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7/22/2015 1:21:34 PM

Can someone do something

So here's the deal. Besides the Thorn and The Last Word being WAAAYYYY too OP, like shotguns, PVP is broken. I play a game of Elimination, my favorite game mode, and get matched with a bunch of tea-bagging 34s, and as teammates a 25 and a 28 who don't know what reviving is. If they actually revived me, we would have won at least two more rounds, or the whole mat ch. It's unenjoyable when you are with noobs vs tea-bagging tryhards. What I am saying is please make it so that a 34 will NOT be screwed by having noobs who are still below level 30. I've been getting better at Destiny but getting matched with people who would call you crazy if you told them about everything they don't. I don't want to be matched with people trying to be the next TripleWRECK, but I don't want n00bs. Make it so that people close to my light level get matched with me, not people who will be intrigued if you told them eating pie is a game mechanic. (That should happen tho)

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