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Edited by forevergone: 7/23/2015 1:54:39 PM
I like a console that doesn't put 77 million accounts in jeopardy because of hackers :'D The fact is both xbox and psn goes down but psn is always down more frequently and they can't protect from hackers stealing information to save their life lolol You don't see Microsoft getting hacked by some random person because of a little piece of media like a movie. ("The interview") The fact is if Sony can't even prevent it's own subsidiaries from getting hacked and having a bunch of private information stolen from like every employee in the building then how are they supposed to protect you whiny little gamers I'll stick to whatever console that keeps my information out of hackers hands the most :) (not saying Microsoft hasn't had stuff hacked but never to extent Sony has) So that's the bare truth, don't try to hop on my D screaming about lizard squad and other ddos hackers cause they aren't stealing info their just overloading servers with info to crash them or whatever, big difference.

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  • Really? My personal info was never stolen from PSn and never heard about that happening, since with psn you never needed to give personal info to play online. Not until PS4 came out did you need to pay anything to play online and you can buy cards for playstation plus, just like you can buy xb live cards. But what about when Xbox live got hacked and something like half the community got their info stolen? Does that not count?

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  • Your a moron go away

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  • okay butt hurt fan boy that cant take the idea his crap box isnt as good as he was lead to believe it was.

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  • "The 2011 PlayStation Network outage was the result of an "external intrusion" on Sony's PlayStation Network and Qriocity services, in which personal details from approximately 77 million accounts were compromised" Sorry I was wrong it was 77 million accounts xD but yeah it says right there...77 million accounts personal details were compromised lol I love when people don't research their shit before arguing xD

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  • I never said psn didnt go down, but that is 1 instance where it happened, but since PlayStation network was free at that time hardly anyoene had anything worth while stolen. No credit card info was required for PlayStation at that time. 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, and plenty of other times xb live has been hacked, and peoples info stolen. so 1 time vs multi times.

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  • And look here they even admitted that credit card info might have been stolen lololololololol On April 26 nearly a week after the outage, Sony confirmed that it "cannot rule out the possibility"[54] that personally identifiable information such as PlayStation Network account username, password, home address, and email address had been compromised. Sony also mentioned the possibility that credit card data was taken—after claiming that encryption had been placed on the databases, which would partially satisfy PCI Compliance for storing credit card information on a server.

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  • POssibility, not that it was 100% something that has happened. You see Sony has no problems facing the public and telling the truth. When has Microsoft ever told the truth about anything? They lie about how often they get hacked, they lie about their sales numbers. Nothing Microsoft ever says it true.

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  • Lol you're so butt hurt it's hilarious cause you know deep down I'm right lololol you take jabs at Microsoft like I care xD you think I have an allegiance to xbox? No I have loyalty to the company that has better protection so if a new game company started up and had better protection from hackers than Microsoft I'd easily go to them. But go ahead keep jabbing at xbox to make yourself feel better at night it doesn't bother me xD I look at your recent activity and that's all you do is sit on these forums arguing all day it's quite pitiful haha

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  • Doesn't mean people didn't put in credit card info to buy digital stuff :) but go on its interesting to see you crappily attempt to save you're argument. You still haven't proved my point wrong, if you actually read my post you would understand it basically said psn gets hacked [b]worse[/b] then xbl ever has. And that still stands true but go on keep sucking their tit lolol

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  • Provide me with a date of the hack and how many accounts were compromised and I'll listen, until then step off lol I love when people try to argue with no proof.

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  • 2007 Those are just a couple of things about XB live being hacked. Try using Google to see the truth, and stop hiding from it.

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  • 2007 2008 You want me to keep going because there are plenty more where that came from. Nothing is ever really safe from hackers, so if you were told XB live was never hacked, then you are being lied to by ignorant people who don't even know how to use Google

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  • Also the second link says "thousands" and "British" only....definitely no 77 million ;3

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  • in over 35 different counrties, try reading the entire post you -blam!-ing moron.

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  • OK so the first link says "rumors" and "some" accounts. Not hard fact and not 77 million accounts :3 it's funny cause you're actually propelling my argument cause at the end of my original post it said so.ething like "I know xbox gets hacked as well but not the such a great scale and extent as psn. But please keep confirming what I said xD

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  • because microsoft will never tell you the truth, or ever release the truth about how bad things really are. Microsoft thinks hiding the truth and covering it up, will just make the problems go away. Your just a retarded fanyboy. that will believe everything Microsoft tells you.

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  • Edited by forevergone: 7/23/2015 2:16:50 PM
    I like how you resort to name calling and swearing cause you can't win an argument lololol it's hilarious. And that link still only said "thousands" so lol whatever. It's funny you can't admit defeat cause you're too immature haha my point still stands true and strong Microsoft is better at protecting client information than Sony is lolol you haven't said anything to disprove that, come back and show me proof that over 77 million xbox live account information was taken and then you may have a point, until then your just further propelling my point. Multiple small scale times is better than one big one where everyone was exposed. That proves that Microsoft is more secure and isn't as crappy as psn letting their whole system get taken down for a month hahahahaha

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  • Can I help it if you are to stupid to see the truth right in front of your face. You are the kind of person that if someone told you the sky is blue you would argue its white because of the cloud. Keep believing the lies you are spoon fed, like the fan boy you are. While I will stay with the company that came out and said" we -blam!-ed up, we are sorry"

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  • Haha "sorry" doesn't help 77 million accounts being comprised lol its funny you can never have a intelligent debate on here cause little boys like you resort to name calling Haha it's so cute observing what less intelligent humans do to make themselves feel better xD can't wait for the next big sony hack so I can laugh in your face again, meanwhile you'll pull up more links that are 8 years old and try to use those xD meanwhile I brought evidence that was recent and relevant Haha "oh no a thousand people [i]might[/i] have had their info stolen back in 2008" lolol cool story meanwhile 77 million accounts [i]did[/i] have their info compromised in 2011. Lol you feel better about your tiny genitals after talking crap on a forum xD Sorry I shouldn't use such complicated words like "genitals".....*pssst* it means private parts x'D

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  • Yes because Microsoft has been beiing hacked since 2007. I can post more current links if you need me to, since using google is beyond you. Or are you that much of a fan boy that you refuse to even try and look up the truth about MIcroSoft? I have been trying to decide between XB1 and PS4 as my next gen console, which is why I actually took the time to research them both, instead of blindly buying a console because of they garbage they put out. Again Microsoft hides everything from the public, to prevent the bad things from putting them in a negitive light. While Sony has no problems coming out to the public with the truth, because they know even with the negative light people will still buy their console. Has Microsoft even released their sales numbers? Has Microsoft ever once told the public about any negative actions o their network? Answers are NO, because they are a pack of lying con artist that will take your money and lie to your face.

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  • [quote]MIcroSoft?[/quote] Also your panties are in such a bunch you spell so bad haha

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  • Lol you're trying so hard it's admirable but also very dumb xD I think you may be down syndrome or something cause you can't win the original argument so you're trying to complain about stuff I don't even care about lol trying to come up in here talking about sales numbers and crao Haha who said anything about sales numbers or any of that crap in my original post? Oh yeah, I didn't. Lol I think you're getting your online forum arguments mixed up Haha considering that's all you do when I look at your recent activity, just trying to argue on the forums so you can get some attention cause no one I'm your life cares about you xD (see I can bring up irrelevant topics as well) Haha git gud scrub

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  • Edited by lordvikagaming: 7/23/2015 3:11:51 PM
    My recent activity has been with you so what the hell are you talking about. Me bring up sales numbers was just a valid point that Microsoft is a shady, lying company that only cares how much money they can milk out of you. You have had no relitive argument against me expect posting long winded replys with 0 substance to them. You have yet to provide any valid proof against anything I have said, and repeated posted the same things, while trying to imply I have some kind of mental handicap. When you can actually provide proof that anything i have stated was wrong come talk to me. Also I have never once denied that the PSN was hacked, and even supported that statement, because I know it was true. All the while you have tried to say that XB live has never been hacked, so who is the one with nothing to prove your statements are even remotely true.

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  • [quote]You have had no relitive argument[/quote] Also you don't know how to spell relative wow lol go back to school

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  • Is that the best you got, pointing out 1 single incorrectly spelled word? You avoid everything and believe you have a valid argument when everything you have posted has 0 proof behind it. Everything you have said come from a biased opinion with 0 facts behind it. You bring up what happened to Sony 1 time, but when the mention of it happening to the Xbox you right away start throwing insults and refuse to see anything bad said about Xbox. Get some fact behind your statements, child because your ignorance is plain to see.

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