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Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 10/27/2016 6:55:11 PM

Europa RP

Deep in the galaxy, there is a system by the name of Europa. A band of soldiers, mercenaries, and grizzled veterans drift through space going from mission to mission, aiming to rid the world of evil and get rich in the process. They are called Fireteam Cyprus, and ride through space on the Cyprus Cruiser. History: The group had a rough time on Mars, fighting against armies, hostile wildlife, and inhuman beings. Not to mention the high tension and near all out war between certain members of the team. The crisis was averted by peaceful words and logical actions, these ideas would usually be Murph's job to bring about, but he was alone on a planet called Zorada. He wandered, wondering if anyone would ever come for him, or if they wanted to, or if he even wanted them to, after his hostile actions, and the murder of a man named Felix. The crew (or most of them) however, shook it off, knowing he was not in his right mind when he did these things. They came after him, and we're now scouring the planet for him. Following different trails of evidence led the group to a large sinkhole, protected by a barrier. They were able to lift it by passing Trials, which they later learned were just tests made up by Providence to be sure they were prepared.They were moments away from getting through the barrier, yet they had no idea what they were stepping into... After what seemed like forever, the group found Murph, only for him to be torn from them again, for the world had to be saved. Murph did not survive, and is now recorded as [url=]KIA[/url]. The group moves on to what they hope are greener pastures. However, turns out they end up working for an old foe, Del Fino. Phantom is captured, and Minerva and Python are stranded on a nearby planet. With the Genesis out of play, Del Fino musters the strength to attack the Axion Cruiser. While they are recovering, Scout, an old friend now on the side of Del Fino, is found lurking the ship. She is captured and interrogated, and the team now prepares a full scale attack to finish Del Fino once and for all, and rescue Phantom in the process. The rescue did not go as planned, losing many members, including Python and Phantom, leaving Minerva as the last surviving Genesis. Feeling alone, she soon [url=]fled[/url] from the team, and was not found for long after. Her fleeing caused strife within the Axion mercenaries, along with the loss of their role models and leaders, and eventually led to it being disbanded. ------------------------------------------ [b]10 Years Later...[/b] After the loss of the Genesis, (Minerva missing and the others presumed dead) the Axion crew fell apart. However, a new team began to form, gathered by the same allure of treasure and adventure that once gripped the members of Exalin and Axion. Once the team had gathered on the Cyprus cruiser, they located a base used by the Exalin team long ago. They found clues pointing to the existence of Genesis, but we're soon distracted by a mission requiring them to investigate a destroyed city. They found the creature that did it, and eliminated it. Or so they thought... Stuff happened that OP has no idea about because he was afk. Feel free to PM a short summary of this section of the story if you have time. Bored, most of the team look into jobs at the bounty board. One job sparks an interest in something bigger... Joshua and Vilnaks return with a hostage, reporting that a group of mercs was sent to retrieve information and possibly eliminate Cyprus. Out of leads, they continue to work on the case of the biggest assassination of the decade. They discover many pieces of evidence pointing to Genesis. But not just one, all of them. The group is stumped. Before they can think of a new plan, a large missile tears the Cyprus out of the sky. The ship's pieces land scattered, separating the crew into smaller groups. They are forced to fight harsh conditions, scavenge for food, and even build their own shelter in some cases. They wonder who's doing the ship's destruction was, and why the planet was deserted. Soon they found themselves fighting antimatter copies of the Genesis, and Minerva. After a long and hard battle, Minerva is struck down after activating all limiters at once. She is left to bleed out as the crew leaves, finding a new cruiser and claiming their reward after confirming Minerva was the assassin. After drifting for what seemed like no longer than a few hours, but was in reality probably a few days, the crew gets reports of massive rocks called "Leviathans" crashing into planets, destroying most of them with the initial impact, then spreading a blue crystal that gives off an extremely powerful radiation called Phazon. The remaining people on these planets began to rise and mutate beyond recognition. Reports also came in saying Minerva was spotted attacking multiple GF bases. Perhaps the Phazon had gripped her. Seeing that stakes were higher than ever before, Cyprus convinces the GF to release Phantom temporarily, and he is convinced to create an entire second wave of Genesis supersoldiers. Even with their new upgrades, Cyprus still struggled to face the beasts they encountered, the Broodmothers, the Beserkers, each nigh impossible to kill and creating more with every victory. The crew is lucky to find someone immune to the virus, the name for the immunity and manipulation of Phazon later coined as Phazite. Her name was Tanya. Python spent too much time near her, exposing himself to the infection, and killing three: the Spartan Jackie, a high ranking officer of the ship, and his own wife, A'Karo. He fled soon after, with his wife's body. I went super duper afk and missed like 3 arcs. The group wanders, somewhat wondering what it would be like to have a real home again, like the empire, and not just some ship that'll crash next time they get near a big bad guy. They finally think of an idea that was hiding in plain sight, the Old Empire itself. Despite its destruction and abandonment, the team sets a course, determined to retake their home. Once there, they are ambushed by a massive Dread force, and sacrifice themselves to eliminate the Dread once and for all. The Federation and Rebels have a war. The Federation wins(?). A new team, The Infinite Pioneers, are assembled at Crux. They soon become the first humans to leave the Milky Way, exploring a brand new galaxy where mankind had never been before. They are attacked by some pirates after trespassing into their space, and some are taken to fight in an arena. Those taken manage to escape back to the Infinity. Bounty Board [spoiler][b]The bounty board contains missions and jobs. Three are added each time it updates. These jobs can be tackled together or alone, unless specified by the bounty. Bounties can be done at any time, despite the crew's situation, as bounties are placed in a time where the crew isn't busy. Bounties will have little to no effect on the main story (other than the money) unless marked as [u]important[/u]. Manually Input Bounties: "Get the Bounty Board working." Reward: "Bounties." Placed By: Calleach Details: Three small metal beams sit beside the board, used for linking a location to the board. When placed, they will self-construct a beacon for bounty placement.[/b] [b]There are three nearby planets with intelligent life within range of gunship flight. The first, a volcanic planet with large rock creatures who, while being durable and able to survive in the hot conditions, are definitely a stretch on the word "intelligent". The second, the planet from before, with the ability to reconstitute metals. They seem both smart and friendly, and much could be to gain by linking them into the board. -TAKEN BY AVELINE The third, a very earth-like planet with somewhat human-like entities, much taller, and much more primitive. They fight amongst themselves a lot, and there seem to be many tribes. Finding safe, neutral ground to place the beacon would be extremely beneficial, but may be challenging as well. [u][i]ERROR. CONNECTION TO MILKY WAY BOUNTY BOARD SERVICE LOST.[/b][/i][/u][/spoiler] Our Current Location [spoiler]The Infinity Cruiser[/spoiler] Joining the Thread... [spoiler]PM me, Phantom, or Python first.[/spoiler] Story Progression... [spoiler]the OP will be edited and expanded as events happen in the story, to keep things easy and interesting.[/spoiler] Characters and Bios [spoiler]We have a bio thread in the group EXTRAgalactical Escapades Ask to join or follow the #BnetRP tag and then post your character's bio/background there[/spoiler] RULES [spoiler]No Godmodding PvP is highly discouraged, unless it is for training purposes, ect. No oneshots on entire armies/main characters without very good reason 1 character allowed. A second can be brought in for temporary side plots. No crashing the ship that WE LIVE ON![/spoiler] [b][i][u]THE SEQUEL IS HERE! Follow the links![/u][/i][/b]

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  • [b]wheatley tries to grab the attention of one of the touring aliens, he is in prison, for topics of deteriorating relevance, other than the fact that he committed to such actions with just cause in mind . If he wanted to do anything, he needed get one of those magical liquid metal weapons.[/b] [spoiler]open to phantom.[/spoiler]

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    • [b]Location: Open Space, just outside of the Helph System[/b] A Battle Barge, clad in grey warpaint, drops out of Warp transit, and slips silently into the system before its Machine Spirit releases a transponder ping, looking for other ships in the area. After the Machine Spirit receives a return ping, it converses with the Captain and his group about the ship referred to as the [i]Infinite[/i], and the ship moves at best speed towards it. [b]Location: Helph System, within shuttle range of the [i]Infinite[/i][/b] [u]A short while later....[/u] A Thunderhawk gunship leaves the hanger of the Battle Barge, and pings a boarding request to the [i]Infinite[/i]. The shuttle stays beyond the suspected effective range of any possible point defense weapons, and waits for a response to its request.

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      • [b]The Gateway to the Core[/b] [u]Lunar Lab - Unknown moon [/u] [i]The small group investigating the signal within the deep ice lab within the underground labyrinth comes to a massive bronze colored door caked in thick ancient ice. Beyond the door, is the core center laboratory... Where the cryo chambers are held.[/i]

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        • Edited by Troop-8: 2/21/2016 5:13:03 PM

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          • [b][i][u]Workout[/u][/i][/b] After using some of the metals from the peaceful race they encountered, Silver begins to run on the treadmill, easily running at 129mph. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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            • [b][i][u]Hell. -blam!-ing. Yes.[/u][/i][/b] Days after days after days. It took him forever to make it, to conceive it, but he did it. A portable, resilient, adaptable armor. Pilon, Melnoch, and many other materials from him and the peaceful race. It. Was. Glorious. But, alas he was going to have some fun. He wasn't going to tell anyone, he wasn't going to whip it out until absolutely needed, adds to the dramatic effect. He smirked at his devious plan. He sighed, put on a Spider-Man t-shirt, some jeans and sneakers, and made his way back to the ship, his new and improved armor taking the shape of a silver necklace with a cross. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Lordbakon: 2/21/2016 2:08:22 PM
                [b][i]Cephalon looks for The Shapers, the ones that had given out he metal.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open to Phantom[/spoiler]

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                • Where are we right now?

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                  • [u][i]The Somber Song of Justice[/i][/u] [b]wheatley doesn't have much else to lose. He had lost his home, friends, family, everything, gone into the wind within a fraction of a second... But that was so long ago now. On the day of his trial he wanders into the courtroom, not expecting to leave breathing.[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                    20 Replies
                    • [b]Magic Morphing Power Suit Kulas Shapers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After tracking down a few of them Shapers, and receiving some of the dense and heavy metal, she sat off to the side in their grand halls Meditating, she feels as over the course of a half hour, the metal grows lighter, and eventually she can't feel it at all Waiting a bit more, she opens her eyes, finding the metal was no longer in her hands, but had formed a solid metal band upon her upper right arm It seemed unnatural, that it would somehow move that far on its own But nonetheless, it amazed her, as she stood and toyed with it for a bit, and eventually left the halls in search of the Shapers once more[/b] [spoiler]Open to Phantom only[/spoiler]

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                      • Edited by Forlorn Crow: 2/21/2016 6:00:00 AM
                        [u][b]It moves like water?[/b][/u] So the metal forms a bond with the wielder through a series of meditation..sounds fun [b]walks around observing the many creations made using the metal[/b] What would happen upon death?

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                        12 Replies
                        • Edited by Xeno: 2/21/2016 6:12:41 AM
                          [b][i][u]FOR SCIENCE!!![/u][/i][/b] After the strange metal bonded with him, taking a shape of a silver necklace with a cross, he made his way to a workshop. He's obtained the races most strongest materials, including Pilon, and began tinkering to make a suit. His plan? Make a highly advanced suit, then lace it with his liquid metal friend. He continued to work, working his ass off. He didn't have on his armor, only a batman hoodie and some casual jeans and sneakers. [spoiler]closed[/spoiler]

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                        • Legend wanders the city, looking for any of the humanoid creatures to seek guidance in bonding with their mysterious metal. [spoiler]open to phantom[/spoiler]

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                          • Edited by Cosmic: 2/20/2016 8:01:04 PM
                            [b]wheatley sits in the prison of the infinity, tried and convicted of war crimes committed to save his peeps[/b] "I'll be damned if they execute me for saving their own asses." [b]he laughs and uses a dull knife to stab through his cheek, painfully. He reaches into it retrieves many small needles[/b] "To bad they won't live to see it." [b]he picks the lock, the same way his predecessors had to do countless times in the Avalon, and jumps into an air vent[/b] [spoiler]open, find the empty cell, idc[/spoiler]

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                            76 Replies
                            • [spoiler]Only differences in the pic is that his armor is worn black, without the receipts, and with buttons, stickers, writings, and tick marks. And a black and white American flag is draped around his neck, and goes down to his forearms in length. It also has a hood.[/spoiler] Legend makes his way to the Sim Room, followed by his Corgi. When he arrives, he takes off a backpack and pulls out 2 dog bowls. He pours water in one and dog food in the other, and the Corgi eats happily. Then, he takes out a boombox and a cassette tape. He puts the cassette tape in, as it makes racketing sounds at first. The sounds some turn into a recognizable song, [url=]Renegades of Funk[/url] by Rage Against the Machine. He approaches a terminal, and sets to 100 enemies at the hardest difficulty possible. He steps into the Sim Arena as the enemies appear, and immediately attack. He goes to work, killing the enemies with ease with a mixture of martial arts, gunplay, and swordsmanship. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                              46 Replies
                              • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/21/2016 12:03:57 AM
                                [b][i][u]Mercury[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]Training room[/u][/i] [i]A man runs along the track in the training room. An AI speaks t[o him/i] ((AI)) - [b][i]Mercury, you have a event in 2.4 hours. I suggest you stop[/i][/b] ((Mercury)) - [b]Fine[/b] [i]he stops running and sits down for a moment[/i] ((Open))

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                                17 Replies
                                • Col volkov sat in the ship's galley, sipping vodka. He'd talked with a few of the crew, mostly he stayed with members of the federal army. He'd talked with the Geth a few times, it was enlightening. The synthetic life form would have fit in with the Russians, hard worker, collective minded, and intelligent. The Geth often spoke of his people, and the quarians. Volkov knew that there were at least a few onboard now, he wondered if the one captain he'd meet was here. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                  214 Replies
                                  • [b]Lab of Glacies[/b] [u]Small frozen moon world (Algus) in unknown sector[/u] [i]The moon Algus floats midly about its mother planet, Aegis. Quietly harboring its land of ice and freezing chill but within on the small remnants of a once renowned civilization lies a preserved underground facility... One of pre war research and distant technology not previously encountered as of now... Within the miles of blockade ice is the Lab of Glacies. Within the broken pods of cryo chambers... Everything grown over with strange molds and fungi within the micro biome. Though... A signal suddenly is placed out, faint and fleeting but noticeable to the nearby traveller of high enough capability to detect the blip. The facility lies in wait within the gigantic ice cavern deep within a crevice on the moon's surface.[/i] [spoiler]First to respond, first come first serve, UNLESS YOU WANT THIS TO BE THE ENTIRE TEAM DISCOVERING THAT WOULD BE FINE AND AWESOME TOO![/spoiler]

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                                    83 Replies
                                    • Edited by Bardo XCIX: 2/20/2016 7:19:31 PM
                                      [u][i]Training Deck, Gymnasium[/i][/u] [b]The sound of grunts was heard coming from inside the Gym, as Jaeger went up and down on a pull up bar, weighted ankle bracers attached to him[/b] 220....221....222...223... [b]He was pulling with one arm, alternating every 50 sets[/b] 249...250. [b]He let go of the bar, dropping to the ground. He took a drink from a water jug, and rested for a bit. He wiped sweat from his brow, using a towel[/b] I did the first set... time for the running.

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                                      57 Replies
                                      • [b]Jared walked to his ship, checking his HUD for anything following him, just out of curiosity, and tinkers with his revolver[/b] "This shit is pretty damn weird..." [b]He enters his ship, and sits at his bed, sipping coffee[/b] ((Open))

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                                      • Edited by Bardo XCIX: 2/20/2016 4:18:01 PM
                                        [i][u]InterSec Infinite, Hanger[/u][/i] [b]The Infinite Pioneer members being announced, they boarded the shuttle, which departed Crux and landed in the Hanger of the InterSec Infinite. The Hanger was a open and wide, larger than most buildings, and stocked with equipment necessary to any mechanic or engineering. A fleet of newly developed Gun-Ships and Shuttles sat lined up next to each other, maintenance being performed on them by drones [/b] "Welcome to your ship, Pioneers." [b]Senator Akens' voice caught everyone's attention[/b] "It was created by the brightest scientists and engineers the Federation, Union, and Alliance could provide. The InterSec Infinite is 4 kilometers in length, with five main decks: Control, where the ships's systems and course are maintained, Training, which features a large holo-landscape room, capable of generating any scenario you can think of, Research, where anything you discover out there will be analysed worked upon by you or the drones, Armory, where weapons and armor, as well as other equipment, are stored, and the Quarters, which contains your rooms, the cafeteria, meeting room, and other things. All of your armor and personal equipment has already been loaded on, along with the Ships some of you have." "Beside you all, the ship is manned by drones and robotic assistants, developed by Alliance and Federation engineers. Foodstores on the ship are capable of lasting 30 years, along with a botany garden maintained on the Research deck. A advanced Holo-System is implemented into the entire ship, meaning...." [b]The Senator opens his hand, and a Holograpic version of the Ship forms[/b] "You can create Holo-Screens, along with Holo-Grams anywhere." "The Ship is powered by Anti-Matter Generators, developed from researched gathered from the remains of the Exalin Carrier in the Sol System, and supported by a Fission Reactor." "Now... time for the hard stuff. The Spacial-Warp engine is something everyone here should be familiar with. It allows for quick transportation through the Milky Way, and nearly every ship has one." The InterSec Infinite has the most advanced one ever created, as it needed one to transverse the Universe. The one set back is it requires a period of six months to be able to charge and open a Warp towards another Galaxy. It can still open minor Warps inbetween, but the power needed for InterGalactic travel is massive, even for a Anti-Matter Generator. We also won't be able to communicate with you outside the Milky Way, so you'll have to depend on yourselves." "We've already plotted your first destination, the Yulan Spiral Galaxy. Good luck, Pioneers... We believe in you." [b]The Senator stepped within the Shuttle, which then departed. Shortly after, a low hum was heard in throughout the Ship. When the Pioneers went to check, they what they saw amazed them. It was the Milky Way, where every human had lived and died, where countless wars had been fought, there homes. And now they could see it in its entirety[/b] [spoiler]And now we start our Journey, interact, the Ship can have rooms you think of, as long as they follow the Five Deck guidelines. Interact with each other[/spoiler]

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                                        236 Replies
                                        • [b]Nobody Knows...[/b] [i]Infinite, Third Deck[/i] Ever since the Nova crisis decades back, the Galaxy at large had been suspicious of all AI, and had taken extreme precautions to limit their abilities. Every sub-Archeon class AI had its programming replaced with more simple, single purposed code, and a helluva lot of precautionary measures implanted in their subconscious. Of course, sometimes maintaining potentially dangerous AI was simply too useful to disregard, and Serina knew that was the only reason she had been allowed to participate in this journey. Of course, she had detected the presence of many AI smuggled aboard the ship, but by nature she was hardly able to be contained in a single chip. Ever since they had found her in the Helios ruins, she had been of great interest to the newly founded Galactic Triumvirate, as most of her consciousness was limited to a synthetic humanoid chassis, and even more fascinatingly, a distinct female one. They discovered that she was primarily built for reconnaissance missions, but with her cooperation, she had been trained to become a pathfinder, among many other things. On this expedition, her job was to assist the other scientists in analyzing the new galaxy, while keeping everyone safe... Without actually using a firearm. Damn those safeguards... The human remnant of her conscience resented her mixed treatment among humans, while her more analytical side saw such treatment as a logical conclusion. Had she been in their place, she would have done the same, wouldn't she? The only people that really understood her was the military branch, who recognized her unique talents and abilities. Such thoughts went through her mind as she strolled through the ship, looking for any insight on her mission.

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                                          • Dahlia struts across the hangar, her heels clicking under her feet, eyes gazing out of the windows to the Milky Way Galaxy. Admittedly, it was beautiful; swirling stars, planets, clouded nebulas all intertwined, swirling through one place. Though she was not born there; far from it, hundreds of light years away, in the desolate Barton System. "Nothing special," Dahlia jests as she fiddles with the jammed safety on her six-shooter. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                            52 Replies
                                            • [u][i]newfound hunger[/i][/u] [b]a simple thug runs through the streets, terrified as his buddy dissapeared into a rubble pile with a scream. Gunshots ring out as he turns a corner into a massacre. terrified crime bosses gathered together to fight off... Something. Before he could even comprehend what was happening he was grabbed by the shoulder, confused and terrified he turns to find Wheatley standing there.[/b] "oh hello Friend..." [i]"GET THE F[i]UCK[/i] AWAY FROM ME!"[/i] [b]before he can fire anything he is grabbed by the neck, crunch. Wheatleys fingers dug into his throat, pulling out his trachea like a clown pulls a rope from its mouth. He runs off before he can be fired apon and finds himself in an alleyway, wrapped in the windpipe of his prey when he hears someone coming...[/b][spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                              • [u]Crux, SpacePort A0-1[/u] [b]A large crowd gathered at the SpacePort to watch as the selected crew members departed for the InterSec Infinite, which was stationed in high orbit around Crux, was still visible during the day, due to it's size. At over 4 km in length, it was manned by A.I drones and robots solely, save for the Infinite Pioneers Now, Senator Akens stood on the loading bay to the Shuttles that would carry the members[/b] "Today, marks the day that we introduce the members of the Infinite Pioneers, and see them off as they begin their journey." [b]Most did not know who the members were, not even the individuals themselves, but had only been invited to attend the ceremony. Jaeger stood amongst the crowd, near the front, in his civilian attire of cargo pants and a grey track jacket[/b] Wish they would get on with it. My leave doesn't last long. "The first member we would like to announce, is Colonel Reese Jaeger, of the United Federation Navy." [b]Those from the Federation eyes turned towards Jaeger, who himself was had a stoic face, simply staring at the Senator.[/b] Dammit. [b]He made his way onto the the loading bay, and took his place behind the Senator[/b] "Colonel Jaeger has shown an adept ability many a time in combat, decision making, and loyalty to his comrades.These traits made him one of our first choices as a member of the Pioneers. [b]A short but loud applause was held as Jaeger shook the Senators hand.[/b] "Now, to our other members." [spoiler]So here is how this goes. Make a post for your chosen character saying they are in the crowd watching what just happened, but not knowing why they are there, then Ill announce them, and they will go to join other Jaeger and whoever got up there before you on stage[/spoiler]

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                                                • [b]after the festivities of peace on Crux, Wheatley returns to the alliance cruiser in orbit, hoping to regroup with alpha team, or Tara.[/b] [spoiler]open, mostly to silver, metta, and rejected but all are welcome[/spoiler]

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