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7/23/2015 2:34:26 PM
Haha "sorry" doesn't help 77 million accounts being comprised lol its funny you can never have a intelligent debate on here cause little boys like you resort to name calling Haha it's so cute observing what less intelligent humans do to make themselves feel better xD can't wait for the next big sony hack so I can laugh in your face again, meanwhile you'll pull up more links that are 8 years old and try to use those xD meanwhile I brought evidence that was recent and relevant Haha "oh no a thousand people [i]might[/i] have had their info stolen back in 2008" lolol cool story meanwhile 77 million accounts [i]did[/i] have their info compromised in 2011. Lol you feel better about your tiny genitals after talking crap on a forum xD Sorry I shouldn't use such complicated words like "genitals".....*pssst* it means private parts x'D

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  • Yes because Microsoft has been beiing hacked since 2007. I can post more current links if you need me to, since using google is beyond you. Or are you that much of a fan boy that you refuse to even try and look up the truth about MIcroSoft? I have been trying to decide between XB1 and PS4 as my next gen console, which is why I actually took the time to research them both, instead of blindly buying a console because of they garbage they put out. Again Microsoft hides everything from the public, to prevent the bad things from putting them in a negitive light. While Sony has no problems coming out to the public with the truth, because they know even with the negative light people will still buy their console. Has Microsoft even released their sales numbers? Has Microsoft ever once told the public about any negative actions o their network? Answers are NO, because they are a pack of lying con artist that will take your money and lie to your face.

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  • [quote]MIcroSoft?[/quote] Also your panties are in such a bunch you spell so bad haha

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  • Lol you're trying so hard it's admirable but also very dumb xD I think you may be down syndrome or something cause you can't win the original argument so you're trying to complain about stuff I don't even care about lol trying to come up in here talking about sales numbers and crao Haha who said anything about sales numbers or any of that crap in my original post? Oh yeah, I didn't. Lol I think you're getting your online forum arguments mixed up Haha considering that's all you do when I look at your recent activity, just trying to argue on the forums so you can get some attention cause no one I'm your life cares about you xD (see I can bring up irrelevant topics as well) Haha git gud scrub

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  • Edited by lordvikagaming: 7/23/2015 3:11:51 PM
    My recent activity has been with you so what the hell are you talking about. Me bring up sales numbers was just a valid point that Microsoft is a shady, lying company that only cares how much money they can milk out of you. You have had no relitive argument against me expect posting long winded replys with 0 substance to them. You have yet to provide any valid proof against anything I have said, and repeated posted the same things, while trying to imply I have some kind of mental handicap. When you can actually provide proof that anything i have stated was wrong come talk to me. Also I have never once denied that the PSN was hacked, and even supported that statement, because I know it was true. All the while you have tried to say that XB live has never been hacked, so who is the one with nothing to prove your statements are even remotely true.

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  • [quote]You have had no relitive argument[/quote] Also you don't know how to spell relative wow lol go back to school

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  • Is that the best you got, pointing out 1 single incorrectly spelled word? You avoid everything and believe you have a valid argument when everything you have posted has 0 proof behind it. Everything you have said come from a biased opinion with 0 facts behind it. You bring up what happened to Sony 1 time, but when the mention of it happening to the Xbox you right away start throwing insults and refuse to see anything bad said about Xbox. Get some fact behind your statements, child because your ignorance is plain to see.

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  • Edited by forevergone: 7/23/2015 5:24:09 PM
    Also maybe you should give me proof that Microsoft tries to hide every single hacking incident, oh wait! You can't hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Take your own advice little boy and provide your own evidence. You claim xbox purposely hides all that stuff, well give me proof that they do. #scrublord

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  • Lol I provided several quotes from fact based websites unlike one of yours just from a random guy posting about his specific experience lolol you're just too down syndrome to read properly lol, It's a widely known fact all over the Internet that psn was compromised and 77 million accounts information was taken, and psn was down for a month. Maybe take your own advice and use Google, if you know how to spell properly that is. Haha

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  • What fact based sites? Also quotes can be altered, to be put in the direction you want them to. You have shown nothing at all to back up your claims. Everything I provided has been direct links to prove what I have been saying. It is widely known by everyone who is not brain washed, and yes I am talking about Xbox players that bought PlayStations as well that Microsoft has hidden times they were hacked, and people's personal information has been stolen. Microsft has even gone as far as to say it is impossible to hack their network but that was proven false as far back as 2007. You have no proof to anything you are trying to say, but again I have already admitted that the PSN has been hacked and the PSN was down for several months to make sure that it had more protection then it had in the past.

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  • And give me a direct quote from someone at Microsoft saying it's impossible for xbox live to get hacked, there you go being delusional trying to cram words down peoples mouths cause you're too insecure and unintelligent in real life to admit defeat when it's obvious

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  • Lol you just can't admit the fact I'm right it's hilarious, you're the one that has to come to me with proof, prove that xbox live is less secure than psn. The fact is the company with more accounts information being stolen is the less secure company lololol come on show me proof that xbox has had more than 77 million accounts jeopardized. Huh? Come on show me? What are you waiting for? Oh yeah you can't. Go ahead keep yelling delusions of grandeur. Makes you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic lol "they're hiding it man! I swear on my tin foil hat!" Git gud scrub

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  • Okay fan boy keep believe that crap coming from Microsoft, which is known to cover up and hide facts from the public. When has Microsoft ever come forward with the truth? They hide everything and that is a known fact, refuse to believe it if that what your closed mind needs to believe for you to sleep at night. Now you have been muted, for being a retarded window licking test tube baby that should have been aborted before you brought down the IQ of the entire world with your birth.

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  • Yay you admit defeat lolol

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  • Haha yay finally won lololol

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  • Lol Omg :'D you are mentally challenged, like you are an actual down syndrome idiot or fetal alcohol syndrome or something cause I've never seen someone say something so stupid. Here's an actual quote from my first original post, I dunno if you're dumb and blind or just dumb cause it clearly say that I acknowledge Microsoft getting hacked, just not as much as Sony/PSN. Please do not reproduce as you'll give you're retard gene to children. We don't need more people incapable of reading here. I was contemplating continuing to debate cause I have nothing better to do at the moment but you went full retard and my brain can't handle your stupidity. Haha sorry. (But seriously make your parents apologize for drinking while you were in the womb) [quote]I'll stick to whatever console that keeps my information out of hackers hands the most :) (not saying Microsoft hasn't had stuff hacked but never to extent Sony has)[/quote]

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  • Like I said, you have not provided any proof to back up your statements, beside start to insult me. I have shown you several links that was found on Google within seconds of searching for it. Which you have choosen to ignore, why? Because your such a fan boy you refuse to see the plain truth? Or are you just that stupid you believe everything Microsoft spoon feeds you? Microsoft has been hacked, way more then they ever release to the public, because they dont want the negative spot light to hurt Xbox sales since Xbox is the least sold console on the market as of right now. Again provide proof of your statements or go back to your parents basement.

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