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Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 10/27/2016 6:55:11 PM

Europa RP

Deep in the galaxy, there is a system by the name of Europa. A band of soldiers, mercenaries, and grizzled veterans drift through space going from mission to mission, aiming to rid the world of evil and get rich in the process. They are called Fireteam Cyprus, and ride through space on the Cyprus Cruiser. History: The group had a rough time on Mars, fighting against armies, hostile wildlife, and inhuman beings. Not to mention the high tension and near all out war between certain members of the team. The crisis was averted by peaceful words and logical actions, these ideas would usually be Murph's job to bring about, but he was alone on a planet called Zorada. He wandered, wondering if anyone would ever come for him, or if they wanted to, or if he even wanted them to, after his hostile actions, and the murder of a man named Felix. The crew (or most of them) however, shook it off, knowing he was not in his right mind when he did these things. They came after him, and we're now scouring the planet for him. Following different trails of evidence led the group to a large sinkhole, protected by a barrier. They were able to lift it by passing Trials, which they later learned were just tests made up by Providence to be sure they were prepared.They were moments away from getting through the barrier, yet they had no idea what they were stepping into... After what seemed like forever, the group found Murph, only for him to be torn from them again, for the world had to be saved. Murph did not survive, and is now recorded as [url=]KIA[/url]. The group moves on to what they hope are greener pastures. However, turns out they end up working for an old foe, Del Fino. Phantom is captured, and Minerva and Python are stranded on a nearby planet. With the Genesis out of play, Del Fino musters the strength to attack the Axion Cruiser. While they are recovering, Scout, an old friend now on the side of Del Fino, is found lurking the ship. She is captured and interrogated, and the team now prepares a full scale attack to finish Del Fino once and for all, and rescue Phantom in the process. The rescue did not go as planned, losing many members, including Python and Phantom, leaving Minerva as the last surviving Genesis. Feeling alone, she soon [url=]fled[/url] from the team, and was not found for long after. Her fleeing caused strife within the Axion mercenaries, along with the loss of their role models and leaders, and eventually led to it being disbanded. ------------------------------------------ [b]10 Years Later...[/b] After the loss of the Genesis, (Minerva missing and the others presumed dead) the Axion crew fell apart. However, a new team began to form, gathered by the same allure of treasure and adventure that once gripped the members of Exalin and Axion. Once the team had gathered on the Cyprus cruiser, they located a base used by the Exalin team long ago. They found clues pointing to the existence of Genesis, but we're soon distracted by a mission requiring them to investigate a destroyed city. They found the creature that did it, and eliminated it. Or so they thought... Stuff happened that OP has no idea about because he was afk. Feel free to PM a short summary of this section of the story if you have time. Bored, most of the team look into jobs at the bounty board. One job sparks an interest in something bigger... Joshua and Vilnaks return with a hostage, reporting that a group of mercs was sent to retrieve information and possibly eliminate Cyprus. Out of leads, they continue to work on the case of the biggest assassination of the decade. They discover many pieces of evidence pointing to Genesis. But not just one, all of them. The group is stumped. Before they can think of a new plan, a large missile tears the Cyprus out of the sky. The ship's pieces land scattered, separating the crew into smaller groups. They are forced to fight harsh conditions, scavenge for food, and even build their own shelter in some cases. They wonder who's doing the ship's destruction was, and why the planet was deserted. Soon they found themselves fighting antimatter copies of the Genesis, and Minerva. After a long and hard battle, Minerva is struck down after activating all limiters at once. She is left to bleed out as the crew leaves, finding a new cruiser and claiming their reward after confirming Minerva was the assassin. After drifting for what seemed like no longer than a few hours, but was in reality probably a few days, the crew gets reports of massive rocks called "Leviathans" crashing into planets, destroying most of them with the initial impact, then spreading a blue crystal that gives off an extremely powerful radiation called Phazon. The remaining people on these planets began to rise and mutate beyond recognition. Reports also came in saying Minerva was spotted attacking multiple GF bases. Perhaps the Phazon had gripped her. Seeing that stakes were higher than ever before, Cyprus convinces the GF to release Phantom temporarily, and he is convinced to create an entire second wave of Genesis supersoldiers. Even with their new upgrades, Cyprus still struggled to face the beasts they encountered, the Broodmothers, the Beserkers, each nigh impossible to kill and creating more with every victory. The crew is lucky to find someone immune to the virus, the name for the immunity and manipulation of Phazon later coined as Phazite. Her name was Tanya. Python spent too much time near her, exposing himself to the infection, and killing three: the Spartan Jackie, a high ranking officer of the ship, and his own wife, A'Karo. He fled soon after, with his wife's body. I went super duper afk and missed like 3 arcs. The group wanders, somewhat wondering what it would be like to have a real home again, like the empire, and not just some ship that'll crash next time they get near a big bad guy. They finally think of an idea that was hiding in plain sight, the Old Empire itself. Despite its destruction and abandonment, the team sets a course, determined to retake their home. Once there, they are ambushed by a massive Dread force, and sacrifice themselves to eliminate the Dread once and for all. The Federation and Rebels have a war. The Federation wins(?). A new team, The Infinite Pioneers, are assembled at Crux. They soon become the first humans to leave the Milky Way, exploring a brand new galaxy where mankind had never been before. They are attacked by some pirates after trespassing into their space, and some are taken to fight in an arena. Those taken manage to escape back to the Infinity. Bounty Board [spoiler][b]The bounty board contains missions and jobs. Three are added each time it updates. These jobs can be tackled together or alone, unless specified by the bounty. Bounties can be done at any time, despite the crew's situation, as bounties are placed in a time where the crew isn't busy. Bounties will have little to no effect on the main story (other than the money) unless marked as [u]important[/u]. Manually Input Bounties: "Get the Bounty Board working." Reward: "Bounties." Placed By: Calleach Details: Three small metal beams sit beside the board, used for linking a location to the board. When placed, they will self-construct a beacon for bounty placement.[/b] [b]There are three nearby planets with intelligent life within range of gunship flight. The first, a volcanic planet with large rock creatures who, while being durable and able to survive in the hot conditions, are definitely a stretch on the word "intelligent". The second, the planet from before, with the ability to reconstitute metals. They seem both smart and friendly, and much could be to gain by linking them into the board. -TAKEN BY AVELINE The third, a very earth-like planet with somewhat human-like entities, much taller, and much more primitive. They fight amongst themselves a lot, and there seem to be many tribes. Finding safe, neutral ground to place the beacon would be extremely beneficial, but may be challenging as well. [u][i]ERROR. CONNECTION TO MILKY WAY BOUNTY BOARD SERVICE LOST.[/b][/i][/u][/spoiler] Our Current Location [spoiler]The Infinity Cruiser[/spoiler] Joining the Thread... [spoiler]PM me, Phantom, or Python first.[/spoiler] Story Progression... [spoiler]the OP will be edited and expanded as events happen in the story, to keep things easy and interesting.[/spoiler] Characters and Bios [spoiler]We have a bio thread in the group EXTRAgalactical Escapades Ask to join or follow the #BnetRP tag and then post your character's bio/background there[/spoiler] RULES [spoiler]No Godmodding PvP is highly discouraged, unless it is for training purposes, ect. No oneshots on entire armies/main characters without very good reason 1 character allowed. A second can be brought in for temporary side plots. No crashing the ship that WE LIVE ON![/spoiler] [b][i][u]THE SEQUEL IS HERE! Follow the links![/u][/i][/b]

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  • [u][i]Lounge Room...[/i][/u] [b]Suuz, or Aleks lies on a couch in the lounge room. He has a bra on his head like cat ears, and a pair of panties on his face like Bane's mask. The smell of alcohol seeps out of his mouth along with drool as his upper body lies over the edge of the couch, making him lay at a 90 degree angle. He also smells of smoke and food. A chocolate chip cookie is clenched in his right hand, and his gun in his left. [/b] [spoiler]Open. [/spoiler]

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    • Eleif sits in the lounge of the living deck, she and a few of her fellow crew are watching [i]Aliens[/i]. She sips melon soda as she watched the film unfold infront of her, excitement and enjoyment being clear on her face and evident on the occasional twitch of an arm or a leg. She's seen this film tens if not hundreds of times, she never got tired of it. 'Get away from her you bitch' she silently says in unison with the film. [i]Damn I love this part.[/i]

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      • [b]The Holodeck[/b] Ghost lead stood inside the kill house examining his team's work. The two story house was now the scene of battle. The front door was blown off its hinges, a breaching charge. The two guards inside were killed immediately. The team swept inside and killed two more standing guard over the bomb. Three more tried to counter attack but were eliminated before they could fire. The bomb was diffused easily and the threat ended. The simulation paused and the team gathered to review. The few people watching from the observation deck came down as well. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/27/2016 4:29:57 AM
          [b][i][u]Mark 8[/u][/i][/b] After Delta company completed its practice, Silver decides to run their program for himself in the other simulation room, to test out his new armor. After about 10 minutes, he was successfully able to disable the bomb and incapacitate all the enemies in his way, maliciously and brutally slashing them apart with his lightsabers. After the fight, he turns off the simulation and sits down, studying his armor to male sure it was working properly. [spoiler]Open. He wasn't able to work with the rest of Delta Company in their practice run, so this is him training.[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by PyrrhasGhost: 2/26/2016 11:40:50 PM
            Tara stared into space from a hall window. Remembering. [i]Heh heh[/i] Her head jerked to find the low, guttural laughter. [i]I live[/i] "No! I killed you! How!?" [i]Heh heh[/i] The familiar hallucination subsided and she fell to the floor, unconscious. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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            • [b]Calleach looks around for someone in charge.[/b]

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              • The woman, her hair ashen and riddled with soot, sits down her quarters, swirling a glass of whiskey around repeatedly, staring at how the object reflects the tan liquid which sits inside. Her concentration on it is acute, eyes narrowed in, her perplexed. She slowly takes a sip from the glass, feeling the fiery drink slide down her dry throat, into the depths of her stomach. Her clock ticks, the red hand slowly inching forward as it hits the 4, 2 hours since she had initially sat down with her drink. Slowly returning from staring into space, she gets up, stretching her back and walking to the ship's bridge. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                52 Replies
                • [spoiler]I'm gonna be really lazy here, and reuse a post that I made back in June for A New Home, but with an added scene at the end. I may have missed some comparability edits, so just gloss over those. And for size edits, I'm keeping it in a spoiler so as to not annoy anyone. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Eric carefully places himself into the pod, making sure that his neurally connected to the simulation before he closes the hatch. Connecting can be a dizzying experience for some, but Eric is practiced at it, and the phase hardly bothers him. - Inside the sim, he faces off against ten men, all armed, while he has but his arm and a little cover, in the form of a car. The simulation gives him a second of preparation before the men start shooting, and Artemis quickly analyzes their guns. 5 are using assault rifles, utilizing high-caliber, but not armor-piercing rounds, thankfully. 3 of the others are using SMGs, which ARE using AP rounds, which could be very problematic. The other two both carry marksman weapons. - Eric quickly pulls a door off of the car, and lifts it to protect against the incoming fire. He uses the door handle as grip as he hold it in one hand, while his other arm turns into a coil-gun. This particular one, a gauss cannon, utilized an asynchronous linear-induction motor to propel rounds at Mach 40, and is capable of completely obliterating a target upon impact. He quickly gets behind the car to escape their fire, and fires through the transparisteel windows at his foes, choosing his targets with prejudice. One of the assault rifle users went down, quickly followed by another, until they finally got the hint and went behind rubble for cover. A deathly silence fell over the battlefield, and Eric used his anti-grav boots to levitate him off the ground, without a noise. Echolocation revealed the locations of the nearest 4 targets, 2 assaults, and 2 SMGs, and he proceeded to kill them with his particle blade; a stealthier weapon by far. Five down, five to go. He heard the sound of the marksman rifle before he saw it, and instinctively raised the shield; he did so far faster than any regular human could, reacting within milliseconds thanks to Artemis. The force of the bullet knocked his shield back, but he used the backwards momentum to aim his Gauss cannon and take out the sniper. An unfortunate assault trooper who was trying to flank Eric got slashed across the throat instantly. Now it was two against one, more than fair odds, but Eric's luck changed fast. His gauss cannon suddenly disappeared (it turned back into his prosthetic arm), as did all the dropped weapons on the battlefield. The assault trooper quickly rushes at Eric, trying to take advantage of the situation, while the sniper covers him. Eric detected them, and knew that he only had a second to react. He suddenly burst out of cover, activated his boots, and flipped in front of the soldier. The boots reflected off of the man's chin, which snapped his neck. Finally, it was down to him and the sniper. Still in midair, Eric threw the shield in desperation towards the sniper. It was a one-in-a-million throw, but somehow it sliced through the soldiers bodysuit like it was made of butter, and the world dropped away in front of him... - Only to return seconds later, in a disorienting miasma of light. He was in the same place, but this time, he was fully geared up, and he faced but one opponent. The opponent in question, however, took the form of a mythical Ignus Brawler: a savage machine warbeast designed for CQB combat. It stood 30 meters from him, on the other side of the virtual clearing like an unholy mix between the body of a gorilla, the head of a dinosaur, and the armor plating of a tank, topped of by the fanatical zeal of an Ignus machine. With a metallic roar, it charged Eric, knocking aside the husks of cars debris that scattered the ground. Eric fired a gauss round at it, which fragmented the machine's impressive left shoulder pauldron, but barely harmed it. He chambered another round, but was forced to leap aside as the beast came crashing into him, knocking him aside with a backhanded swipe that broke his left shoulder... And the gun attached to it. Eric hit the ground hard, the cement winding him as the beast menaced over him. It dismissively picked him up with a single metal fist, and looked him in the eyes with its unfeeling crimson eyes, before grabbing him with its other hand, and slams him into its chest in an embrace meant to kill. Eric's shields began to falter under such oppressive force, and he was unable to move his arms... Until he remembered his ace. Telepathically he tells Artemis to render his shields frictionless around his torso and face, as he revs up his chainsaw gauntlet. He slides out of the beasts grip gracefully, as his torso offered zero resistance, and jams his gauntlet into the beasts chest as he falls, the chainsaw creeping down its body as Eric's feet touched the ground. With a flourish Eric spins, the blade dancing to slice off the beasts left leg, and bringing it to its knees, where he jams the blade into its face plate. - Moments after the massive corpse falls to the ground, the world begins to swirl away from under his feet, this time, for good. [/spoiler] (Open for comments/conversation).

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                • Edited by Alpha-007: 2/26/2016 1:46:13 PM
                  [b]Jared goes into an empty storage room, with two duffel bags, and shuts the door He walks to a workbench and starts constructing a new gun After wards he places it on a table and starts placing weaponry on the walls, with stasis fields to discourage thievery He opens the door and places a sign that reads[/b] [quote]Infinity Supply and weaponry "If it keeps you from dying or shoots we have it"[/quote] ((Open))

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                  30 Replies
                  • [u]Training Deck, InterSec Infinite[/u] [b]Jaeger was sparring against Holo-Targets, in the form of Rebellion Soldiers. They came in squads of 5. He mercilessly took them down, using combat forms to put them in holds, submissions, and knocking them down with punches strong enough to kill.[/b] Too.... easy.

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                    • [b]Crux[/b] [b][u]Unknown Galaxy[/u][/b] [i]Orion Halva a newer member of the ship compared with the other hardened crew walked slowly about the ship, his hands crossed behind him as he traversed the dimly lit hallways. His mind wandered off to some of the crew members he had been acquainted with but he also wondered if he were to receive his own quarters... Supplies...... .... Information... He shook his head again and looked at the Gauntlet on his left arm attached to his pearl white armor. Analyzing it closely he knew of the fractures lining its shining silver surface... Some of the pieces missing and others destroyed from cryo stasis... Once it was operational... Maybe... Maybe he could attempt it again... Especially with the ones he walked beside now.... [/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                      • [b]Max stands in the hanger quietly leaning against the wall. His normally glowing green eyes are black and he seems to not be active[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                        149 Replies
                        • [b]wheatley carves a human bone, sitting on his little homeless camp mattress like the scum he is, bored[/b] [spoiler]opaaaan.[/spoiler]

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                        • [b][i]As Natalie swiftly strides through the hangar, she spots Wilson's vertibird. [/i][/b]"Can't hurt to pay a visit..." [b][i]She says to herself, approaching the back of it, hoping to find him. [/i][/b] ((Wolfe))

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                          • [b][i]Two's Up[/i][/b] [b]Training Room, Cruiser [i]Infinite[/i][/b] [i]Jackson Wolfe walked into the training room, in his full combat gear. All of his weapons were in their sheathes and holsters, and his mask was down over his face. His cloak hung over his shoulders, covering his weaponry. As he entered the room, he drew his sword from its sheath, blade reflecting the light, and before him, 15 holograms appeared, in full non-mechanized combat armor, holding rifles and other automatic weaponry. Fanning out, they broke into a traditional special forces formation, and began hunting the figure that was no longer there. The first hologram moved towards his position, being covered from behind by two others. In seconds, the sword appeared out of his chest, and he fell to the ground. The two behind him started firing, and the cloaked Wolf moved towards them as the fired around him, not knowing where he was. Stabbing the second, he whipped him around and drew a magnum, killing the third. Four and five popped up to shoot at him, and he returned fire, killing both of them. The other ten converged and used the available cover in the arena. Teleporting, Wolf stood atop the catwalk over the arena, and dropped down, sword in hand. The sixth figure's body was crushed under Wolf, his spine snapping. The seventh was impaled, and Wolf let the sword remain in his chest. Turning as the eighth rushed him, he punched him in the chest with his gauntlet blades, and flipped the body. Drawing his sword from the corpse, he threw it at the ninth, who popped up from cover, the sword embedding itself in his upper chest. Drawing his SCAR-H, he flipped the safety off, and cloaked, moving to cover. The remaining holograms approached, and systematically, they were finished with headshots. Uncloaking, he approached the corpse of the man he had thrown his sword at, and retrieved the sword. As soon as he did, the holograms dissipated, and he turned, and walked to the armory table at the front of the room.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                            • [i]Mercury walks around the ship. He was looking for something to do[/i] ((Open))

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                              33 Replies
                              • [b]Suuz, or Aleks is in the mess hall, the kitchen to be exact. He's fiddling with some pans and some fire. [/b] "The potatoes in the pan, all complete, then you light them on fire like so..." [b]He runs a match past his shirt, and into the pan, lighting the insides on fire. [/b] "Then we throw the eggs in..." [b]He reaches into a cupboard with his right hand while throwing the match away with his left before pulling a box of eggs out of the cupboard, and taking one out as he puts it down. He then smashes the egg on the side of the pan, throws the egg in the pan, on top of the potatoes, and throws the egg shells away. [/b] "Then we wait for a bit before throwing some bacon in..." [b]He waits for about five minutes before opening the fridge with his scythe, and pulling the package of bacon out with enough force to launch it at him, he then catches it, opens it, and empties the entire thing in the pan. [/b] "Now we wait for ten minutes before turning the fire off, then we wrap it in foil before stuffing it in the oven... After that we should have solid diabetes..." [b]He waits again, before wrapping it in foil, stuffing it in the oven, and waiting again.[/b] "Should be done now..." [b]He puts on some oven mitts, opens the oven, and pulls the steaming hot package out, before unwrapping it, and looking at his creation. He then takes the oven mitts off, tosses them into a cupboard, and pulls a very sharp looking knife from a drawer. [/b] "I'm sorry little piggy, but I'm gonna cut you now..." [b]He slowly cuts into the heap of potatoes, egg, and bacon before balancing it on the knife, and taking a bite.[/b] "Tasty, very tasty.... Very fat too..." [b]He says with a full mouth, he then gulps it down, and finishes the rest. [/b] [spoiler]Open [/spoiler]

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                                • [b]wheatley walks out from a room, the walls are splattered in human blood all around it, a stowaway. He hated the senseless murder, mainly for the ensuing punishments, yet it had to be done, to preserve the people like him. His mask is slowly being soaked with blood as he tries to be as inconspicuous as possible and make his way back home[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                  • Edited by General Percival: 2/25/2016 2:32:42 AM
                                    The captain of the infinity stood on the command deck with the senior crew around him. The ship traveled through space as he stared out into the vastness. "So strange. These stars, no one from home has charted them. We are the first to reach out and touch them." [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                    • [b][i]Natalie sits in a bed in the medical bay, awaiting Angela. [/i][/b]"One step closer..." [b][i]She slowly repeats to herself occasionally.[/i][/b] ((Shadow))

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                                      • [b]Wheatley walks into an abandoned residence on the infinity, an uninhabited one. He figures he should be kind as to not raise... Suspicion and begins to clean it out[/b] [spoiler]open, elief can use it as a full library, ver can run some kind of weapon shop, idc, first come first serve[/spoiler]

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                                        • [b][i]Loud grunts and the noise of gunfire rings out from the Training Room, Natalie firing the M4A1 Rifle at a set of holographic dummies, the M4A1 occasionally fluttering and turning blue for a brief moment; Holographic rifle. The grunts come from behind her, where Alexandra holds a pair of onyx black combat knives, this weapon pair not bring holographic, much like the dummies around them. ((Open))[/i][/b]

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                                          • Tara jars awake. "I've been sleeping too much." Her sleep is haunted by vivid images of her past, yet it keeps drawing her back. [spoiler]Closed, just explaining why she seems to be scarce.[/spoiler]

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                                          • [b][i]Cephalon looks for the captain of the ship.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open to cap[/spoiler]

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                                          • Edited by Zone-tan: 2/25/2016 12:21:35 AM
                                            [b] [/b]

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                                            • [b]The sweet aroma of pastries and other sweets lingers in the halls of the ship, the smell was like ecstasy coming from the mess hall[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler] [spoiler]piss me off and out come the Castrators[/spoiler]

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