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originally posted in: World Boss and High Level Patrol
7/31/2015 5:23:05 AM
[quote]And not some silly bullet sponge, A legit boss. A giant Ogre, bigger than Phogoth. An even more powerful Gatelord. And no Gimmick crap. No Death Containment bubbles, setting fire to the world, none of that. Minor enemy spawns little peons that normally spawn there, all red bar. No Yellows.[/quote] The difficulty with this model is that the nature of a boss fight is this. A [i]boss[/i] must be substantially differentiated from other enemies so as to emphasize its value as upper rank/power. To have a boss, you need at least one of the following features: >Unique or improved AI >Unique or improved abilities (gimmicks) >High damage output >High level of toughness (bullet sponginess) >Unique weakness(es) (gimmicks) What makes a world boss, as you've described the concept, is bullet-sponginess to the degree that numerous players must participate in order to succeed. I think gimmicks are a great way to alleviate this since it adds another level of depth to gameplay by increasing the amount of viable actions a player can use to interact with the game. In the Vault, we see it as the Aegis (commonly known as the Shield); the Aegis has its own unique moveset, "grenade ability," (i.e, the barrier) and Super. It's Atheon's weakness, and coordination is key in bringing down the boss. Now, it goes without saying that we wouldn't want that level of coordination to be a requirement for a world boss; the last thing you want is some troll grabbing the Key Item and goofing around and ensuring all participants fail. But suppose that there was a Fallen Walker world boss, different from the norm. This Walker is using the Glimmer Drill to generate a barrier around itself, and Guardians can choose to either A) rely on their firepower to break through the barrier and mash through the armor plating to reach the gooey caramel center, or B) sacrifice their own shields temporarily to overload the Drill and expose the Walker to conventional weapons. Or perhaps the world boss is a Fallen Stealth Vandal crew of numerous members who need to be hunted throughout the Mothyards. They can evade the tracker--but not your Ghost's pulse when you pull it out! Then they're exposed and it's time to pull triggers. In those examples, you give players something to do besides mash the shoot button. Because it's already a shooter, you're always shooting because the run-of-the-mill enemies need to be shot. By giving bosses the Superman treatment--that is, the normal stuff doesn't work but that green rock there sure does--you differentiate them from the regulars and justify the rewards.

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  • I know my wording is a tad, rough, at best sometimes. But i play games where a big boss is more than just a Bullet sponge. You could realistically have Randal the Vandal b a world boss. He dodges, he punches, he shoots. He has semblance of tactics. Now when i go into specifics, which i generally had not yet, World Bosses need a better AI, doing things that normally they do not or would not do. Some of the Art photos posted last week are prime examples. Look at that big minotaur, HOLING a GUARDIAN in his fist, the guardian drops his guns. This is a perfect example of something new. Bosses that act in new and interesting ways. Now some of the ideas that the guys have come up with in this thread are absolutely stunning, i mean imagery out the @$$. Bosses that are not like the lame PoE Bosses, or even the Raid bosses really. You can make a bullet sponge without it [i]FEELING[/i] like a bullet sponge, you know what i mean. I know it can be done. Look at Fallen Walkers for example, popping off armor makes them drop, so you can do more damage. Now an Ideal World type boss, would have 2-3 sets of health bars, one for a shield, one for armor, and one for physical beings health. There are lots of ways that it could be done properly, but alas i fear Bungie would never do one right, nor could the Game AI be able to handle a decent one in the first place. Basically all the ravings of a mad man who lost his blue box.

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