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  • Nowhere did I say something isn't entertaining if you don't pay for it. I'm saying someone who just simply plays video games isn't worth spending your money on. I don't know why you're so kept on this topic, I made the post a while ago, if you want to ride the Dick of those who are taking your money by playing games that you could be playing yourself than go ahead. If the streamer is popular they get revenue off of adds, if donations is how they lived than streaming wouldn't be a career for some. The streamers are getting payed by you simply watching them, giving them more money is stupid. Obviously the ones giving streamers money have more money than sense.

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  • [quote]Nowhere did I say something isn't entertaining if you don't pay for it. I'm saying someone who just simply plays video games isn't worth spending your money on. I don't know why you're so kept on this topic, I made the post a while ago, if you want to ride the Dick of those who are taking your money by playing games that you could be playing yourself than go ahead. If the streamer is popular they get revenue off of adds, if donations is how they lived than streaming wouldn't be a career for some. The streamers are getting payed by you simply watching them, giving them more money is stupid. Obviously the ones giving streamers money have more money than sense.[/quote] Athletes should only get paid by tv and stadium revenue and we should attend/watch for free? Watching athletes play a game we can play ourselves is "riding their dick" as well then? I'm just applying your logic to other forms of entertainment. If it's ok to pay to watch someone do one thing, why isn't it ok to pay to watch someone do something else? Maybe you like basketball but not hockey. You're saying it's ok to pay to watch basketball but you can't understand why anyone would pay to watch hockey. Anyone that pays to watch hockey is "riding their dick" and "has more money than sense". Just because YOU don't enjoy it? You said you can see paying to watch a streamer if they're entertaining enough. Who sets the standard for what others find entertaining enough? Again, no one is telling you what to enjoy. Why are you telling other people what to enjoy or how to spend their money? Google how and how much they make. One of the top streamers was reported to make about $216,000 off subscriptions ($3/$2 split with twitch) for a year. It was about $18,000 a month. Most don't make a lot from ads. Many don't have sponsors. Many people run some type of ad blocker so the streamers make no money from them. Donations/subscriptions is actually how most make their money on streaming. Most revenue on something like YouTube is more from ads, but that's not what we're really talking about.

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  • My comment on riding dick has nothing to do with anyone but you defending streamers so hard. Athletes train hard and have abilities most do not, sitting on your ass screaming at a video game to keep children entertained is something that requires little to no effort. Want to pay to watch a hockey game go ahead, because you're obviously not going to play on the ring with them, wanna watch a guy play games? Why? You can play it yourself. I don't watch streamers, it isn't my thing, but when I have tuned in, most of them are just casually playing a game, thanking the people who subscribe, if that's enough entertainment to start giving these guys even more money then yea, more money than sense.

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  • [quote]My comment on riding dick has nothing to do with anyone but you defending streamers so hard. Athletes train hard and have abilities most do not, sitting on your ass screaming at a video game to keep children entertained is something that requires little to no effort. Want to pay to watch a hockey game go ahead, because you're obviously not going to play on the ring with them, wanna watch a guy play games? Why? You can play it yourself. I don't watch streamers, it isn't my thing, but when I have tuned in, most of them are just casually playing a game, thanking the people who subscribe, if that's enough entertainment to start giving these guys even more money then yea, more money than sense.[/quote] I'm more than defending streamers. I'm saying people have the right to enjoy and support different activities. How do you know what abilities people have? You know lots of pro athletes enjoy video games. At least 1 has even sponsored a pro gaming team. The person sitting on the other side of the tv or forum or donating to a steamer could be a doctor, a lawyer or a pro athlete. Yes it's true, athletes train a lot to be good, even the ones who have more natural ability. Do you think pro gamers don't practice a lot or train hard? Sure there's also more casual streamers. Some help with in game activities. Some just provide comedy or other entertainment along with their stream which makes them popular. There's more than one reason to enjoy watching someone or something. Do you only watch your favorite team because they're the best? Do you watch because they're from your home town? You relate to them in some way? You like what they do off the field? Maybe they're the anti hero? You know some people watch while they can't play. Maybe they're on break at work and watch a stream instead of listen to music. Or they tune in while preparing a meal or cleaning the house instead of doing it in silence. Some even do it while playing the game. Not everyone is just staring at a bad player going 0-20 in crucible while throwing money at the screen. You watched a few minutes of "casual" gaming on streams and were disappointed because it wasn't the most thrilling, adrenaline pumping, death defying thing you ever saw? What did you expect? If you want to watch "good" gameplay, watch "better" players. Watch triple wreck, real kraftyy or datto etc. Watch a different game that you're into. Or don't watch. Just no need to tell other people their interests are wrong or that they're dumb because you don't enjoy something they enjoy.

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  • It has nothing do with what people enjoy, why are you getting into that? And no thanks I'd rather not watch those over rated destiny streamers, I'm not looking for anything. People are dumb for watching streamers, they're dumb for giving them money, throw them a couple bucks sure but the people who give them over $100 are insane. Sure anyone can enjoy games, did I say they couldn't? No. Video games are awesome, that's why you play and experience them yourself, and not pay others to play them for you. Like I said, I doubt the people donating are unable to play these games themselves because if they have money to give a stranger playing games they have money to spend.

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  • [quote]It has nothing do with what people enjoy, why are you getting into that? And no thanks I'd rather not watch those over rated destiny streamers, I'm not looking for anything. People are dumb for watching streamers, they're dumb for giving them money, throw them a couple bucks sure but the people who give them over $100 are insane. Sure anyone can enjoy games, did I say they couldn't? No. Video games are awesome, that's why you play and experience them yourself, and not pay others to play them for you. Like I said, I doubt the people donating are unable to play these games themselves because if they have money to give a stranger playing games they have money to spend.[/quote] Well I guess you're either being purposefully ignorant or you're just unable to grasp the conversion. Honestly I think you know you're wrong, but are too proud too admit it. You can't understand why someone would give money to a streamer. Your argument is you can play games yourself. In response I say why pay to watch your favorite sports team? Sports are awesome, that's why you play and experience them yourself right? It has EVERYTHING to do with what people enjoy. You don't enjoy it so you think it's dumb to do and support. Maybe we think what you like is dumb to do and support. Video games are dumb and bring no value to the world. It's dumb to buy them. You're paying someone to sit at a computer all day inventing fake things. Am I wrong? No, that's just my opinion ( just using your logic on something you enjoy, not actually how I feel ). [quote] I doubt the people buying tickets are unable to play these sports themselves because if they have money to give a stranger playing sports they have money to spend.[/quote] Again, same logic. If someone enjoys watching someone play baseball or video games, why are they insane in either case? Because you're ignorant and can't accept other people's interests? You can't understand why someone would pay to watch. I'm telling you it's because they are providing entertainment. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others don't either. Are you really not getting that? No you didn't say anyone can't play games. My point was that even some pro athletes like to "sit around all day playing games". One enjoyed watching others play so much that he sponsored a team. You think it's ok to pay to watch sports because you don't think "I" can go play that sport. You don't know who I am or my skills. I doubt you can play at the level of pro gamers so I think you should pay to watch them. If I can do something myself or not doesn't matter. If I enjoy watching someone do something why can't I pay or support them? Why are they overrated? Have you watched them? How long? Have you played them? How much? Did you beat them? Their team? In a competitive match or tournament? TLDR: Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't mean others don't. People often pay to be entertained even if it's something they can do themselves. You're ignorant because you are trying to force your interests/dislikes/opinions on others because you don't/can't/refuse to accept or understand theirs or that they have different ones. You're telling other people they're wrong and dumb and insane because they don't think exactly like you. This was a simple response that you can't seem to accept. You don't know why people pay streamers? Because they like them and what they do. FYI I have not and do not plan on giving any money to any steamer. I understand why someone would pay for something they enjoy though.

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  • And yea, people give me money cuz they enjoy it, it's not rocket science. Maybe I should have stated I can't accept that fact or it baffles me that people give their money to streamers. Point is I think it's stupid. If you support the people who do it then by all means support them, but don't be that guy who shoves their opinions down people's throat. I just stated my opinion, my OP wasn't made to get people to see my way.

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  • I'm ignorant because in my opinion people who pay streamers are stupid? Mmmhmm okay. You're obviously taking this thing to heart considering you've given me essay after essay explaining why my opinion is wrong and your opinion is fact. Why don't I go pay a hit man to murder someone for my entertainment huh, it's not stupid to give my money to someone like that because it's for my entertainment right? You've taken my OP and expanded upon it unnecessarily. You've brought it all this crap about what people spend their money on when the topic at hand was simply about donations for streamers. Honestly I can imagine you sweating while typing out these replies. Call me ignorant all you want, fact of the matter is its my opinion that people giving money to streamers is stupid, who are you to tell me my opinion is wrong and I'm ignorant. Your claims aren't necessarily fact either buddy. There are many forms of medium, but you're comparing legitimate professions to people who play games all day. I dislike sports l, they're boring to watch id never spend my money to watch them, it's my opinion. Key word [u]opinion[/u]. I dunno why you're so worked up over this, why waste you're time arguing with someone on a forum when you could be out wasting your money on forms of entertainment. Your beefy replies have entertained me and I didn't have to pay a cent. But seriously, you want me to admit that my opinion is wrong? No thanks, I stand by my claims, give me 100 more paragraphs your not gonna change my mind. What I honestly don't understand is why you're so into this topic, why is it you've gone out of your way to justify idiots spending their money on idiotic things. I'm sure being a streamer is grate, sit around play games while 12 year old throw you their allowance.

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  • [quote]I'm ignorant because in my opinion people who pay streamers are stupid? Mmmhmm okay. You're obviously taking this thing to heart considering you've given me essay after essay explaining why my opinion is wrong and your opinion is fact. Why don't I go pay a hit man to murder someone for my entertainment huh, it's not stupid to give my money to someone like that because it's for my entertainment right? You've taken my OP and expanded upon it unnecessarily. You've brought it all this crap about what people spend their money on when the topic at hand was simply about donations for streamers. Honestly I can imagine you sweating while typing out these replies. Call me ignorant all you want, fact of the matter is its my opinion that people giving money to streamers is stupid, who are you to tell me my opinion is wrong and I'm ignorant. Your claims aren't necessarily fact either buddy. There are many forms of medium, but you're comparing legitimate professions to people who play games all day. I dislike sports l, they're boring to watch id never spend my money to watch them, it's my opinion. Key word [u]opinion[/u]. I dunno why you're so worked up over this, why waste you're time arguing with someone on a forum when you could be out wasting your money on forms of entertainment. Your beefy replies have entertained me and I didn't have to pay a cent. But seriously, you want me to admit that my opinion is wrong? No thanks, I stand by my claims, give me 100 more paragraphs your not gonna change my mind. What I honestly don't understand is why you're so into this topic, why is it you've gone out of your way to justify idiots spending their money on idiotic things. I'm sure being a streamer is grate, sit around play games while 12 year old throw you their allowance.[/quote] Oh boy we may be getting somewhere. You're right, my opinions aren't facts just like yours aren't. Yes I've tried numerous ways to explain to you this idea because you've yet to understand the point. The point was simple. People pay for entertainment. Streamers provide a source of entertainment. Hence some people support those streamers so they can continue to entertain. Same way people support other forms of media and entertainment. I said you're ignorant because you're insulting other people because they think differently than you. You say others are stupid because they like something you don't like. What a boring world it would be if no one was ever allowed to like something different. Did I miss the memo that you're the supreme judge on what's ok to like? I said a couple times you're free to have your own opinions and interests, but that doesn't make them "right" for others. See that? I'm not claiming my opinions as facts. It's ok to not think it's worth paying for that form of entertainment.

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  • Edited by Nova: 8/7/2015 7:39:34 AM
    And what does it matter if that's what I think, once again it's my opinions and it affects literally no one, I think they're stupid for giving their money to streamers, end of story. Not saying the people who are doing it are straight up retards but I believe it's a dumb thing to do. Don't get so offended. And like I said in another post, I do understand people pay for entertained main, and as I said I should have stated it in another way, it was wrong to say I don't understand. There is undoubtably people who have opinions saying the crows who _____ are stupid. It's their opinion, try to take it lightly. And please, just people I claim people who do it are stupid doesn't mean I'm going out and individually calling these people stupid. I accept the fact that people do it, I just don't think it's a wise choice.

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  • [quote]And what does it matter if that's what I think, once again it's my opinions and it affects literally no one, I think they're stupid for giving their money to streamers, end of story. Not saying the people who are doing it are straight up retards but I believe it's a dumb thing to do. Don't get so offended.[/quote] I replied to you original post which is this: [quote]I don't understand donations, making YouTube videos and getting paid from the adds on the videos makes sense, but I don't think I could enjoy watching someone play games enough to give them my money.[/quote] I tried to help you understand how streamers make money and why some choose to support them. It really doesn't matter what you think, all I tried to do was help you understand. You tried to defend your opinion as the only way. I tried to show you how/why other people feel differently. You refused to accept that and went on to literally call anyone that thinks differently dumb and insane and then attacked me personally. YOU are the one who got offended. I honestly don't care what you think or what you think of me.

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  • Edited by Nova: 8/7/2015 8:10:51 AM
    For someone who claims to not care you sure as hell don't do a good job of it considering how you keep replying and claim that I attacked you. I'm assuming you haven't read anything I've said. And I didn't say anyone who think differently is dumb, I said the ones giving money to streamers are dumb, I'm not offended you are, if you weren't you wouldn't care so much about the names I'm calling others. But I guess people who give their money to streamers fall under everybody who isn't me. The only jab I ever made towards you is calling you a D rider and asked why you were inclined to defend this topic if you can even call that attacking you? Get over yourself dude, your arguing with a stranger on a forum for what? Do you get some sort of satisfaction by arguing about someone else's opinions? Because I called a crowd of people dumb it's your duty to defend them all. Boohoo, I called people who waste their money dumb, big deal.

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  • [quote]For someone who claims to not care you sure as hell don't do a good job of it considering how you keep replying and claim that I attacked you. I'm assuming you haven't read anything I've said. And I didn't say anyone who think differently is dumb, I said the ones giving money to streamers are dumb, I'm not offended you are, if you weren't you wouldn't care so much about the names I'm calling others. But I guess people who give their money to streamers fall under everybody who isn't me. The only jab I ever made towards you is calling you a D rider and asked why you were inclined to defend this topic if you can even call that attacking you? Get over yourself dude, your arguing with a stranger on a forum for what? Do you get some sort of satisfaction by arguing about someone else's opinions? Because I called a crowd of people dumb it's your duty to defend them all. Boohoo, I called people who waste their money dumb, big deal.[/quote] I didn't say I don't care about the topic or the conversion. I just don't really care what you think or what you think of me. There's a difference. You didn't specifically say that anyone that thinks differently is dumb, correct. You said you don't like watching streamers. You think it's dumb. You think people that do enjoy watching are also dumb. Hence you think people that think differently/have different opinions are dumb. It's your opinion that it's a waste of money. Billions of people don't enjoy video games. Should they all call you dumb and say you're wasting your money because they don't enjoy it? Why argue? I wasn't at first, I actually tried to help you and others. Instead of reading and comprehending the information, you chose to deny facts, grasp for reasons that your opinion is fact and insult people. At this point I have actually gotten satisfaction watching you make a fool of yourself. You showed your ignorance of other people's opinions. You got upset at being shown you're wrong. You acted childish and attacked me personally because you had no sound argument. It was actually kinda funny to see your downward spiral. Anyway, I'm done here. Later man. Hope you find something you enjoy doing.

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  • Edited by Nova: 8/7/2015 9:01:14 AM
    Deny the fact that people waste their money on donating to streamers? I never denied any facts, just more proof you don't seem to be reading what I'm trying, you never had to reply to my post, honestly it's been a blast watching you type paragraph after paragraph as if you're making some sort of impact on this world. I stated my opinion and told you how my original statement was indeed worded incorrectly, but you can't seem to wrap it around your thick skull. If someone says I'm dumb for liking games then that's their business I'm not gonna throw a fit over it like you lmao. Why should I care what other think? Same for you, you obviously care what I think considering you've spent hours trying to get me to see your way, and the whole topic and conversations was stated and revolved around what I thought. Also you seem to be putting more words in my mouth, where did I say people who watch streamers are dumb? Absolutely nowhere. I said people who [b]donate[/b] are dumb. Get it, DONATE. I don't think people who have different opinions are dumb, I think people who donate to streamers are dumb. I even made a statement saying my opinion isn't a fact and neither is yours, and now you say I tried to make my opinion fact? No, I didn't, I supported my opinion with my beliefs, but you're seemingly to ignorant to accept others see differently than you. Which would explain why you're trying oh so hard to chance my view point. Get a life buddy. I enjoy a lot of things, I can see one thing you enjoy is being a jack ass on Internet forums.

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