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Edited by Jonn Terry: 7/22/2015 12:49:09 PM
Montage with HC and machine guns , neither take any skill to use , now if you would of used sniper only then I wouldn't of stopped watching after a few seconds it's a different game but my BF4 ones from ages ago are much better there's no editing skills either sorry to be blunt but it's not that good

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  • Also, your KD is barely over 1, I don't think you really know much about Destiny PvP lol

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  • Since when has KD got anything to do with montages , not that it means anything in destiny anyway , but yours isn't exactly world breaking , if I want to try hard I'll do scrims in crucible I use sniper only it's called having fun , your montage still is nothing to shout about , can't see you getting in Faze with that

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  • "I like to have fun" "Your montage is shit cause I watched 4 seconds and it didn't have trickshots" ok man whatever. I hope we meet in the crucible some day

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  • Trick shots , lol wait jumping off a building and button mashing is what you call good , kid you are messed up , hope to see me in the crucible what are you 10 , if I see you I'll blah blah blah , your funny ,

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  • Aren't trickshots what you wanted? You play 4 year old kid games like titanfall, CoD and Battlefield right? I sent you a friend request. I'll play you in any playlist you want. You're really good, you'll win right?

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  • Trick shots are jumping off buildings and doing 360 etc while weapon cancelling, titanfall has more movement than destiny with less aim assist and BF4 have you even tried sniping on that game you fool and I didn't go in the forums with a thread insane montage , I made them nearly a year ago Your are full retard

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  • I don't even know where to begin man... I never said that I wanted to see trickshots, that was written in quotation marks implying that it was what you were saying about my montage, because you complained about there not being any sniper clips (despite the fact several of them are sniper clips). It hurts to see your frying your single brain cell trying to comprehend what is going on here, it really does. Also, this isn't a recent post, this post is months old. I have collected so many better clips than this from when this was posted. I can guarantee you couldn't do anything nearly as good as what my year one montage will be even if you were given a life time. Now, either add me and we can play against each other so that you can be put in your place, or just -blam!- right off from this post.

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  • Salty Squeaker Adios

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  • cya m8

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  • Bringing kd? Into the argument lol k

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  • Few things. Firstly, you are a dickhead for saying it's shit after watching literally 1 clip. Secondly I used a sniper in more than half of the clips. Thirdly, a sniper only montage gets boring really fast, so I used some other things to slightly break the monotony. And finally I know the editing (or lack of) sucks, I threw this together in about half an hour on windows movie maker, I wasn't trying to make it look amazing, just to show off some gameplay. Wait till I upload my year one montage, That will have much higher clip quality, much better sniping and not terrible editing (editing still won't be amazing because It's just not my thing, but I have spent 15 hours editing it so far).

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  • Edited by Jonn Terry: 7/22/2015 1:29:16 PM
    Not if the sniper are actual feeds and not just one shots, plus try using different editing methods your clips don't even transition and the song really for one minute I thought I was watching Glee but what do I know my KD being so low lol

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  • Wait till my year one montage comes out man, then try to talk shit. This was just 5 days of playing. because you are much better than me please add me and we will play against each other so you can show me how to actually play.

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  • Edited by Jonn Terry: 7/22/2015 1:58:18 PM
    No room for squeakers on my FL kid , you have to be over 18 sorry , it should be world class after playing a god damn year my montages that you say we're shit each montage were clips from a night playing BF for about 8 hrs for each montage and it didn't take 15 hours to edit did you do it on your phone lol

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  • Lol dickhead this montage didn't take 15 hours to edit, it took 5 minutes. I said my year one montage has been edited for 15 hours, and I didn't watch your shitty montages lol. Holy shit man you need to improve your reading comprehension. And I'm 20 btw, I'm not a sqeaker.

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  • Bored now have a nice day squeaker

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