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7/30/2015 8:19:50 PM

An Open Letter to the Dames of Destiny: I Am Sorry.

Dear Dames of Destiny, While I do not normally watch the Destiny Bungie Bounty streams, it recently came to my attention through the My name is Byf video (which I have included in this post for anyone who happens to be curious), that your part in the Bungie Bounty was met with almost constant sexist and discriminatory remarks. Normally, I don't make threads of my own, only reserving that sort of thing for what I consider important, and this is the third thread I've made on the Bungie forums, period. As such, I feel a few things need to be said. First, to the Destiny Community: It comes as no surprise to me that there is still a hateful attitude towards women in gaming, but what [i]did[/i] come as a shock was the fact that people were willing to show that hate and discrimination so publicly, without any apparent shame for it. I realize that the Internet and Online Gaming, in and of themselves, promote anonymity, and in turn that gives people the power to say whatever it is they wish. That power is often coupled with complete irresponsibility and total unaccountability. That is no excuse, and is unacceptable. The fact that I have to type this in the first place disappoints and sickens me, but I suppose it has to be reiterated: In a video game, the gender of the player [u]does not matter.[/u] It should [u]never[/u] matter. Neither should race or place of birth. Discrimination as a whole is wrong, and should never be promoted. As such, anyone who sees what happened to the Dames of Destiny, and approves? You are not a part of [i]my[/i] Destiny Community, and I want nothing to do with you. If I seem like I'm parroting Byf's video and the points he happens to be making, it's simply because the point deserves to be hammered home. Second, to the Dames of Destiny themselves: For those of you who read this, and I sincerely hope you do, I want to say on behalf of my part of the Destiny Community that I am truly sorry that you had to see, experience, and have to endure that kind of utter bullshit. And I am sorry that over the past decade, it hasn't seemed to have gotten noticeably better. I hope that from this point forward, you have to deal with less and less discriminating assholes while you play online, regardless of whether or not it happens to be Destiny. And I hope that, despite everything that happened during the Bungie Bounty stream, it does not deter you from staying strong as a part of this community. [i]Sincerely, Texas Joker 52, esq.[/i]

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  • Damn straight but your posting this to the community that said all those things so you are gonna see people defend it and make fun of you, but I agree with you

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  • Human nature is a disgusting yet beautiful thing, but what I witness was a person who wanted to make themselves bigger by looking down on someone who was having fun and tried their best. Yeah we can be joking sometimes but constant harassment and childish nature from people part of this great community I just don't get. People in this community are suppose to work together and work up the ranks together but tearing each other down is not something I would call acceptable by any circumstance. Thus I am sorry to the Dames of Destiny as they had to endure such childish nature of the immature community. I'm only 15 and yet the people in the stream were more immature than I am and the fact that it was a bungie bounty for the people of xbox, the people who haven't gotten one in so long, was just saddening that the people didn't respect that they've had so few opportunities for the emblem itself.

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  • Why do some guys hate girls in games???? If I met a girl who played games I'd put a ring on it asap

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  • Oooh, a White Knight. How goes the Social Justice?

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    25 Replies
    • THE THIRST IS STRONG IN THIS ONE. I think this is probably more sexist than the sexist banter. The dames can stand up for themselves and put these morons in their place.

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    • You just publicly castrated yourself you white knight.

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      18 Replies
      • Really tryhard attempt a white knighting and chivalry in general

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      • More white knights here than at a Klan rally.

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      • Don't be an apologist for the community. Let him apologize. He doesn't represent us

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      • Here the video that cause this uproar.

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      • Sooooo Bungie features clans with only dudes and people were ok with it, and now they feature a all girls clan and people lose their shit?? Wtf has the gaming community come to?? It's very sad to see that this even happens. The worst is everyone thinks they can say whatever because there are no consequences behind that monitor............

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      • Very well put good sir.

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      • does the clan really need protection? i only heard about this clan recently because of events, but if they want to "protect" each other from people who like to harass others and not only girls, let them. from what i've learned about this clan it represents 2 thing 1) a want to push the problems of harassment away instead of dealing with it head on 2) where girls can talk about girl stuff i guess....... i don't think anyone but the perpetrators of harassment need to apologize, and getting an apology out of them is like getting world peace.

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      • It's a tragedy..... The tragedy of the commons. The tragedy of the commons is a term, originally used by Garrett Hardin, to denote a situation where individuals acting independently and rationally according to each's self-interest behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. This depleted resource is goodwill, fairness, sense of community, trust, respect. Tragedy of commons killed off the buffalo. It lays waste to beautiful public parks. Also, it can kill a community.

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        1 Reply
        • Who cares

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        • Omg stop with these posts.

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          9 Replies
          • Edited by Spartan X030: 7/30/2015 9:32:00 PM
            It was expected! Come on now anytime females come into a prominent male domain they will be sexually harassed. And just to be clear no I don't think it's right.

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            8 Replies
            • sorry but it's a game and trolls are trolls please shut the -blam!- up no one cares.

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            • I will simply never understand why people harass women who play video games. Shouldn't we as men (or boys) be happy that our hobby is enjoyed by more people, and is considered less of a hobby for boys and man-children? I'm guessing it's mainly because the people being stupid are children(biological age may not matter). But then again, I was happy to play Mario with girls as a little kid, and introduced my high school girlfriend to Halo. Way to prove the world right that gamers are immature, everyone. Hopefully the Banhammer starts swinging hard again soon.

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              8 Replies
              • We move forward just to take a humongous step back. I wonder what's next

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                1 Reply
                • You should probably just not go on the internet anymore. You and everyone else will be better off for it.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by Cerrone: 7/30/2015 9:02:28 PM
                    Who's the twat commentating on the video? some University dropout that think they're cool Sorry, I'll explain my comment, why does it need someone to tell me what is right and what is wrong? Can I not make up my own mind? Do i need some stuck up posh English twat (i'm english btw) to tell me how i should feel? No.. The idiots know who they are and to be honest won't care about this video or comment below it. *Disclaimer* This is my opinion Sorry I really have no time for 'Do-Gooder's', well those that think they are Thanks for reading have a nice day.

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                    3 Replies
                    • I have lost faith in the community because of this. Seriously, gamers are gamers. We all sucked at one point. It doesn't matter what gender you are or if your just a casual. We are all Guardians, Male or Female, Black or White or Blue or a robot, Titan or Warlock or Hunter, Xbox or PS4. Why can't we just all respect each other for who we are and not just throw out comment like "You suck cuz ur a girl" or sexual threats towards the opposite gender. I have faith left in some but to those who did join the mob of a-holes, you're no better than Activision and their crap. I prefer Activision and COD over the rising toxicity levels in this community, and I hate COD. Meanwhile here's a word from our sponsor... [spoiler]Emblem4Chat[/spoiler]

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                    • Everything you said is spot on... The unfortunate thing about society and men in general is that there's a lot more pussy cowards in this world then real dudes. Let's be honest 80 percent of the try hard gamers are some nasally virgins that a girl wouldn't even walk on the same street with, hence the fury and anger when these pussys have amnesty and are in the presence of a female. Because in real life they would get their wig split in a heart beat.

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                      1 Reply
                      • You don't have to apologise for something that you did not do.

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                      • Bump

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