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7/26/2015 11:29:31 PM
Lower all career politicians paychecks, end the pension for only serving one term, illegalize receiving any benefits or monetary income received from companies or anonymous donors due to it clouding the judgement of the parties. Institute mandatory voting for all citizens. Institute a flat tax rate for all incomes. Institute mandatory jobs program for all receiving welfare, you now work for the government thus mandatory drug screening. Welcome to building roads, train tracks, or solar installations.(some wavers apply injury, mental disability, etc... But we will still try to find something you can do). Introduce mandatory Id cards to all citizens, to allow easy tracking to ensure voting participation. All employers must validate all payrolls with these ids to ensure legal hiring processes. Audit all higher learning centers for financial expenditures, arrest/fine those artificially raising the cost so that education becomes cheaper. Offer/mandate a service program for ages 18 to 20. You don't have to be in the mil, but you will participate in a civil service. In return heavily finance/or completely pay for higher education for those that participate. Reinstate apprenticeship programs, enforce certification standards. Some people learn better on the job than in formal education and they need a road to success as well. Slightly raise minimum wage, use surplus/gain from lowered welfare, and clear tax code to pay down debt raising value of money people do get paid. Reinstate the inheritance tax. Give incentives to in country manufacturing, raise tariffs so they can compete locally. .. I have more, but I'm probably sounding pretty nuts and rustling Jimmies with what I've already written.

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