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7/30/2015 8:19:50 PM

An Open Letter to the Dames of Destiny: I Am Sorry.

Dear Dames of Destiny, While I do not normally watch the Destiny Bungie Bounty streams, it recently came to my attention through the My name is Byf video (which I have included in this post for anyone who happens to be curious), that your part in the Bungie Bounty was met with almost constant sexist and discriminatory remarks. Normally, I don't make threads of my own, only reserving that sort of thing for what I consider important, and this is the third thread I've made on the Bungie forums, period. As such, I feel a few things need to be said. First, to the Destiny Community: It comes as no surprise to me that there is still a hateful attitude towards women in gaming, but what [i]did[/i] come as a shock was the fact that people were willing to show that hate and discrimination so publicly, without any apparent shame for it. I realize that the Internet and Online Gaming, in and of themselves, promote anonymity, and in turn that gives people the power to say whatever it is they wish. That power is often coupled with complete irresponsibility and total unaccountability. That is no excuse, and is unacceptable. The fact that I have to type this in the first place disappoints and sickens me, but I suppose it has to be reiterated: In a video game, the gender of the player [u]does not matter.[/u] It should [u]never[/u] matter. Neither should race or place of birth. Discrimination as a whole is wrong, and should never be promoted. As such, anyone who sees what happened to the Dames of Destiny, and approves? You are not a part of [i]my[/i] Destiny Community, and I want nothing to do with you. If I seem like I'm parroting Byf's video and the points he happens to be making, it's simply because the point deserves to be hammered home. Second, to the Dames of Destiny themselves: For those of you who read this, and I sincerely hope you do, I want to say on behalf of my part of the Destiny Community that I am truly sorry that you had to see, experience, and have to endure that kind of utter bullshit. And I am sorry that over the past decade, it hasn't seemed to have gotten noticeably better. I hope that from this point forward, you have to deal with less and less discriminating assholes while you play online, regardless of whether or not it happens to be Destiny. And I hope that, despite everything that happened during the Bungie Bounty stream, it does not deter you from staying strong as a part of this community. [i]Sincerely, Texas Joker 52, esq.[/i]

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  • When you put yourself out there, you know what your susceptible to. It doesn't matter if your a girl or guy gamer. This shouldn't even be made a big deal. There will always be ppl out there like that. So instead of throwing a pity party why not just brush it off and sweep it under the rug. Who cares?!

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    25 Replies
    • Edited by Amnesia: 7/31/2015 5:01:38 AM
      Ah, here we go with this again. People crying that an all-girl clan is too "discriminatory". Even though they're fine with all of the past clans that have done the same...

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      • Edited by Red Motive: 7/31/2015 3:29:35 AM
        While I completely agree with Byf's general sentiment, he was ignorant about what WishYouluckk said indicating from lack of research prior to this video he was desperate for attention and brownie points. Either that or he lied. The only insult there was directed to DeeJ and I quote "DeeJ suck my balls". And the whole "SAVAGE" thing which followed after he left the Fireteam frankly made what he said hilarious. Nothing he said was sexist.

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        4 Replies
        • Trolls don't discriminate, they make use of what they have. They will go for anything that will cause the most outcry

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        • Edited by XenomorphWraith: 7/31/2015 3:35:07 AM
          Hey so exactly what happened? Was the stream ended due to lag or people spewing nonsense? Edit: I just saw a video of a streamer who said something like "suck my balls" to Deej specifically. Wow some people are just terrible :(

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          • Its understandable when you realise 90% of the people that play video games are cheese whiz stained fat virgins who , in real life ( where it matters ) would have been rejected and ridiculed by females their entire life. And rightly so. Its called being bitter.

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            • no u

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            • They're a group that exclusive to women which is really counter intuitive to the point they're making. "Male gamers should be inclusive and not sexist" "can I join dames of destiny?" "No you're not the right gender" Then when people pointed it out when Deej posted about it awhile back or trolled them a bunch of people got banned. It's absurd to even write something like you did, it's online people are going to be dicks regardless of your ethnicity, gender, age, skill, etc. Trolls [i]don't[/i] discriminate so shut the hell up and grow the hell up.

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              7 Replies
              • Edited by Andy: 7/31/2015 2:33:06 AM
                fail thread. I thought it was somebody who actually said something mean who was apologizing. what a troll the OP is. just looking for attention.

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              • Edited by Sweeper Bot: 7/31/2015 3:10:56 AM
                God you're such a piece of shit... You and everyone like you. A bunch of try hard -blam!-e[b]rs[/b] that think you're doing some sort of social justice with these dumb ass posts. Fu[b]ck[/b] off, seriously. Men like you aren't men, you're cowards who think you can take advantage of a situation to make yourself look good. You want to make difference, then beat the fu[b]ck[/b] out of your kids when they say shit like that. You're embarrassing yourself man, this won't get you laid.

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                • Not to be rude, but am I the only one who muted and just watched the gameplay?

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                • It was kind of funny. The sheer fact that the guy did it was great. See, if the bounty was on, say, TripleWreck, they would have laughed it off. But because there were women... Ooooh! Sexism! A sexist remark to a woman... DeeJ! 1. It wasn't a sexist remark, much like calling something retarded isn't attacking the disabled. 2. DeeJ isn't female. 3. DeeJ doesn't deserve all the hate. From what I've seen, he's a cool guy who works for a bad company. He's Bungie's flame shield. That's my opinion on that incident. There was more stuff going on, but I won't comment on it.

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                • Is this sort of thing they do with any random clan or were they picked because of gender in the first place?

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                • white knight fail. muted.

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                • I couldn't agree more, it doesn't matter what gender, race or ethnic group you are we are all humans and that doesn't seem to matter to people, I think the fact that girls are playing games is truly fantastic, get with the times people, women are just as strong if not stronger than men. Just because these lady's want to give us the honor to challenge them, doesn't give you the right to disrespect them. What makes you any better than them? I too would like to apologize for the disrespectful people who broke every rule of life, and that's treat others with respect you are no better than anyone else we all breath the same air and came from the same god. I I fully approve of girls playing games so if you have a problem with that I'm right here standing up for them, not for publicity or anything of the nature simply because we should!!! Thank you and thank you to whoever made this post, you my friend are a truly great human!!!

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                • Some peoples attempts to try and get a girl to talk to them online is rather...interesting.

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                • This is why so much of the destiny community disgusts me. They treat everyone like garbage, especially women. They all live in the 1800s and can't grow up. It doesn't matter who you are - regardless of gender, race, orientation, religious beliefs, and everything else - you are a gamer. Nothing less. You aren't less for being a woman. But you know who is less? The people who think it's OK to treat people like this. WishYouLuck just displayed the utmost lack of maturity when he jumped in their fireteam, and everyone who typed that shit in the steam chat showed even worse. No, what they did was not practicing free speech. What they did was intentionally inflict emotional harm and they can, technically, have legal action taken against them for that. You are free to say what you wish unless it infringes on the well-being of others. -blam!- threats are [i]not[/i] free speech. Sexist insults are [i]not[/i] free speech. That's discrimination, and discrimination on the basis of gender is protected by law. Every single one of the people who said those things could be legally charged, and I wish they would be. I don't care if they were trolling. There comes a point where it's just not OK, and they reached that point. I would not be surprised if Bungie seriously reconsiders ever having a Bungie Bounty again. If you are one of the people who said those things, I hope your real-life friends one day find out, so they can find out how much of a dirtbag you are.

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                  • People seem to forget, in their rush to make bullshit arguments about how a female-only clan is sexist, that online gaming is largely male dominated, much like many many other aspects of society. If it wasn't, and there had always been a safe place for females to play without fear of being harrassed because of and about their gender, then arguments of that nature might actually hold water. A marginalized group seeking refuge amongst itself and excluding others to ensure that refuge is not any kind of "ism" because it simply would not occur if that group was not marginalized in the first place.

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                    14 Replies
                    • I don't believe you are an attorney. If you were you would disagree with the video guy's crap about not tolerating dissenting opinions. Also, you don't have the authority to apologize for me, or other members of a community.

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                    • Where exactly does this community exist. Do they pay HOA dues?

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                    • Who cares? It's the internet. Internet=Anarchy. Don't take any interactions from trolls seriously. All they want is a reaction and you gave it to them. BTW Hulk Hogan used the N word. I'm offended.

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                    • idk, dude. i'm more of the traditional bro code approach. i try to stay away from drama like what your post is swimming in. guys tease girls in that way. it's been that way for quite some time. the girls i play with in destiny do it right back. you gotta understand that whether you like it or not, video games are a guy's world. girls can come into our world, but they have to be willing to accept all that comes with it. would i go into a hair salon and expect anything other than what it is? of course not.

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                      • Bump. Well said sir

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                      • I feel ashamed for thoose People, what is wrong with them? If a Female joins my fireteam/whatever why would anybody be sexist? I just can´t understand that. Why don´t act like Gentlemen? Seriosly instead of being Sexist/Racist/whateverist, why don´t people be friendly and helpful? Please tell me theese People weren´t human but instead some kind of alien robot thing thats programmed to be stupid. Theese people can´t be human.

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                        • Bump.

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                        • It's the internet where I can find anything ranging from a way to donate to breast cancer research to adult film sites that exploit and degrade women on a regular basis. If you expect everyone on the internet to behave righteously then your fooling yourself. When you put yourself out there expect stones to be thrown, especially in a realm of free expression.

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