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7/28/2015 7:40:12 PM

bungie what are you guys doing with your lives?

I have been a loyal customer since day 1 of launch. I loved the game until everything went south. I even stopped playing cause when I last played, things were stupid. So my friend tells me their is an update and things got better. I thought, "hey, you know what, I will pick destiny back up". That was probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Guns that shouldn't be broken are still broken, I live in a destiny world where shotguns act as sniper riffles... I like what you did with the pulse riffles. However, when they are just too dang powerful that they are now the most used guns in the game... COME ON BUNGIE!!! Where is the balance? Auto riffles, the one gun I liked, was nerfed so bad that every time I shoot someone they just walk right through me; and my opponent just melee's me, or just keep shooting while unaffected by my shots. Scout riffles need some love, and the sniper riffles need some good tuning. The new (I guess old now) content sucks @ss! I have and always will complain about the team of 3 thing. You created this game to have a team of 3... yeah said no one ever. You could do better than that bungie. People that play xbox, ps4, and pc (when it comes out for the pc) all have more than 3 friends they would like to run the campaign with. The trials of bs... again, what is the point of clans if you can't compete with more than 3 of your homies? The size of the maps can easily be a 6v6 or even an 8v8. Why isn't their a big team battle yet? The taken king is waaaaaaay overpriced to the point where you guys have to actually apologize to us fans? I held onto this game thinking it would evolve into something great but so far I am only being let down. The 7 year plan for this game is looking grim. It may not last long if the way things are going at the prices that you plan on making each content worth. The only "good" content was crota. All in all, Yes I am ranting. Like I said in the very beginning, I loved this game. I don't want to lose hope like I did before, and I don't want to quit on something that still can be great. Save yourself bungie! You guys are the ones who brought Halo into this world. It was a reason I bought an xbox and xbox 360 when I am a sony fan (Of course I bought the ps1 all the way to the 4).

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