Ah, victim blaming, lovely.
Hating people is a bad thing, standing up and saying discrimination is wrong is not.
I didn't say standing up and saying discrimination is wrong, is a bad thing. I'm saying singling out a group, which what this guy was doing. Making assumptions about that group " they are sexist, racist, angry" is how discrimination starts. Speaking for a whole community, unelected, saying "we think this" or "we think that" is more a dictatorship. You may not agree with their behavior, neither do i really. But it's not up to the OP to speak for "The Community" Any sane person can see it wasn't acceptable. It doesn't need pointing out. The whole video was attention grabbing and that patronising tone; it makes my flesh creep. His whole attitude is sexist. "Stand aside ladies, I'll handle this you will be too offended you delicate little creatures" Do you ever take a step back and look at life? I mean really step back. Hate is like a virus, it spreads rapidly and consumes. Has this guy even spoken to Dames of Destiny to see just how 'offended' they were. Probably not, he just assumed because they are female they would be offended. Sexist? I think so.