I started baby talking my fiancé... LFG guardian replies, "someone forgot to mute their mic!" Hahah i played it off pretty well anyways and convinced him it was weird to change who you are so people don't think less/differently of you :D
Edit 1: There's lot of truth here guardians! Keep it coming!
Edit 2: Does anyone ever call the Unmuted person out? How did they defend themselves?
Edit 3: Wow! Over 3400 replies!! These stories are sad, funny and nauseating all at the same time ;) shout out to the people who sing like no one is listening :D
We were taking a break from grinding out raids at the weekly reset a few months back. My buddy had taken off his head set and set it on his ottoman. His girlfriend came home and they started to get busy in the living room and everyone in the party could hear it. My clan mate texts me and says what's going on. I grab my phone and call the guy having sex and interrupt him mid stroke just to be a dick. Surprisingly, he answered and I told him what was up and we all had a good laugh about it. We secretly beat off to the sound of his girlfriends moans. The military has screwed all of us up way too much...